What setting affects what component

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by geiselOne, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. geiselOne

    Hey ppl, i just wanted to start a collection of facts about what setting exactly affects what component in your computer. This should be useful for people who are trying to tweak their settings. There are a lot of different Guides on Planetside 2 settings optimization, and they all tell you different half-truths.

    Can anyone help me out here? Maybe even a dev? A real fact-source would be amazing for all the people out there struggling with fps and trying to tweak out a good config.

    OK, heres a start (I'm looking at the useroptions.ini right now.):

    • Texture Quality - this should be GPU only. Textures are handled by GPU and held in GPU Memory.
    • Shadow Quality - general consent seems to be this is solely on CPU. Whatever the reason.
    • Render Distance - both a little?
    • Lighting - I see no reason why this should not be GPU.
    • Effects - those are particles, right? GPU/CPU?
    • Flora - no idea, why shouldnt this be GPU though? also:
    • RenderFlora - turning this off is mentioned in alot of guides to help with any fps trouble. I do think however, that this is GPU only. Its just more geometry to render.
    • Model Quality - just more geometry. -> GPU
    • Ambient Occlusion - an algorithm solely running on the GPU afaik.
    I'm not into game engine design, so please don't take my introduction as facts. It would be awesomeif someone who does have a clue about any of these points would provide some insight!
    Thanks! :)