what's up with all the "there is no hacking in this game L2P" ?????

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Inzababa, Feb 12, 2013.

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  1. Iksniljiksul

    You should see what just happened on Helios right now. [EXE] capping bases left and right with the aid of brand new cheater accounts. Had one land right in front of me fresh out of the box, BR1, in 15 seconds he was BR4 speeding around with his aimbot. Multiple reports all night long, yet with no GM presence there is pretty much no point. He'll just be back again and again. What fun is there iHacker187 in playing a game this way? What fun is there in playing along side of someone you know is cheating and allowing you to get captures you might have lost otherwise? What am I supposed to do, try TKing him over and over until I get a weapons lock? It would not change anything. This game is toast if they can't move things server side. This has to stop and quickly.
  2. Codek

    That's the problem with obvious hackers as opposed to subtle ones. Guys wanting an unfair advantage stick to subtle ones to reduce the risk of getting caught (or have a stronger case when denying accusations of hacking). Obvious hackers tend to be griefers who for the most part just want to ruin the fun of everyone else.

    In the afterdays of PS1 we had a lot of these griefer hackers. One of these could empty a continent in minutes as CSR responses were so slow people just ragequitted in disgust. No idea why they felt obligated to ruin an already dying game. Maybe they just hated SOE enough to want to make them fail.
  3. Nonsensei436

    Ive seen people deny that there are any hackers in PS2 on these boards. Then when obvious video evidence is posted, those same people accuse the poster of doctoring the footage. Thats not a reasonable reaction to too many people crying wolf. Thats cheaters trying to protect their cheating in the court of public discourse.
  4. Kurreah

    Could you point those threads out to me please?
    I've been reading these threads for a while, but have yet to see anyone making that claim.
  5. Vachek

    Two reasons generally, as already pointed out the cry wolf effect, people yell hacker whenever someone gets a good kill or does something outside the box. The other being the epeeners, that think its cool to call someone bad for their own ego whether they know about hacking or not.
  6. Taiji

    I'd be surprised if this thread didn't turn out to be PR for an idiot-friendly hack-site.
  7. Codek

    Good! More script kiddie sites to shut down/idiot posters to ban.
  8. xThundergodx

    Watch this video and do it fast because last time it was posted they took it off the forum rather fast:

    I can tell you this much: i have seen a few hackers on Helios but i can only spot the really obvious ones (aim botting, speed hacking, warping and stuff that you know 100% sure the guy is cheating) on the other hand i cannot with 100% certain tell if someone is using the 0% recoil he shows on the video, or the spotting hack or even the underground walk as long as whoever is using it does it right (if they just use it to move around and pop inside a bio lab in an area without anyone they got an advantage just by getting in and you could never tell). Bottom like is hacking is far more common than we actually think it is, but it is hard and near impossible to spot those that use more subtle hacks, this game seriously needs a dedicated team working 24/7 on catching those people, the only reason i can think of for us not having staff doing that is because it costs money and SOE either cant or dont want to afford it.
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  9. Chav

    I get deliberately TKed quite regularly, usually after ripping through 4 to 8 enemies camping an objective - it's simply paranoia and having no idea how to play at close quarters (I've got a high rof, high sensitivity and I'm always moving. If I spot you within 20 meters and you don't move at all but instead take pot shots at me, you're gonna get dropped in under a second every time.

    Yep, I've taken up bragging because this cry baby mentality is derived from lack of knowldge more than anything else - until you are willing to learn how to play at CQ, **** and L2P and stop TKing me.

    In my day you absolutely needed a high sensitivity on your mouse and some serious strafing skills (there were no scopes or iron-sights) to just survive for more than a few seconds. Go play Quake Live for 5 minutes (very fast browser fps game - only takes a few minutes to install) and see how long you last camping and taking pot shots.

    Actual hackers are rare and have become a lot rarer since the last patch. In fact I haven't come across a single one since the beginning of february.
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  10. Quiiliitiila

    I report anyone that seems suspicious, funny blinking juttering characters that preform fine in combat (looks like lag, but doesn't behave like it), Snipers head shotting me while I'm doing 50-60ish on a flash, missiles that 1-shot my lightnings and mags. You know, stuff like that.

    Sometimes if it just seems like: W.T.F.? I'll report it. If the player was legit, they've got nothing to worry about. If not, then you've helped "catch" a hacker!
  11. ent|ty

    Some of them probably are shills, paid to post and apologize for the inadequacies of the game. Others are just straight up fanboiz, who self-appoint themselves as SOE spokespersons.

    I've observed at least 1 cheater per play session. Like blatantly obvious - seen no-clipping, or speeding/teleporting across large distances (the teleport effect is from them covering large distances and your client not updating as fast, so you only see the intermittent positions), or straight up common wallhacking (such as spotting you or someone else thru a wall - by habit, and it gives them away).

    When people say "well I haven't seen them", that has nothing to do with the reality. It just means they didn't see them, doesn't mean they weren't present and operating.

    The older, more seasoned gamer that you are, you can tell instinctively between a good player (who still makes mistakes, and CAN be tricked/flanked), to someone straight out cheating (never makes mistakes/never misses/never can be flanked/always shoots around the right corner, but not the wrong, etc). Though not 100% accurate all the time, I've been right most times. Even some cheaters that were not so obvious, but I suspected they did, making me doubt myself, only admitted in the end when we confronted them with the Punkbuster screenshots and info.

    Also the math would support it. If only 1% of players used cheats of any sort, with the numbers of players one may see on a PS2 server on a day... how many cheaters is that? LOTS.
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  12. VoidMagic

    ^ If I had a dime for every hacusation either to me or a friend I'd be a rich man.
  13. Inzababa

    exactly . . .
  14. Eleo

    Yeah we're as much paid by SOE to pretend that there is no hacking, that you are paid by EA to pretend that the game is filled with hacks.

    Yeah, the math will support any number pulled out of your ***.
  15. Inzababa

    that's all I needed to know LOL
  16. Eleo

    So because I dare to pretend that the game isnt as much filled by hacks as you want it to be, whatever I say will be invalid, Interesting.
  17. Inzababa

  18. }{ellKnight

    Is there hacking in PS2? Is it as bad as some people make it out to be? Hell no. Met a grand total of 2 speedhackers and 2 aimbotters since I started playing.
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  19. RadarX

    Closing those up. As a reminder, the forums is not the best avenue to report cheating. Please utilize the /report function or the SOE Support site.
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