What underbarrel attatchment should i get for my gauss S rifle?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Smokeshot, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Smokeshot

    I finally got 100 certs after a week, and cant choose shotgun, smoke grenade launcher, or grenade launcher.

    what one do you guys recommend?
  2. Serafan


    Explosive grenade: Horribly bugged, often does 0 damage. Reload from ammo packs is often bugged.
    Smoke Grenade: Nice but lasts for a short time, has greatly reduced graphics from anyone playing on lower settings rendering it useless against them
    Shotgun: Does ok damage but at 1 shot per clip it really isn't better than just using a normal rifle.

    In short.. they are all lackluster.

    If you are really determined to use it go with the explosive grenade, sure it does 0 damage a lot, but sometimes it actually works and will kill a person or two.
  3. Cirevam

    I don't think I can give you direct advice but I can at least tell you about my experiences with UB attachments.

    Grenades are buggy and sometimes do no damage, and the splash isn't that great either. Direct hits kill, so it's not all bad. Smoke grenades do damage on a direct hit but are also buggy and people playing on low graphics settings don't see as much smoke as others. I've heard good things about the shotgun being an instakill but you probably have to be in their face for it to work.

    I have the regular grenade launcher on my Gauss Compact S but I also get infinite grenades when it's not bugging out so I use it for long-range bombardment, mostly for suppression. With only two your options are a bit more limited but they can be useful for doing a bit of damage to vehicles. Shoot a tank in the back and you will take off a good chunk of its health.
  4. Compass

    Smoke Grenade bugs out the least, because the smoke effect always works. The damage doesn't. If you can't resupply, I find it better for smoke than explosive, especially if you're a medic. Gives you cover as needed to work.
  5. Ruxxis

    For a long time, I used the grenade launcher. It is tricky to use and not a very reliable weapon but it is fun.
    Recently, I started using the underbarrel shotgun. It's not bad for very close quarters.
    one shot and slow reload. Move in very close and do not miss. If you miss, you may be dead.
    Lately, I only use the grenade launcher when I'm trapped in a spawn room.
    Underbarrel shotgun is good for when enemies come close to a shield barrier.
    Step outside the shield for 1-2 seconds. One shot kill a very close enemy. Smile. Step back before enemy fire kills you.
  6. irishroy

    get the underbarrelnadelauncher.
    if it works, it's just that awesome, guy!
    lil' tip so you can reload the GL from ammopacks:
    1.) shoot nade
    2.) immediately switch to "normal" firemode or pistol
    3.) switch back to NL
    (now it should reload, but without moving the hands, just the "reload-circle"
    if you do this after your first shot, you can get ammo from ammopacks for the NL.
    • Up x 1
  7. Bearcat

    The grenade launcher is very buggy, but I am sure SoE will fix it (someday).
  8. Deschain

    Smoke Launcher, best 100cp i ever spent, stick on IRNV and you can have whole heaps of fun. Have the grenade launcher but its too buggy to be reliable atm.

    Edited , heres a tutorial its pretty good info, for all class's using smoke/concs and flashbangs + UBL's

  9. irishroy

    but for players on low graphic-settings the smoke will last ~1-1,5s, i think. am i right?
  10. AnnPerkins

    I got the shotgun for the TR analog and was very unimpressed. It's one shot and doesn't one shot kill unless maybe you're point blank. I have just been sticking with the foregrip because it works.
  11. Frosty The Pyro

    for engies and LA the grenades are the way to go, but for medics I am with deschain, smoke and IRNV scope. use smoke cover as you res people.
  12. Smokeshot

    Alright, so for my 1st one i went and got the shotty, and it is AMAZING, its a one shot kill, im gonna get the others later.
  13. RblDiver

    The shotgun is horrible. About the only way it can possibly be worth it is if you do close-range face shots (if you miss, you're dead).

    The smoke launcher is fun when retreating, attacking vehicles/mining areas, etc. It *can* be used offensively (I somehow killed both a teammate and an enemy with one shot once, don't know how, did it go through my teammate? lol), but don't count on it.

    The grenade launcher, as someone said, is fun when it works (got 18-0 in a bio lab fight today using it, but that was because I had the high ground and the enemy was bunched up). It seems that the projectile must travel, oh, 15m or so before it arms, and it has the usual bugginess with explosives (around a tiny corner=no damage sort of thing). I've not tried irishroy's method, but if it stops reloading, this works for me: Switch to your pistol and fire. Hit reload, but switch to your main gun before the reload finishes. Fire a shot and reload the main gun (let it reload). Pretty soon after it's reloaded, switch to the grenade launcher. If all goes well, it should give you another round. Do this sequence once more to get the second, and you should be good to go (for a while). If you do it right and it doesn't reload, try dropping a new ammo kit on the ground and do the sequence.
  14. Compass

    The smoke grenade launcher does grenade launcher damage if it strikes given safe arming range. Acts like a grenade launcher, from what I can tell, but does 30 or 40% less damage from impact. A person with less than 50% HP and full shields will die from a direct impact.
  15. Deschain

    firing smoke Launcher at someones faces is like throwing a backed beans can, its gonna bloody hurt if it its you..
  16. Compass

    Considering how accurate it is, if the target is not moving, you will hit them. Which is nice.
  17. illgot

    I love the Grenade Launcher and Smoke Grenade but they are only useful when you can resupply.

    Other than that I would use a grip or another weapon more suited for medium to longish range combat.

    Out of the GL and SG, I find the SG more useful as support. If you are near an ammo pack it is awesome to start spaming smoke all over the enemy location. You can see in more than they can see out and if you have an NV/IF scope even better.

    I also love to use the SG on the enemy spawn point so they can't see what we are all doing. Yes they can spot us, but they can't see out of their bunker and a lot of people tend to go crazy and just run out for some reason :)

    SG has also been the reason why my faction mates have advanced. I have seen factions stalemate just shooting from safety. Once I let loose some smoke and confuse the enemy my faction mates will usually advance a little. If I can keep spaming from location to location people get the point and keep going.

    The SG sticks to what ever it hits and the smoke comes from that surface, be it a wall, ceiling, tree, or ground. I have to test it on a vehicle but it would be funny to hit a tank and obscure their vision no matter where they go for 5 seconds.

    Oh, and GL and SG do the same damage to vehicles. GL will 1 hit most infantry and the SG will do 50% damage.
  18. Zagz

    Grenade Launcher is really really good when you get lucky and it works... It's pretty much a pray that it works type of deal.

    Last night, 2 Flash were heading towards me... I managed to grenade one and send him flying in flames. AS for the second flash, I had a dud.... then my gun jammed and I couldn't switch back to my primary rifle... I had to revert to pistol lol

    That's how it is with the grenade launcher... you never know what you'll get! Sometimes a 3 bagger kill, other times NOTHING! :D
  19. Lucidius134

    The shotgun was a waste of time in beta. Havn't tried it since but you'll probably be underwhelmed if you buy it.