What's a Mag do vs other MBTs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kerplunk, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Flag

    And at what range do you think that becomes relevant?
    It starts at ... around 300 meters.
    Within that distance it's more down to how good of a shot the TR or NC player is, not how good you are at evasive movement.

    Or did you honestly think the mag has strong enough acceleration to be able to dart out of the way at any range?

    Lol dude, you're honestly underestimating the Vanguard and Prowler.
    Either that or their drivers.

    A functional omni-burner wouldn't just be useful.
    It would be overpowered.
    • Up x 1
  2. dedgaem

    Very once sided thinking. If you really know what strafing at middle up to long range means (from 300m up to max render distance if you will) then you also know that the accuracy of the prowler/vanguard become barely dependent on the respective gunners/drivers. It is the pattern the mag uses to strafe the factor that becomes key and here comes when an exp'ed tanker knows if he is facing a skilled/average/bad magrider, and start avoiding him until range becomes less of an annoyance. If the mag has an skilled driver there is basically nothing you can do as a prowler or vanguard long range period. He will win the dps battle every day, hour and minute. That until he gets ambushed or in a strange twist of plot, overran.

    The finest part comes when ps2 forum horde starts demanding more accel for mag strafing. That would be as close to pressing iddqd as it gets.

  3. Flag

    At 300+ meters, do you know what the Vanguard and Prowler (unless it's anchored) can do?
    Change it's movement/direction fast enough to make the Magrider have as hard of a time to land a shot on them as they would have on the Magrider.


    Or will you suggest that vanguards and prowlers can't move, ever?
  4. FBVanu

    I had one of those fights.(actually more than I want to admit). could not get a single hit on that darn magrider.. slimy little sucker.. but he had just as many problems trying to hit me.. granted, this was a 1/2 mag vs my 1/2 prowler.. not sure in a 2/2 mag it would have been the same.
    If it's a single driver, I have no problems showing my side to the Mag.. that gun is not that powerful.. and if it turns out to be AP rounds, I can take three of those before I hit fire suppression and high tail out of there..
    In the meantime, we were just trading shots.. missing every single one of them.. then, finally , some help arrived, the mag was smart and bailed out of the area.. we just danced around each others shots.. it was pointless and frustrating.

    If we do get slower velocities.. I can see this happening a whole lot more.. faster reverse speeds, slower shells and more drop.. long range is going to become a pain in the tank rear..
  5. MongooseTwoFive

    You're assuming that the other tank is stationary, which is rarely the case, especially with the stabilization buffs. They'll be able to "strafe" even faster than the mag now, but with higher damage and shell velocity. So any edge the mag had at range (which was pretty marginal really, any decent tanker wont sit there and let me peg them from 300+ meters while sitting stationary) is pretty much gone.

    Then there's the close range engagements where pretty much everybody knows that a magrider is pretty much a self-propelling grenade waiting to kill half a dozen of his friends from the debris after he gets blown to bits.

    That leaves the mid-range, which requires a lot of skill and is very situational. If there is good terrain, then you've got an edge by swiggitying around cover. However there are plenty of areas in the game where you just don't have magrider-friendly playgrounds, and you're just out of luck.
  6. Flag

    That's the point. At that range it's not down to how good of a shot -you- are, but how the target is moving (if he's predictable or unpredictable). And it's true for -ALL- empires.

    Seems dedgaem is stuck in planetside102