Whats so good/so much fun about NC MAX?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Alarox, May 11, 2013.

  1. Pikachu

    Filling their role by having weapons less powerful than their infantry versions. -.-
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  2. Tamonize

    is it still the best option nowadays? or should I go for other max gun? haha
  3. Casterbridge

    I prefer the TR Maxes, people keep saying that NC Maxes are best cause of the whole close range advantage and it's just seems silly. Even indoors there's plenty of places to make use of medium range weapons.

    Outside TR Maxes (and VS) can be used suppression in numerous places, NC much less so.

    I'd rather be very effective at both close range and medium range, than super effective at close range and pretty useless at medium range.

    I'm also a big fan of the TR Maxes style of weapons as well.
  4. Niller

    Works fine, you just have a longer time to kill, unless you can aim the AV weapon. It's easier to use dual AI though.
  5. Beartornado

    NC MAX was only OP in MAX vs MAX situations. Otherwise our advantage is burst damage at close range, but that also means that the enemy can burst damage us with various dangerous weaponry too, meaning we have to take greater risks to get our highest reward possibility.

    I would rather we started with LMGs like TR and VS and shotguns become NS weapons. Shotguns are fantastic for certain situations but I do not want to use them all the time, and I rarely pull my MAX in bases that aren't small and enclosed (and there's a lot more battles that take place outside of shotgun range than people give credit for, its not like MAX can close distances easily by running, and I dare you to waste your charge rushing into potentially a group of LAs and HAs ready to insta-gib you).

    Not to mention a miss with an NC MAX has a far higher punishing factor due to low clip size and long reload times, compared to a miss with a VS or TR MAX, both of which are better at suppressing fire too.
  6. Alarox

    Just got a Hacksaw for a right arm and played around with it for a while. Few things I noticed:

    1.) It's really good when you're fighting 2-3 guys at close range. Fighting enemies in chunks I did pretty well.
    2.) 10m+ they're absolute trash. Getting slugs for both made things interesting, but the increased range is off-set by the spread of the slugs.
    3.) Fighting an enemy MAX is really difficult. You have to be on top of them to deal the damage you need, but will probably need to reload before you can finish them.

    Seems pretty fun but very situational. I still don't see what all the fuss is about though. It is a great feeling to run in a room and mow down 2-3 people, but from what I understand you can do that win any MAX. I'll definitely use it during tower defenses where it's all infantry combat on A, but outside of that I think I'd be more effective with my HA and C4.
  7. TTex11

    Dual Hacksaw MAX is still very powerful even against other MAXes. They're still decent in stock configuration but the real bread and butter is in ******* them out. Get those extended mags and slugs for both and you not only increase their killing power but their killing range. Come face to face with an enemy MAX? Unload while aiming at their head and dish out the pain.
  8. Pikachu

    If you think hacksaws are good now think about what they used to be. :D

    Yes you will not be able to kill a MAX with 1 slug magazine from both arms.
  9. Liewec123

    ravens have damaged my accuracy!
    with falcons i used to bide my time until the aim was perfect before firing (since it was single shot before a moderate reload time)
    but with ravens i find myself more and more of the time just spamming in the general direction of my enemy XD
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  10. felfox

    They always win when we play a game of Peek a Blam. Buncha meanies! *sniffles, packs up toys and goes home*
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  11. Dethfield

    This thread is full of people who have not tried hacksaws with slugs.
  12. BossHog

    nc max is underpowered now thanks to the huge nerf. TR max now the best with fractures or Vanu insane insane accurate infantry.
  13. Tamonize

    I noticed that to. at 10m+ hacksaw cant hit ****. I mean it does but it's half luck. The mattock on the other hand can still hit consistently at 20m so I think it can be a better choice than the hacksaw nowadays. What do you think?
  14. Alarox

    20m? Sign me up.
  15. Peacemaker12

    It's because along with the nerf to dual shotguns, people have gotten smart about facing an NC MAX. Basically they just back away out of our range while shooting at us with their pistol/MAX weapons while us NC MAXs cry a little in the inside.

    Also, sniping with dual Falcons used to be incredibly fun. I used to get angry /tells that say stuff like "WTF! You guys are overpowered at close range and you can snipe too?! BULL****!" Unfortunately they changed the mechanics of the guns and they can't dual hit crap now.
  16. Blackinvictus

    Yep, falcons were fun as hell back in the day. I do the same thing with Ravens.

    I'd rather have them out than shotguns any day.
  17. llPendragon

    I agree that the NC max isn't very fun. Just like any FPS, fewer people would play if they could only use shotguns. It doesn't help that of the 7 weapon options, 5 are semi-auto, 1 is single shot, and only 1 is full auto.