What's the point of the Gauss SAW S?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by TheUprising, May 9, 2013.

  1. TheUprising

    I see ppl praising it after the buff, but statistically it just looks like a TMG after having been hit with the nerf bat 4-5 times. It just looks like a bad gun...
  2. Casterbridge

    I like the Saw S. It's a good all around weapon, good accuracy, decent at long range or close range, nice assortment of attachments, decent reload speed, decent magazine size.

    It's may not excel at anyone thing, but flip side isn't really bad at anything either.

    Also I thought the TMG was considered to be a real good TR weapon?
  3. Bill Hicks

    A decent gun overshadowed by the Em6
  4. Jogido

    honestly, the best thing to do is to actually use it.

    it's versatile... with the different attachments you can tailor it to be good at close/medium ranges or long ranges.
  5. AssaultPig

    it basically is the TMG-50. It has slightly more first shot recoil, but probably not enough that you'd ever notice (1.65 for the SAW S vs 1.5 for the TMG.) It can fit a wider variety of attachments too.

    It doesn't get the love the TMG gets because NC get the stock SAW for free, but the SAW S is a pretty nice alternative if you're willing to sacrifice a bit of long range power for CQC utility.
  6. ladiesop

    SAW S is actually the EM6 S.

    It's also the highest bullet velocity LMG the NC has, excluding the NS weapon.

    Did the first shot recoil change recently? I'm sure it was 1.5 before, but it seems to show as 1.65 now.
  7. ThundaHawkPS

    TMG50 has superior recoil recovery making it better at mid-long

    Saw S can equip soft point ammunition paired with a good base velocity
  8. YesNoMaybe

    Nah it was always 1.65, the same as the NC6 Gauss Saw.
    The 2 with 1.5 were the GD-22S and EM6. But the GD-22S is the only one now.
  9. demoylition

    I regret buying it. I have soft point, grip, and compensator, but it is terrible. It is only decent at midrange and sucks st everything else. Considering the superior dps of the numerous guns with lower recoil, it very uncompetitive.
  10. Fang7.62

    Its a cheap way for NC HA's to get more standart LMG if they dont like the SAW. EM6 performs almost exactly the same but costs 1000 certs, this costs 250. So i picked it up for fun and cant complain, has almost no side-to-side recoil, straight up. Decent RoF, 167 dmg, good range of attachments and not bad mag capacity. It should be the starting NC HA weapon and the default SAW should be unlockable.
  11. Hibiki54

    The GD-22S and Anchor completely overshadow the Gauss SAW S, despite the lower mag capacity.

    I have Auraxium on both the GD and Anchor and I prefer the Anchor above all NC LMGs for it's excellent CQC and hip-fire ability.
  12. TheUprising

    So your argument is that its cheaper than the EM6..... And I thought the EM6 was 500 certs?

    Also, the cheaper standard LMG alternative to the SAW is the GD-22S, which is 150 certs cheaper than the SAW S and probably several times more competitive.
  13. Fang7.62

    Sorry, didnt check the price, I though it was 1000 like almost every wep, GD-22S is more of a assault rifle. I like my LMGs with proper magazines so I dont have to be a CoD like derp reload-after-firing-three-shots-and-run-like-hell. I agree that its somewhat redundant, but there are more important problems in the game rather then setting two NC LMGs apart by more changes.

    So lets sum it up, according to the wiki.
    RPM: EM6 has 23 more
    Velocity: SAW S has 45 more
    Reload: SAW S has both fast and slow reloads faster by roughly 0.4s
    Dmg,ranges: identical
    Mag size: EM6 has 25 more
    Ammo pool: EM6 has 100 more
    Accuracy, bloom: identical
    Attachments: SAW S has acces to SPA

    So with EM6 you get slightly bigger RoF and more ammo. Gaus SAW S has slightly more velocity, faster reloads and soft point ammo, costs less.

    Thats it. I dont see any ground breaking difference between them and because I cant never get enough certs even with membership because I cert too much stuff at the same time, I naturally picked the cheaper one and I'm happy with it and consider it a good sidegrade, though I still like the default SAW most.
  14. RX530SS

    Em6 costs 500 certs.
  15. TheUprising

    Hmm so it looks like a TMG that has slightly higher first shot recoil and doesn't have access to a double forward grip, and in exchange it gets SPA? Meh not sure if its worth the tradeoff.
  16. TheBloodEagle

    Are you saying a very versatile weapon isn't worth anything?
  17. Badname82

    I loved it. My first àux medal.

    SPA with high velocity is great together. I feel it is stronger than the em6 since that got a slight nerf. It is a more controllable saw with faster reload at the expense of 200 damage per shot. Plus it is cheap in certs.

    If you have an aux with the SAW or EM6 and want to mix things up try it.
  18. Liquid23

    all the -S weapons are the same... they are slightly worse versions of the base gun but have the bonus of versatility in the attachments they offer...
  19. Fang7.62

    Liquid23: This is not exactly the case for Gauss SAW S vs Gauss SAW, they're a bit more different as the SAW is unique lmg. Other than that, you're right :)
  20. lilleAllan

    No experience with the SAW S but high bullet velocity is one of the most underrated weapon traits on these forums.