Whats up with the Railjack?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DragenoidHighLord, May 2, 2016.

  1. DragenoidHighLord

    I am not a good sniper in any way or a good shooter in general but to me NC Railjack is pretty straight forward and easy to use rifle and before purchasing it with my first 1000 certs i have looked at some details of it and i was not suprised when i bought it so i eventually bought it and it was pretty good like the VR given and so far i found a few curious things allong the way that this weapon carries a spmewhat of a reputation (in one of the videos made by ReNz0r ) Note: I done my homework before i bought the Rj
    Similar happend to me with a random player(It was very random) but i would like to know what is the guns reputation and what do you guys think of it(purely for due to my curiosity and satire) as in do you hate it love it ?
    In my personal experiance i have found a few times missing perfect shots due to overestimating its own power since i am still fresh on the sniper field.
    So guys nothing in means of offence this is a just a threead about talking about the Railjack because that video made me wonder what is the public look of it.
  2. ThreePi

    Its a bad and dumb weapon. Extreme range sniping is about the most useless role in this game. It does next to nothing to contribute to actual battles since you will never be effective enough to make any significant impact.

    At any ranges to be actually useful in a battle, every other BASR is a better choice.
  3. DragenoidHighLord

    In all fairness you are probably very right on that i see what you mean it is true still see Rj as a just another sniper rifle and is good at doing what its intended-taking out dug in enemies.I bought it since snipping for me would be very hard in general and i used the starter sniper,well lets just say i had tons of missed shots due to big drop of rounds but Rj allows less adjustment and easier aiming in general.I could be alone on this but i don't do litteral extreme range you imply Rj is for,i use it in the context i take out the stationary defenders,flanked attackers etc.
  4. _itg

    It's not a bad weapon per se. It's just worse than the Longshot in virtually every situation. Putting up with the trigger delay simply isn't worth it for the extra velocity, to say nothing of the terrible RoF and small magazine. It's a common myth that you can use the delay to your advantage, but that's simply wrong. Anything you could do with the delay, you could do by waiting 0.2 seconds before firing. The difference is, without the delay, it's under your control. In practice, with the Railjack, you'll miss a fair number of shots because the target changed directions or started moving during the trigger delay.

    The one case where you would want the Railjack is when sniping beyond 300m, because it has a better OHK range than any other sniper. That's not something you should do very often, though.
    • Up x 1
  5. orangejedi829

    Railjack needs some serious re-imagining. It serves no role as it is, being a downgrade in basically every way to the Longshot.
    I even took the time to learn the trigger delay and correct my aim / dragshot with the Railjack, but the 800m/s is not that much faster than the Longshot's 650 that it makes much of a difference. That is, at most sniping distances, even if you place your crosshair on the enemy at the moment the round is fired, they can still literally walk out of the way of the bullet in the time it takes to get there.
    So the Railjack has no point, no purpose, no niche, not even a gimmick like the Phaseshift's heat mechanic.

    So what to do with the Railjack? Personally, I would love it to be a OHK bodyshot weapon, with a huge rechamber time - 5s or more, and a huge CoF penalty if you aren't stationary while firing. Then it would be a unique and cool weapon. Sadly, I'm sure the devs are too chicken to actually implement a radical thing like this.
  6. Campagne

    Personally, I hate the Railjack. The delay messes me up very often, and causes what should have been easy kills to miss. When I'm fighting other skilled snipers, half the time the only thing I can do with it is avoid their crosshairs and continue to pick off other targets, due to the delay. The Longshot is just a flat upgrade in most every practical sense.

    For beginner snipers, I can see the allure of the rifle, but in practice I find it really limits one's skill development. One simply wouldn't learn to account for drop as well as if they were using another rifle, nor lead appropriately, nor fire quick "snapshots." Though, if one were to only ever use the Railjack, I suppose that wouldn't be a huge problem.
  7. asmodraxus

    Try using the phasexcrement before calling the railjack bad.

    Yes it's worse then the tier3 sniper rifles but it's still better than the semi autos something the vs empire specific sniper fails to do.
  8. DragenoidHighLord

    As far as i know,leading targets with the Railjack is the easiest way,in that it does it better then other snipers.Im not saying other snipers suck,i am saying the railjack works for my way of gameplay since i know next to nothing about bullet velocity and the Railjack makes it easier,it may suck to you but to me its good enough to get me kills.
  9. natowpnzor

    My question, when I first discovered this,was why in the hell would you put a chamber time on a sniper rifle? It's supposed to be so 'advanced' with it's special coil an such, but by the time you fire at someone near 250 meters, they would've moved. I then thought, "Well, the Longshot must be a better rifle, lower damage and such but at least my bullet would at least touch the guy, oh wait, 1.5 chamber time...welp, guess I'm not long-range sniping anymore."