What would you rather have removed from the game than rebalanced?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Plorf, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. DatVanuMan

    I'd say the horrible nerfs.
    And the unrealism in the game. I mean, PLEASE!
    Why are Terran weapons WORSE than their modern counterparts, and why do they not have Bull pups and various other modern weapons that certainly must have improved over the centuries that passed?
    Why don't NC weapons tear through MAXes, and why don't their projectiles travel at ultrasonic speeds when they use electromagnetic propulsion that seriously increases velocity?
    Why are VS weapons so bland in concept, and why don't they blow stuff up as they are masses of plasma that are supposed to cook even the strongest of alloys in the universe?

    P.S. MAXes, aircraft, and Battle Buses. And AI mines and MAXes. And PS1 mechanics. Maybe the Magrider, but various people who "like" it will disagree. Otherwise, frozen fish. You know what I mean...
  2. Bujias

    Aim assist: We have keyboard + mouse, let the console peasants use this crappy feature, glorious PC gamers master race dont need them. Give HA something that requires skill to use! no more lock ons, same with the esfs lock ons.
  3. Ronin Oni

    Are you seriously asking for hitscan?

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  4. Ronin Oni

    THere's Aim Assist? o_O

    I call shenanigans.
  5. DatVanuMan


    Why, why, why, why, and why?
    It's my favorite HA weapon in the game, and it... should be removed? Why? Why? Why?

    LAs: Noobs from Alpha that are so horribly hated that they are known as fairies, and can't do anything better than a Heavy or Medic can. When/if the Light Assault gets an update, it should be scrapped and SOE should do something creative to MBTs and other such things.
  6. OpolE

    That blue shied NC have on their Vanguard!
  7. z1967

    You mean the Vanguard Shield? (There are so many better names for this, cmon higgles).

    In all seriousness, the Air to ground (and vice versa) interaction in its current form. I like combined arms, but AA, A2G, and unconventional G2A need a serious rethink. Hence why I want the current iteration removed and a new one put in.
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  8. KnightCole

    Idk, it cant be any more broke and borked than this hit detect......

    MWO lasers and MGs use it....

    Why is it so bad anyway?
  9. Hoki

    Which the only way to truly fix is to make the suit explode when killed.

    They 'fixed' max by giving them longer resurrection, which did not fix them at all.
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  10. MAXArmar

    Looking at this thread I am happy y'all aint calling the shots :(

    Banshee btw.

    Removing MAX revive is also a good one
  11. Crayv

    Headshots. I think they are one of those it sounds good initially but it is really just bad.
  12. SeanFree

    All MAXes and Vehicles.
  13. Imperial Sect

  14. BetAstraal

    Selfish people.
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  15. Blue_Shift

    Yesterday, Drove My Flash To the Turret behind the enemy tanks that were preventing my team from crossing the bridge. Hacked the turret, took out the tanks, and my team was able to push forward and capture the base.

    Infiltraitors are great for making small plays that can make a Big difference. They can cause all sorts of hell and survive.
    Hacking vehicle terminals and spawning a mbt right on an enemies ***. Its one of the Classes that can go lone wolf and still make a difference. Thats important to have. We need specialized classes that arent designed to go right into the middle meat-grinder aka the "zerg"
  16. I play by many names

    The Planetside IP/Lore.

    They missed an amazing opportunity with the engine to create what could have been a truly deep game. They even already have the IP/Lore to do it already owned by Sony as far as I know. Infantry Online. Had they made Infantry Online 2 (as a MMOFPSRPG), rather than Planetside 2 I feel we would be in a much better place. Player created factions and clans would have been vastly superior to the rigid and boring PS factions we have. The game will never have any real politics because of it and will always remain a shooter with an extremely shallow territory control aspect. The crappy Planetside lore/IP also chains them to terrible ideas and balance issues, where as the Infantry Online IP/Lore would have been so much more flexible and workable. The Planetside lore is just awful. Only one faction has the ability to figure out how to use TV guided weapons? Or charge up weapons? COME ON. Its so incredibly stupid and leads to vast amounts of balance issues.
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  17. AdmiralArcher

    AV turret......i barely even tank....and it is the bane of all vehicles.....
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  18. 7 Drunk Midgets

    Cone of fire. I want my bullets to go where my crosshairs are pointing.
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  19. Rentago

    hey, atleast i ask people to have decency and understanding instead of just screaming to make this game cater to the only games they know, battlefield and call of duty.

    this is a sequel put in a terrible spot trying to cater to people it cant. Who thought thousands of people shooting eachother in a not symetrical balanced game could become an esport or mlg? Some quick cash attempts were made on some easy to scam audience and it failed, now this game has to make money on its lacking merits with disgruntled veterans and unhappy targeted audience. I want whats best for this game, but its simply a tooth and nail fight with the community who doesnt know anything about a decent made game from a broken one.
  20. iller

    • All Horizontel trajectory on C4
    ... I don't care if it's being "thrown" by a drifter LA who just bailed out of a mosquito and is still going 250 sanics per hour and about to splatter on the wall behind me. I don't give a **** how much skill it took him to "LukeSkywalker" that payload through a 6" windows next to me while I'm trying to Rez other ppl as Medic. Just get rid of ALL PHYSICS for it. Make C4 a straight downward falling deployable that glows like a grenade until it hits the ground and comes to a complete stop
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