What to upgrade with 1000 certs?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Somisary, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Somisary

    So I've been playing over the double xp weekend and got 1800 certs. I've been wondering what to get with them, but I know I want to upgrade the engineer. So far I've got:

    1st rank of tank mines
    2nd rank flak armour (Will get this to rank 4 at some point)
    3rd rank repair tool

    I usually run with the Pandora or the Solstice SF.

    Any recommendations about what to get next? I was thinking about getting the next rank of tank mines, but I don't know how useful having 3 would be when it takes 2 to kill a vehicle. Does anyone know if it's worth upgrading the repair tool? I can't test it in VR and the description isn't that useful.
  2. Stordito

    AV turret, no regrets!

    the repair tool is a good upgrade you should get now and then with spare certs...
    • Up x 1
  3. Selerox

    Certing the repair tool up to level 4 is a great idea. I wouldn't recommend certing it up any higher though, as the cert cost outweighs the relatively small benefit you get between 4 and 5.
  4. Bison

    Gonna have to second the AV turret. Just got mine, and suddenly I felt far more useful in an offensive role. I can still play repair-bot, but during a push, I can pull back to a nice spot and just rain death on armor. for additional fun, slap a 4x scope on your carbine so you can be your own spotter.
  5. X3Killjaeden

    the repair tool cert only makes little effect. Get the AV turret and the second mine rank. I would always upgrade those things that allow me to perform more tasks, rather then just improve an already available things by a small bit.
  6. supahitecjetfyta

    if you want to put it all into Engy then id recommend
    flak4, can survive AP mines, HE and nades etc with more health left so better chance of living longer.
    Ammo pack, the higher the better, its cheap and youll get more resupplies as less people will walk by without getting ammo.
    AT mines, with 3 mines you can kill a Flash and a tank, with 2 its a Flash and half a tank. spread them out tho or youll waste them all on one Flash.

    theres also
    AP mines, good for defending gens and CPs with, work great in Biolabs.
    sticky nades, theyre pretty good as they dont bounce back and kill you, they will stick to friendlies tho.

    the medic revive tool is worth putting a few certs into so you can revive a MAX, MAX have a timer so they usually wait for a res when they die. swap kits res a MAX swap back and repair them, theyre worth a lot of points.

    the repair tool, i have one rank to go, like most people i cant justify getting that final one.

    i wouldnt use 1000certs on a weapon until youve built up your character and vehicle(s) first.
  7. Ganjis

    3 AT mines are worth it.
    AV turret is worth it.
    Ammo pack is worth it, radius upgrades more so than duration.

    Find a group of friendlies and dump an upgraded ammo pack by them. Deploy tank mines on likely flanking routes, or just in front of their position to cover a potential retreat. Cooldown on ammo pack will have expired, so deploy an AV turret somewhere sensible. Enjoy.

    Repair tool upgrade is worth it at low levels due to cost. At higher ranks it is more for hardcore vehicle users with nothing better to spend certs on.
  8. Ryekir

    I would recommend upgrading your repair tool fully first, then going for flak armor (again fully upgraded). The repair tool will help you get more certs as you repair things faster, and the flak armor will help you survive because an engineer spends a lot of time around explosions.

    I honestly regret getting the second rank of AT mines a bit, because you only need 2 of them to kill any non-mineguard vehicle (and most people who have mineguard have it beyond the point where 3 mines will still kill it) so when using them offensively I often waste mines because I accidentally drop 3 instead of 2 when clicking. When using them defensively, you can still place 2 mines in one location, but then you're forced to leave the 3rd mine out on it's own which probably won't kill anything (unless it's a flash or already damaged).

    You could get the 2nd rank of AT mines and then the 1st rank of C4 to pair a C4 with your singluar mine, but that will require going back and forth to a terminal to resupply in order to setup your traps.
  9. Somisary

    I was thinking about getting AV turret, on my trial I did really well. But from what I've read on the forums, there are a lot of calls for nerfs on it. Knowing SOE, if it does get a nerf it will go from being good to useless. I don't what to end up spending 1000 certs on a weapon that ends up as useless. Do you think that a nerf is really coming?
  10. Ganjis

    Well today I killed 3 lightnings and chased off two vanguards from a tower that 3-4 of us were stubbornly refusing to abandon in less than 5 minutes with the AV turret. It helped that it was night and I was able to scurry around unnoticed while they were focused on trying to take out the AA turrets ;).

    I can see it getting a slight damage nerf, but in all honesty it would be still worth having even if it did half its current damage. The ability to attack vehicles at range at all is an incredible asset.
  11. raumfahrer

    The AV turret is incredibly powerful if it's placed well. You're an easy target though if you're not careful with the placement or don't change positions as often as you should (snipers, tanks, everything in CQC, some player(s) that take huge detours to flank you).

    I don't regret a single cert I put in the last rank of the AV turret.
  12. RealityWarrior

    Not only is teh AV turret worth buying, it is worth also upgrading.
  13. bNy_

    Imo, just buy the AV turret for station cash unless you have upgraded your engineer and vehicles to the max.

    Time to get 1000 certs > 9 euro or w/e the price is
  14. FlayvorOfEvil

    I suggest you get the second level of tank mines as it allows you to kill some mineguarded sunderers and other tanks. No need to increase repair tool because it doesn't increase repair speed and heat time is arbitrary.