When air disrespects AA turrets

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DJPenguin, May 6, 2014.

  1. DJPenguin

    and gets away with it something needs to change. This really is a joke. AA is no longer deterrent status.

    http://www.twitch.tv/ gloriousdjpenguin/c/4205528
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  2. LibertyRevolution

    #1) Flak doesn't burst on close targets.
    #2) That lib hit fire suppression.
    #3) That turret costs no resources and can be infinitely repaired.

    One person, spending no resources, should not be able to kill a 3 person, resource costing, cooldown timered, vehicle...
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  3. DJPenguin

    Explain why AT turrets work just fine against ground vehicles then? They're not only a deterrent, they will destroy what they hit. And i'm not even asking for AA turrets to decimate air. No lib pilot should want or be able to get in the face of a turret like that, continue to take that much sustained fire and waltz out just fine.
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  4. Cougarbrit

    Edit: Misread :s
  5. DJPenguin

    i meant stationary/base AT turrets but yeah.
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  6. Cougarbrit

    Yeah I noticed right after I posted :z
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  7. Gundem

    AV Turrets actually are limited in range.

    Plus, my 2/2 AV-AT MBT has no trouble taking out a single AV Turret.

    While at the same time, a single AA Turret brings hell to my Liberator from +600 meters.
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  8. DJPenguin

    no doubt. when you're actively trying to destroy it. and if you were to stay in clear sight and range without shooting the thing you're probably a goner. Pilots get a free pass on doing stupid **** though.
  9. LibertyRevolution

    You are joking right? An AV turret will not kill a tank alone unless it is abandoned.
    Do you understand that flak does not burst at close range?? That is why you couldnt kill him..
    If he was 50m away you would have had him smoking...
  10. GaBeRock

    With TB nerfs, aa turrets kill libs at close range way faster than libs can kill them.
    Themkore you know...
  11. FaLI3N

    No they aren't. On the double xp weekend I was sniping vehicles with them from render range and killed a lot of them, especially because they weren't expecting to be hit from them from that angle. They have quite a bit of drop but like anything else that can be compensated for. I killed 4 liberators, 5 MBTs, 3 sundies and 8 lightnings before they pulled a scythe to fly behind my turret to deal with me.
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  12. Phyr

    The AA turret should be the primary air defence at a base, otherwise there's no point to them. Most of the time it's used until it's destroyed, then ignored for the rest of the battle.
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  13. Tommyp2006

    I think a good start to improving phalanx turrets would be to increase the time until overheat. They don't seem like they can put out even the damage of a dual burster max before overheating.
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  14. GhostAvatar

    I am still waiting for someone to put up a AA turret montage. I am more likely to see Hossin first than that.

    But they really need to buff the damage for AA at such close ranges. Does AA even have damage fall off?

    Phalanx AV turrets have a far more effective range than AA turrets, thats for sure. In fact they are almost identical to a Vanguards HEAT round. Which is strange considering they are used against a slower moving ground unit, compared to a highly mobile air unit.
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  15. HerpTheDerp

    I remember I was once on a tower AA turret and a gunship came out to play. He didn't have a gunner, he flew straight at me and we were just shooting each other in the face. He won, wasn't even burning afterwards. That was before lib changes.
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  16. zaspacer

    With this design philosophy, a 12 person Sunderer should be able to park safely in front of an active Base AV Turret indefinitely.
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  17. Fang7.62

    Its the traditional BS the libwh*res pull in every thread, dont mind it lol.
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  18. Bl4ckVoid

    Yeah, the flash should not be killable either then. It is a resource costing cooldown timered, 2 person vehicle. How dare anyone destroy it by a SINGLE lock-on missile?

    Your argument is totally invalid, everything should have a counter. The lib does not have one, except for another lib.
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  19. DJPenguin

    History repeats itself, if you can recall people defending libs in 2012. Something will happen sooner or later.
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  20. DrPapaPenguin


    Because ground units can field repair by engies, and because they have much more cover on the ground they can use than air units in the sky.

    Also ground units are much more prevalent and dangerous even in stock configuration than air units. Try flying a stock lib and see how far you make it.