[BUG] When are Strikers getting fixed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MykeMichail, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. MykeMichail

    So the Striker is essentially a lock-on Decimator when it comes to damage.

    The drawback of this weapon is SUPPOSED to be that you have to maintain lock on your target to get that full damage.

    The problem is, that this simply isn't true.

    I don't know how many times I've been locked on to by a Striker, gotten my vehicle into cover, and continued to get hit even after being in cover.

    You can even get your lock on with the striker, then duck back into cover and continue to hit your target.

    Adding to that the fact that flares rarely break the lock on ALL missiles, but just the first one, and you end up with a very bugged weapon which is overpowered due to this bug.

    So when is the Striker being fixed so that:

    a) when the user loses line of sight of the target, all missiles lose their lock and fall out of the sky.
    b) when the target uses flares, all missiles lose their lock and fall out of the sky
    c) striker missiles do no avoid terrain (because if a is true, there's no reason for them to)

    This will finally be a balanced weapon instead of its current "shoot from behind cover, terrain avoiding, follow you through canyons with Annihilator precision and Decimator damage" state.
  2. Lafladitu

    check the PTS patch notes :)
  3. Vixxing

    Dont be silly! Decimator 2000 damage, Striker 2500 (offcourse TR lockon-launchers should do MORE damage than dumbfires its only for all other empires it should be the other way around!)
  4. Swoo

    I honestly don't see what the big change is going to be. The missiles now will not phase through terrain, but it will still avoid terrain, and they can still acquire a lock, take cover, and then fire. And if I read it right, the trajectory of missiles has been improved so they will perform better in flight.
  5. gloowa

    in essence, rocket's will now fly around rather then trough the hills, and still hit you every goddamn time.
  6. IamDH
