When a "Meat Space" event interrupts you...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sulsa, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. Sulsa

    ...what strategies do you use to stay in the game?
    Stay safe?
    Even collect passive XP?

    I found a new one last night:
    Engi riding a 75% certed Scout Radar Flash. Parked in a pit near a full spawn of TR and made absolute bank while VS spawn-camped and I talked to my son about some of the Olympics.
    • Up x 1
  2. Cirevam

    Usually I just hit Redeploy if I'm on foot so I stay out of the fight. If I'm in a vehicle I transfer control to someone else and find a passenger seat. I don't feel like I should be getting XP if I'm AFK, but I don't want to log out and mess up the alert bonus at the same time.
  3. Roland2TowerCame

    scout radar flash - brilliant idea!
  4. deggy

    Autorun at Warpgate to refill my heavily taxed resource pool.
  5. Pikachu

    I go to some safe base and put a game pad on the 'c' or 'space' key. :D