What's the point of refusing a revive?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DarkStarAnubis, Aug 20, 2017.

  1. DarkStarAnubis

    I do not see it... I am dead and I get a revive option:

    If I say NO i stay dead, doing nothing for my faction/team and (for the KDR-obsessed people) my numbers are now a tad worse.

    If I say YES i am back into action and (for the KDR-obsessed people) my numbers are good as before. Obviously I am die immediately after and that would bring me back to the original situation so I have lost nothing in trying.
  2. Tankalishious

    Because any decent player will know he overextended and spawn right into a useless carnage where he get chopped down the second he accepts?

    Or, he wants to redeploy anyways?
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  3. DarkStarAnubis

    If it is a carnage no decent medic will have either the time or the chance to revive him...

    Taking the obvious out of the scenario, why refuse a revive?
  4. TheSunlikeOne

    Some of the reasons are:
    - The player doesn't want to feed enemies with frags/XP
    - Doesn't want to wait another ~10 seconds to respawn, if he dies right after accepting the revive
    - Sees no point to fight at this base anymore
    - Wants at change classes
    - Wants to spawn in a vehicle
    - There is a KD stat, that doesn't include revives into consideration (shown in recursion stat tracker)
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  5. Campagne

    Revive grenades.

    Medic doesn't have to even see you to revive you at half health. Just perfect for anyone any around looking for a free kill.
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  6. The Rogue Wolf

    You can almost hear me drool in anticipation when a revive grenade drops on a bunch of dead enemies in front of my fully-reloaded weapon.
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  7. Iridar51

    Most medics aren't decent, they're average zerglings running around with no sense of direction and linear thinking of "hurr durr corpse must revive corpse hurr durr".

    Taking the obvious of the scenario, there is no reason to refuse a revive. There are a ton of obvious reasons, though.
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  8. DarkStarAnubis

    I like most Iridar's answer about the Medics.

    But basically yes, I got it. There are no reason no refuse except when the player does not want to fight in that context/class/weapon loadout/... anymore
  9. Ziggurat8

    How can you tell they refused? You mean if they just disappear instead of standing up?

    C4. Cant be bothered to revive if my C4 is spent. 8P

    I'm kidding. Sort of. But yeah, its cause I want more goodies or a different class. I could care less if I get killed again again and again. All my stats only reflect the 1 death. Better to be revived 6 times if I can get just 1 more kill before respawning. Plus you get to practice the art of revive dancing, there's skill in accepting a rez in a **** situation but getting away clean.
  10. Demigan

    If you know you are going to die the moment you accept, your refusal means you dont have to wait to spawn a second time.

    You can also use this as the perfect opportunity to change classes, or refill ammo and such if you ran out, or spawn at the next area, or defend your Sunderer, or go attack from another angle on a spawnbeacon or altetnative spawn that may or may not be almost deployed etc etc.
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  11. ZDarkShadowsZ

    I don't want to get up off the floor in a group of enemies. It isn't a nice feeling. It doesn't accomplish anything. It doesn't make the situation better. All it does is provide my enemy with a +1 kill on their weapon.

    It is up to the medic to decide what is a good time to pick somebody up or not, it is their decision whether or not they want to spend the time reviving me in a hopeless situation. While I commend their effort and I apologise for wasting their time, I refuse to be a vegetable in a farm.

    It may not 'hurt to try' getting up off the floor, I can agree on that, but not every situation helps the team. Accepting a revive in a hopeless situation does not always help. What can help is refusing that revive and returning to a previous spawn to mount a better attack/defence.

    There have been numerous times where I've killed an enemy and the medic, instead of deciding whether it was safe for them to revive their fallen teammate, will simply revive them regardless. Not all medics care whether or not you live or die, they care if you accept to provide them with revive XP and a contribution towards their certs and revive ribbons. While not all medics are like this, there are many situations where players who do not usually play medic will do so because of the farm provided not just by the enemy, but by being able to farm certs from healing and reviving. A good example of this are biolabs.

    Whenever a person sees somebody being revived, chances are they will wait for them to get up off the floor so they can kill them all over again. I've done it, others have done it, many players continue to do it. It's a free kill, free XP, free cert contribution and a +1 to my weapon kills. In situations such as that the medic is either revive farming or they're just having their time wasted. In a situation like that the best option is for the player being revived to move on and respawn elsewhere, being revived in a situation like that is meaningless.
  12. Liewec123

    i'm dead and there are a bunch of zerglings in sight of my body,
    in 2 seconds i can rez a short distance away with full hp, shields, ammo, nades, deployables and in safety,
    why the heck would i accept the revive? so i can instantly die and then need to wait for the death counter again?

    if its safe and practical to revive, ofcourse i'll revive,
    but quite a lot of the time, rezzing at the sundy/spawn room is the better option.
  13. Nilithium

    I never turn down a revive as MAX. I praise then lords above when someone picks me up and allows me to escape with my 450 Nanites' worth of resources. The only time I turned it down and attempted to redeploy created a VERY interesting bug where I had the Drifter Jumpjets and AF-13 Mercenary Carbine/LA8 Rebel/Rocklet Rifle of an LA, but the armor of a MAX. :D
  14. LtBomber1

    I decline if i...
    ... go to another fight
    ... change class
    ... need resuply (mines, nades)
    ... died in a bad spot, cant escape or kill someone
    ... dont want that specific enemy player to get xp
    ... wanted to wait as long as possible and missed the 10secs
    ... am afk
    ... wanna go offline

    I allways accept, even if its hopeless if (i)...
    ... am a MAX
    ... a push is coming
    ... more a rezz nade got a few friendlies (maybe someone makes it)
    ... tactical sacrifice to let my teammates rush distracted enemies
    ... Close to spawn
    ... had C4 deployed
  15. Rydenan

    Sometimes, even in a hopeless situation, I'll accept a rez, just for the fun of choosing one dude and being like, "F*** you in particular", and killing him before I'm cut down by the mob again. ;)
  16. Sil4ntChaozz

    Why does this never happen to me?
  17. pnkdth

    Usually decided on how fast I can get back in the action/if I need to change class.

    Then there is the zombie-apocalypse when pushing/desperately holding onto a point at which point it is all about getting back up ASP.

    Don't really care about recursion track KDR since that seem to be designed for another game than PS2. Seems to foster the spirit that it is more important to protect that dank MLG ready status than actually winning. In other words, Recursion, made by and for farmfits. Love the voice pack aspect of it though.
  18. Pelojian

    for me this is the number #2 reason i sometimes don't accept a revive, if i'm advancing and some dumb allied medic shoots me right before i engage someone and i get killed due to the FF damage i won't feed them XP.

    the same for when i am advancing and partly wounded as an infiltrator with regen implant and a dumb low BR medic chases me and they get frustrated they cant heal me and instead of realizing 'hey that guy doesn't want to be healed' they get mad and deliberately TK me and then attempt to revive me somehow thinking i'll let them get XP after being immature towards me.
  19. TR5L4Y3R

    not being revived into a meatgrinder were i immidiatly die again ..
  20. JobiWan

    Another reason is that their SL/PL has told them to respawn into a gal or sundy or at a certain base and there is a limited time to save a base or something.

    But Iridar put it best. There are plenty of obvious reasons.