[Suggestion] What tactical item negates lasher spammed tunnels? Theirs not enough items to deal with doors.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AuricStarSand, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. AuricStarSand

    Ascent's A point tunnel from the west entrance, grass hill side. Is lasher spammed. What do you do?

    Engi walls don't work. Smoke screens don't work. Tactical caltrops aren't able to be used indoors. Ambusher jet doesn't work. When does NC spam Jackhammers ever in unison? never.

    Flashbang doesn't work. I'm not even able to smoke attachment screen them, to fly to the ceiling with drifter jets. Without dying.

    Flanking them works tho you have to travel too far. So it's just endless NC medics dying to VS Lashers for 30 minutes. Someone did eventually flank the lasher enemies and kill them all. Yet forward verse forward, their was no solution.

    For the Ascent cave. People don't use mana turret enough as engi isn't a new friendly class. Even if they mana turret they still die to snipers. grenades.

    The middle 2 entrances of Ascent A point are ok. Tho the 2 side entrance have hills, so anyone aiming downhill even without lashers is gonna kill everyone else. The east side from Ravens landing to Ascent is also bad. If you park there and try to run that cave hill.

    The game provides no counter. This isn't about lashers. Since chainguns have the same effect for the Ascent cave. & it's not just the caves. I'm seeing the same situation for door fights. Situations where only a max push is gonna help get your fleet of medics past the door. & the enemy knows that, so they are ready to HA launcher and c4 that one max who enters.

    Nasons tunnel farm shows this too. Nobodys moving past the bullets. A bullet wall.

    This is important for new players and vets. New player isn't able to enjoy running into a door, without dying. So he stand next to the door ressing, then dying, everytime, as his only means.

    Even if you gave him a tactical item to use, the tactical items are outfit npc bound, which is too much work for most people for some odd reason? So they all need tactical items auto unlocked.

    Even a empire max is gonna die walking down Nasons tunnel. A NSO Max with the shield ability has a shot.
    So the only real door breaker is the NSO max & no other item, ability, class?

    Would require taller engi walls, 2nd version of caltrops for indoors, hand shields that disable weapon use for 20 seconds after, a shield bubble grenade that maybe halo has forgot, like throw a mini citadel shield grenade, something.

    Apparently medics need something to storm doors for sure. Just seems as if smoke is the only item to use for storming doors & won't work for any door that has elevated defenders.
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  2. Legday

    lasher only shoots in one direction. if you position yourself behind the lasher user you will easily kill them
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  3. xMeserionx

    Rockets do ok, you only need to have an angle for a split second, so you avoid getting wrecked by the spam. Enough Rockets, maybe some well timed flash grenades or EMPs and you can storm their positions.
  4. AuricStarSand

    I'm not just speaking of lasher. Pretty much speaking of " Bullet Screens " " Bullet Walls " " Rain of Bullets at a door frame " What then?

    An area where everyone who enters dies. What then. For the field, I'd throw down 4 caltrops. Even tho that's barely enough cover for my troops to run to a location safely. Yet those don't work at the door frame. So?

    Smoke? they just keep shooting at the door frame and you still don't enter safely. Flashbang same thing, they'll still shoot the door if they're blind.

    Rockets I suppose? they'll just out revive them. Less you have 10+ guys synced with rockets. Tho I'm just speaking of pubs non squad. Just regular door fights. With or without a squad.

    The NC max shield doesn't absorb enough. NC max will die from bullets even with the hand shield before steps 2 feet forward. So the only full advance breach skill is the nso max. Since Engi Walls don't block bullets enough either for advances, no not good, however for defense engi walls are good. Yes you can flank, tho that shouldn't always have to be the answer & flanking isn't always a option. Sometimes both doors are locked down.

    Game just needs more tanky shield items to walk down hallways and storm rooms. Riot shields that make you not fire your gun for 20 seconds after. Shield grenades. Variations of engi walls. tactical crate. sandbags. Things that give cover for attacking doors. How to get your team past the door items.