What's your 'nope'?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpaceKing, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. MaCritz

  2. KnightCole

    Nope the hell outta there?

    Hmm, Tanks, ZoE, Max in general, Zergs....
  3. Nephera

    zoe maxes
  4. MaCritz

    I bang chicks.. They seem to dig mumbly macro programs.. ;)
  5. MuchachoBob

    Pretty much any tank while I'm driving my flash.

    Once I rolled down what felt like the biggest hill of amerish while avoiding a Magrider.
  6. Larolyn

    Lockdown AP Prowler with a Halberd, 2 gunners who can aim and too far away for me to close the distance with my Vanguard. I would like to nope but if those guys know what they are doing it's lights out.

    ZOEs are meh. AV nades are OP.
  7. CaptainYamerica

    nobody... even if I die, I'm putting bullets in your butt. And hopefully my squadmates will finish you off if I don't.
  8. BraSS

    If grenade physics worked properly and the purple lobsters didnt decide to walk away from the red flashing light, AV nades would be viable. My nope is ZOE comet max, pretty much 0sec ttk at any range.
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  9. DramaticExit

    ZOE maxes.

    All aboard the nope train to F*thisS*ville.
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  10. Frazzle

    You spelled micro wrong. Someday you will realize they are not laughing with you.
  11. Morti

    ZoE max when I'm on an infantry class with no C4.

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  12. Astriania

    Maxes when infantry
    Any vehicle when infiltrator
    Harassers always (they're still OP)
  13. Cougarbrit

    ZOE MAXs basically.

    ZOE AI when I'm infantry/MAX.
    ZOE AA when I'm air.
    ZOE AV when I'm not in an ESF.

    I still try to kill them even though they reduce me to a constant stream of swearwords and nopes. Because there is no running from ZOE MAXs as infantry, and if they're left alive as air/vehicle then you either give up all fun in this hex or kill them.
  14. MaxDamage

    ZOE comets.
    Lightning with Vipers.
    Magriders with a gunner.
  15. Canno

    I play TR infiltrator a lot so:

    Pretty much either max but I'm more likely to run from an NC max, because I might get away. Zoe I just hit it with whatever I can and die.

    Vehicles I don't worry much about, either they can get me or can't. Planes are much more of an issue than ground vehicles since I can generally put distance between me and the ground vehicle while they turn.
  16. Kugelfisch

    Hm...besides really big forces and me being alone? Nothing, really. Death is meaningless in Planetside.
  17. Zombekas

    Whenever I nope, I then flank and yep.
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  18. CrashB111

    Unless I am in my MAX suit or Prowler, if I see a ZOE I just turn the **** around.

    I refuse to feed the noob train their certs.
  19. Campagne

    You see an enemy, and you wander over to blast him. But then you see he has 10 teammates behind him, and you just nope the hell out of there. Let someone else deal with another mini-zerg, just walk away slowly and hope they don't notice you.
  20. WyrdHarper

    Log onto a global alert (which have become absurdly common) and see that none of the leaderchat regulars are on.
    (Especially when I'm on for ~5 minutes and we lose 2 of the facilities while a platoon is at a non-objective facility two hexes away).