[Suggestion] What should I buy for my VS Heavy Assault

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by GoldPlated, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. GoldPlated

    Hey guys!
    Im playing with heavy assault most of the times, and that's my current set:
    1. Primary- VX29 Polaris
    2. Sec.- Regular Pistol
    3. Tool- Regular RPG (or w/e it is)
    4. Medkit that heals me for 6 seconds.

    I never bought SC and I'll never buy.
    I have now like 650 certs, but I dont know what to buy with these certs. Im using the nano shield, and nano armour (The armour with the bonus HP)...
    I almost never use airplanes (because I die in like.. 10 seconds.. :) ) and I use most of the times sunderer / flash.
    So what should I buy with these certs? and what should me my future set? Thanks alot!
    (B.T. My english is not so good and im sorry about(or for?) that... :/ )
  2. Oreo202

    1. The Polaris is a fine primary. If you get an auraxium medal (200 certs) on that and want something to switch to, the LSW is a nice cheap (100 cert) LMG.
    2. I recommend saving a thousand certs for the new heavy pistols, as the beamer is not that great of a gun.
    3. The decimator is the 'upgrade' from the default dumbfire (it has 10 less projectile velocity though 50->40), the lancer is a good choice too now.
    4. Keep upgrading that when you want to.
    Flak armor is FAR FAR FAR better than nanoweave in pretty much every case. Do you want to take an extra bullet, run out of the room, and get shot by an infiltrator? Or do you want to equip flak, run over a bouncing betty, survive a barrage of rocketpods and a tank shell, and kill the enemy sunderer?
    Your English is much better than a lot of people's :)
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  3. GoldPlated

    First of all thanks.
    I have some more questions -
    1. Should I buy the medkit / the aidkit? what is the diffrence between them?
    2. Why is the new pistol so good?
    3. Do you reccommend Nanite Mesh shield / resist shield in the ability slot?
    Thanks a lot!
  4. Oreo202

    1. The restoration kit (the heal over time) has more benefits, because it allows you to regenerate health and take even more damage during combat.
    2. It's not that it will be so good, it's just that it will likely be better than the beamer.
    3. Default is fine, resist shield is also good but the upgrades are currently broken so upgrading it past the first level is not worthwhile. If you ever get around 2280 certs, you can max out the adrenaline shield which is pretty much the best shield when it's upgrades are maxed.
  5. Ronin Oni

    The Orion is a fine default LMG.... I'd say use that until you've upgraded a lot of the rest of your Heavy Assault as just a foregrip and sight (130 certs combined) will get you a lot of mileage.

    VS pistols are the worst. I got the Manticore and it's a lil bit better, but still not as good as the Emperor or NC default pistols. A new cross faction heavy pistol is coming out though. I recommend buying it with SC so all your chars have it, but if you're a single character free player, then just save the certs for it.

    NMS vs Resist is a pretty common argument. They simply function differently. The resist shield will end up giving you more total HP than the NMS if you activate it while at full health and shields... further more, if your ability meter is nearly drained, you can still pop resist and it will still provide full benefit for the remainder of the time. The NMS is better when you don't have full health/shields... but it's damage soaking ability is tied directly to how much ability energy you have, as taking damage drains your energy. My friends talked me into Resist... but I'm thinkin NMS might be better for me after all.

    Get Med Kits (not the rejuv one) it's hands down better (in EVERY way) and only costs 20 more certs for the first rank. Upgrade it to level 2 or 3 so you can carry more than 1 medkit with you. Oh, and it's a universal cert.... ALL your classes will be able to use it (it is best on heavy, as most classes usually end up taking something else in the utility slot when you cert into them) Medkit is FULL and INSTANT heal. The other one is only 75% heal and takes 2 seconds to heal.

    For launcher... I'd recommend buying the Lancer. The default and Decimator aren't a whole lot different. Decimator is good in Biolab fights though (I use it for anti-infantry and anti-MAX).

    For your suit slot.... prolly take flak armor. Personally I took munitions pouch though so I can fire more rockets before needing to find an ammo box.
  6. Ronin Oni

    Flat out wrong.

    Restoration only heals 75% health and takes 2 seconds to do it.

    Medkit is an instant 100% heal.

    Restoration kits are a waste of certs.
  7. Oreo202

    They are a cheaper initial investment and they do buff your health. If you have no shields, you can use the restoration kit and take an extra bullet when you run into a room.
  8. Haya jii san

    ... a swiftly fast re-faction for you ...
  9. Ronin Oni

    only a 20 cert initial investment difference....

    And I don't think I've ever done that.... If my shields are out, I'm taking cover til they recharge. However there have been DOZENS of times I've survived a battle with a sliver of health and my resto kit only healed me up to about 80%.... easily a bullet LESS to kill.

    They cost the same Inf Resource per as well.... so no difference there.

    Med kits are better. FAR better.
  10. Roy Teppert

  11. Posse

    My setup:

    a) For most situations

    Primary: Orion because it's the best at the ranges that you'll usually engage, period.
    Secondary: Beamer because spending in a pistol makes no sense for me, I almost never use it anyway.
    Rocket Launcher: Lancer because it's awesome (I'll switch to a Nemesis if there's a LOT of air and I can't pull my dual bursters, but don't spend certs into that one)
    Tool: C4, the ability to destroy sunderers by yourself is priceless, being able to heal yourself is meh when you already have 2 different shields.
    Ability: NMG though I'm not really sure if Resist Shield is better or not, in fact I made a thread asking that, the conclusion I got is that Resist Shield is better in some situations and NMG is more all-around.
    Suit: Nanoweave because Flak is more situational, and if you won't get killed by bouncing betties with nanoweave upgraded.

    b) For BioLabs and Towers

    Primary: Phobos, because pump actions are OP in CQC.
    Secondary: Beamer
    Rocket Launcher: S3 because it's the best to kill MAXes in close range (I don't plan on spending certs in getting a decimator only for that), the Lancer is not that useful in that situation though it's not a bad choice at all.
    Tool: C4, same reasons but for killing MAXes.
    Ability: NMG
    Suit: Nanoweave, Flak is worthless here because you won't be getting lolpodded or shelled.
  12. Ganjis

    Since you have nano weave, the lancer might suit you. I have started building up this now for my lancer sniping setup. Chief cause of death when use the lancer is enemy snipers and nano weave is your only defence against OSK.
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  13. SinerAthin

    QCQ: Phobos/The 50clip SMG(Sirius was it?)
    Main LMG: Ursa
    Rocket Launcher: Decimator
    If Nanoweave, Resist shield.
    If you'll be fighting Vehicles, use Flak.

    Then you're good to go.