What's a good Low TTK game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Weylin, Jun 29, 2017.

  1. Weylin

    I can't stand this **** anymore, it's just frustrating and boring and feels like it's time to quit this game again and find something else. I remember now the many reasons why I quit years ago.

    Not going to bother listing them since you'll just go down the list and say why they're wrong, I just want to know a good game where combat isn't decided in 0.5 seconds or facing you with such deep tactical decisions as "sit in map with crushing depression" "go left to die to ESF" "go right to die to a single tank round" "stand still to die from C4"

    Might come back if you make some PvE content and stop forcing me to play with people who have done this FPS **** their entire ******* lives
  2. QuickLoad

    question for op - what other games do you play?

    I hate to say it but.. this game has the lowest TTK of any (pvp and pve)FPS I regularly play.
    This game takes entire seconds to kill someone with your regular rifles and carbines, and usually 10+ shots!

    The other (pvp)FPS's I play are:
    Project Reality
    Rainbow Six Siege
    Arma 3
    Rising Storm / RO2

    and some others but primarily those, in that order.

    In planetside 2, i'd say you need around 13 shots on average to kill someone.(maybe 1.2 seconds) Because they have shields, your weapons do (pretty) low damage, and they have HP along with any other buffs like kinetic armor and such.
    Respectively, in those games I mentioned, the shots and TTK imo on average are:
    2-3 - 0.3-0.8 seconds
    1 - 0 seconds / 6 - 0.5 seconds
    9 - 0.8 seconds
    1 - 0 seconds
    a lot of different bullets, but TTK is usually 1-4 seconds.
    haven't played a battlefield in awhile so I can't say.

    So out of all the FPS's i've played.. the only one with a higher TTK than planetside 2 is TF2.

    Also, this is a gameplay discussion so i'm going to assume you are just complaining about how fast you die instead of actually asking for another game to play.
    So.. it's an MMORPG, there's going to be people who've played this game forever. come on, every MMORPG has these elements.

    you will die a lot, atleast in my playstyle where I enjoy running towards the capture zone, killing one person before dying myself to help push towards the objective.

    to help lengthen your time of survival i'd suggest staying near cover, exposing little of your body and shooting in a less-exposed place, so that the amount of gunfire you take is more sustainable, and you have a higher chance of retreating to cover for your shields to regenerate.

    I just wanted to say.. I have always felt the TTK was too low for an FPS, and so did many of the friends i've invited into this game agree with. But it's good to see that someone believes the TTK is too high, so I assume that the game has it about right in terms of playerbase compromises - atleast i hope.

    edit: typo
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  3. Pikachu

    You thunk ttk is too high? Thats a rare complaint around here. :confused: War Thinder has low ttk. Plenty of ohk, almost every side shot. In fact most games hsve lower ttk than ps2. Bf, csgo etc.

    Ttk in ps2 is much longer than expectee from in game info. Stk is usually twice that of listed. Yoy pepper a guy with bullets and he should be dead but keeps running.
  4. Jubikus

    I think the OP made a mistake in his post. I think he wants a game where people die slower(higher ttk) and not faster (lower ttk). Majority of his complaints are about insta kills or dying fast to a hail of bullets.

    As for a game go play something like Overwatch the character roster leaves you with options on how squishy you would like to be.
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  5. Kristan

    Yup, go play Overwatch. Or Paladins, if you're poor.
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  6. blackboemmel

    I read roundabout 100 threads made by you. Hence i know what is the perfect game for you:
    Quake Champions!
    It's F2P, still in beta and has a few forums where people love to complain together.
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  7. Demigan

    You mean "HIGH TTK" rather than low TTK. TTK=time to kill. If you don't want it decided in 0,5 seconds, you want it to take longer, longer=higher TTK.

    I always suggest Renegade or it's newer version Renegade X. Compared to other games it's got Insanely high TTK's of +/-1,5 seconds... If you hit everything in the chest. But the player bodies are relatively small and fast compared to the environment, so it can take skilled players seconds to take each other out.

    Renegade (X) is also one of the most tactical games I've ever played. It leaves every other game in the dust, there's practically no other game that has even approached it's tactical depth and capabilities. The goal is to either destroy the enemy base or win by most points after the timer runs out. Destroying building can be done through sheer force by shooting it with explosives from the outside, by blowing it up by placing special explosives on a master terminal inside, by using a beacon to call in a superweapon strike (which you need to defend for about a minute before it goes off, most heart-pounding and hectic moments you'll ever encounter, even if no enemies show up. That's how damn good it's done), or a combination of all 3.
    Points are earned for damaging&killing enemy units and buildings, or repairing/healing friendlies. zero-cost units give around 3 points per kill. Units that cost money give more points. The 1000 credit units in the original Renegade gave around 100 to 150 points depending on how you killed them (weapons that needed more shots to kill gave more points, as it should be). Additionally, each point earned also gave you a single credit to spend on your upgrades.
    Each building has a purpose, and destroying it will disable something. Barracks destroyed? No more high-cost infantry. Vehicle factory destroyed? No more vehicles. Refinery destroyed? No more automatic credits earned and no more Harvester that does runs and gives nice extra money. Powerplant destroyed? Automatic defenses go offline and costs are doubled. Defenses destroyed? No more defenses.

    This coupled with various units that offer different tactics to engage the enemy it adds a massive tactical depth. Destroying the vehicle factory could mean your opponent had barely any chance to storm your base effectively, but would also mean they would bunch up and could win points as they would take out everything you threw at them.

    It's a mod project now that's mostly populated during friday and saturday, try it out:

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  8. Weylin

    Yeah, sorry, I meant HIGH TTK games. (Wish I could go back and edit that now, oof)
    I am definitely going to check out Renegade X, that looks right up my alley.
    I also like vehicle or mech combat where it takes a lot of time to kill or be killed.

    One of the other games I play, which is just a ****** mobile game, is War Robots, combat there is pretty lengthy and there's lots of time for maneuvering and figuring the best approach to maximize your damage while taking less, so something like for that for PC would be fantastic.

  10. ObiVanuKenobi

    Minecraft. You can build a floating house made of dirt in the sky and nobody will touch you there.

    But seriously if you want something with even lower ttk i'd say Overwatch or Paladins. Both are class based hero shooters. Overwatch is buy to play and more popular, Paladins is very similar and free.
  11. CrunchSlamchest

    Hi Weylin. I won't recommend any given game--not even Overwatch (which is ridiculous fun for the first 100 hours or so)--because I think the issue may have less to do with the TTK and more to do with you...and pardon me for saying this, as I'm not trying to be mean...just not being at a competitive level of skill yet. You mention folks "doing this their whole lives." The reality is that is why they are so good. After X more years of FPS games (any FPS game or games will do) there will be people raging about you on forums, I guarantee it.

    That said, here's a bit of general advice. Every FPS has its own quirks. No one ever truly migrates from one FPS to another flawlessly, with no reduction in skill. There is a learning curve for everyone. Thus, a helpful thing to do in any given FPS is to get in as soon as possible after game launch (during the beta, if possible) so that your learning curve is worked through before most players have even played it. As PS has been around since the turn of the millennia, you're literally competing against some players who have been working the system for over a decade. That's a tough hill to climb for any relative newcomer!
  12. Wobulator

    Halo. Not 5, because **** 5, but Reach or 3 still have fairly active playerbases and TTKs are around 1-1.5 seconds assuming perfect accuracy.

    On PC, though, you're kinda screwed.
  13. TR5L4Y3R

    i occassionaly still play ut 2004 onslaught which is inspired by planetside 1 and renegade multiplayer

    wonder how much stuff ut 4 might get ...

    renegate x looks intresting ...
  14. TR5L4Y3R

    or simply dislike overwatchs system
  15. Weylin

    I like D.Va's game mechanics and wish I could have that **** in other games.
    Ejecting, no reloads, easy to aim, high mobility, able to casually eat ultimates, tons of armor so does well with a healer.

    In general I love the class mechanics in that game, but I do also like big open world battles with hundreds of players... If only there was something that married the two...

    EDIT: Also um, Renegade X is running at 5 frames per second for me on the lowest settings and native screen resolution. I had to switch all the way down to 320x200 resolution for a smooth frame rate, at which point i didnt even know what the **** i was looking at.
  16. CutieG

    I wouldn't suggest Overwatch, as the characters are very restricted in what they can do. Generally, all of them (except for maybe Torbjörn) feel like they need another gun or ability to be complete.

    If you want long time to kill, go with Hawken (Free to play team-based FPS with agile mechs), Lawbreakers (Currently in beta, it's FF10's blitzball combined with Overwatch and and a Quake Champions-like approach to Unreal Tournament. Keep in mind that the game's high amounts of visual noise make for a bit of a learning curve) or Quake Champions. Unreal Tournament 4 is also an option, but it's less finished than Quake Champions due to being an engine showpiece. The latter two games are more individualistic, while the former two are team-based with a higher priority towards personal skill.

    The only games that I've played with lower time to kill than PS2 were Titanfall (Completely ridiculous 0.1 second or so deaths) and that Ghost in the Shell FPS. Crysis 3 has a roughly similar TTK to PS2, depending on how good your enemy is at armor use and movement and what weapon you are using, but it's barely alive by now.

    I also completely understand OP's frustration. There's no fun in getting assaulted by three Libs while you are the only dude with the presence of mind to pull AA. Or getting farmed by Scythes. Or having an Infiltrator run through a doorway, in plain sight of five dudes, and stab you because you were doing support stuff and had weapon switch delay.
    One hit kills are way too prevalent in this game. At any time, there's about three snipers, two tanks and an entire flock of skynights looking in your general direction and waiting for you to become vulnerable. All while three Harrassers and two Wraith Flashes are circling the battlefield like sharks and a Stalker is sitting next to you and praying that you don't see him.
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  17. Zagareth

    No one forces you to play this game and if you dont like it, there is no reason for you to play it. All common FPS games are fast paced games, so you are better off in an usual MMO like World of WarCraft
  18. Weylin

    I'll check out Hawken

    That description you gave is basically the root of my frustrations.
    Like... falling back to support because I can't do anything effective, and then a knife stalker walks through 8 allies and stabs me in the face, and THEN they walk off and nobody ******* shoots them! So then I end up just "looking" like im supporting, switch to a gun, and then my allies ***** at me for not repairing their precious MAX. No matter what I do I can't do it right and it's infuriating.
  19. CutieG

    In regards to Hawken, I should probably warn you that the community is pretty small right now (there's an impending re-release, iirc) and very skilled. The game has a very high skill ceiling in general, so the matchmaking will do nothing to save you.
    It's a bit like learning ESF combat, but with an actual learning curve.
  20. TR5L4Y3R

    well you can´t eject in that game but if you like quick mechbattles and assuming it ain´t dead how bout hawken?
    edit: oh has been mentioned already ... nevermind