What suit/shield combination do you guys use and for what scenarios?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Redwave, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. Redwave

    Run now I use Level 4 NMG with Level 4 NW Armor. It's really good for me and it works, have heard the Resist Shield and ASC is a very good combination but it doesn't really work well for me I don't know why. So what do you guys use?
  2. Tyrant103

    Same as you (Level 4 NMG/Level 4 NW).

    I have tried the combination of ASC & Resist Shield but the game style it offers simply doesn't appeal to me.
    Running the Health Regeneration would be great if you don't like burning through Med-kits

    I'm considering Adrenaline Shield with ASC though. Both would allow me to jump into CQC quicker and be more effective rather than NW (Slow Regeneration discourage jumping into action) and NMG (Which would only save me from 1 maybe 2 bullets)
  3. Redwave

    Same the Resist shield and ASC combo is meh for me honestly the only complaint I have of the NMG shield is that it takes too damn long to regenerate, but other than that I like it a lot.
  4. GerryAtric

    Resist + ASC ~ 50% of the time. An especially good combo for organized ops when you have other teammates supporting your position. Also arguably the best setup for 1v1s.

    ADS + Nanoweave in biolabs for the particularly crowded situations, and sometimes in towers (depending on the tower).

    Resist/ADS + Flak in some towers (depending on vehicle spam situation and how crowded the tower is).
  5. Redwave

    Yeah but the thing is that I do not use the ADS since I have no cert points added to it. I'm going to try NMG-ASC and see how that goes and test further Resist+ASC and change my play style a little.
  6. FillyFluttershy

    I usually use NMG + Nano or Flak, depending on whether there are a bunch of vehicles around at the time shooting explosives.

    Resist sounds interesting, but NMG is better if caught off guard since it basically just increases your health by 750, absorbing a good number of hits. With Resist Shield, if you didn't activate it before you began taking damage, or have reduced health already from another fight, its usefulness is greatly diminished since it doesn't actually block incoming damage out entirely. Resist is maybe better if you're rushing a room and already knew to have it up before hand. But NMG is still not bad in those situations, while retaining 'caught-off-guard' utility.

    Not much good turning on Resist when you are a shot or two from death.
  7. Solidpew

    I spend a lot of time dropping on points and having quick fights all over the place, so I stick with AS+NW. NMG could work as well, but I had a ton of certs floating around doing nothing + I really wanted to try AS. It's fun when you score a few kills, and I like it being more reactionary than Resist. I'd also consider ASC instead of NW if I felt fights were going to be more extended.

    I used to use resist a lot, and having a shield ready for peeking around corners at all times was great. It's a bit slow because you have to use the shield before you take damage, but otherwise the combo of RS+ASC is solid.
  8. Redwave

    I think I'll stay with the NMG+NW combo it has been very efficient for me since I started using it.
  9. Redwave

    I have a question I've been thinking about lately, when you do not kill no one and you are not using your Adrenaline Shield does it regenerate as fast as NMG when you are letting it cool down or slower?
  10. Solidpew

    I believe AS regenerates at the same speed as a level 1 NMG. The NMG should regenerate faster by default because you can improve the rate at which it recharges. (I had to check Wrel's video to confirm!)
  11. lawn gnome

    max rank grenade bandolier for maximum sunderer carnage (4 AV grenades into the axles will mess any vehicle up WHILE killing engineers that are in close for repairs), and the resist shield mostly because it lasts longer and works better for big hits and prolonged fights.
  12. Bl4ckVoid

    I use NMG 5 always, the other shields are not certed.

    Small scale battles: NW5 (not many explosives, extra HP)
    General use: Flak 5 - because I fight vehicles a lot and I like to survive lolpodders, HE shells, grenades, mines, etc.
    Lasher: Flak 5 (to prevent suicide in CQC, allows me not to care if some shots get caught in a barrier nearby)
    Long range: ASC (maxed) - long range you are either OHK shot by sniper or just your shield goes down - ASC helps getting back to the fight quickly
  13. WaaWaa

    Pros I know use adv shield cap with resist for maximum peak in/peak out.

    For running and gunning where you might not have time to retreat and need to take out 3+ enemies, I hear they use nanoweave and adrenaline shield.
  14. Obleko

    All of my heavy shields are max certed, and i love ASC + RS, in any situation.

    But it requires a bit of pratice.
    For the adrenaline shield, I hate being forced to wait for 30 sec when my heavy shield is depleted, i don't like to stay naked like that :(. And, 130 HP regain doesn't worth taking 3-4 bullets per kill.

    ASC is addictive, 6 sec shield recharge is a must have. 10 sec is sooo long.

    NMG+grenade bandolier sometimes, for when i need my AV grenades. Best max killer EVER.
    NMG is so easy to use.
  15. Erendil

    I use NW5 + Adren for just about everything. The only real exception is when I'm fighting long range w/ an Eidolon in which case I'll sometimes switch to NW5 + NMG or ASC + NMG.

    • I don't see much point to Flak since HE/HEAT/AP rounds can still OHK you.
    • Ammo is LOL most of the time since Engies are everywhere
    • I just don't throw enough grenades to make them so high a priority that I can't live w/ just having 1

    • I don't like Resist since bolt-action sniper rounds go right through it unaffected but NMG/Adren will let you survive the first shot. And I attract a lot of attention from snipers when running around w/ an Eidolon.
    • I generally don't like ASC because I'd rather have my protection up front (NW) while bullets are flying rather than after-the-fact. ASC looks a little better on paper than in practice compared to NW, since NW essentially means you have 200pts of shield up all the time (assuming full health). So even though your shield doesn't start to recharge as quickly as with ASC, you effectively start the race w/ 200 shields out the gate, which means for the first ~6-7 secs you're actually better off than
  16. Erendil

    (con't from last post)
    oops I kinda dropped off that last sentence. It was supposed to say "...So even though your shield doesn't start to recharge as quickly as with ASC, with NW you effectively start the race w/ 200 shields out the gate, which means for the first ~6-7 secs you're actually better off than ASC until after the ASC recharge kicks in and runs for a sec or two..."
  17. Chris Bingley

    NMG + Flak for AV/AA.

    Resist + ASC for AI/General use.

    I've tried the Adrenaline shield, but unless you cert into it heavily you just don't get enough back per kill to make it viable. Maybe if I have enough certs floating around to buy up to max rank in one go I'd swap it for resist shield on my AI loadout.
  18. gh05t

    I don't dare to max out one of the shields yet until they add the nerfs.

    2250 to max adrenaline shield

    831 for NMG

    950 for resist

    the wait is really frustrating, any number of changes could happen when nerf comes.
  19. geekrider

    Resist Shield+ASC. I don't know why you guys find it so ineffective :confused:
    Playing with a squad and playing it safe, using flanks really nets me nice kill streaks. Sometimes you'll burn through med kits. But then I switch to Medic and wait for my resources to refill ;)
  20. Vostogon

    Mostly i've been running ASC+Grenade Bandolier.

    Though i kinda cheat. Clear Sight implant means i can drop a conc grenade on my feet and pretty much slaughter anything near me for 5 secs which, well, helps.