What keybinds do you use?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RHINO_Mk.II, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. RHINO_Mk.II

    I'm curious about which keybinds people have set up, particularly the keys that differ from the default setup. Personally my biggest change was putting spot on left alt due to its value and moving class ability from F to Q. My full keymap is below:

    And a template:
    • Up x 1
  2. EaglePhoenix

    Pretty much standard here:

    ZQSD (forwards/backwards/strafing left-right)
    F for special ability (shield/ammo pack)
    G throwing grenades

    A target on sight
    C fixed crouch
    left-ctrl: temp. crouch
    left-shift: sprint
    right mouse: fixed zoom
    left: fire, obviously

    M: map
    Tab: score
    B: fire mode
    space: jump
    E: enter vehicle/turret
    T / middle mouse button: knifing

    V+1-10: commands

    I don't think I use anything more.. lol.
  3. Ronin Oni

    I'd need a picture of the Logitech G13 to show you my mapping :p
  4. DJPenguin

    W,E,R,D for movement keys. abilities and voice comms goes on the naga keys.
  5. Hatesphere

    All standard, except I switched my melee to both my mouses thumb button and middle click.
  6. Elrobochanco

    Pretty typical I think.
    Mousewheel - minimap zoom
    Mouse thumb buttons bound for pitch up/down and also magrider turn left/right.
    Caplock for PTT in mumble, since it's an otherwise useless key.
    Only weird one would be I use R for grenade since I have reload on a mouse button as well.
  7. Johari

    Default though I also have melee on a mouse button. :cool:
  8. Maelthra

    ZQSD? Dafuq?

    Anyway... I haven't strayed too far off the normal bindings. I've rebound minimap zoom to scroll wheel, throw grenade to a mouse button along with a couple of the voice chat buttons. For vehicles, I've set some mouse buttons for Turn Left/Right so I can turn the Magrider at maximum speed when needed.

    Other than that, my keybindings are normal.
    • Up x 2
  9. baka

    Most keys I keep normal except the \ key is bound to exit (finally got tired of ejecting myself!)
    ` key is bound to framerate display just because.
    I am considering swapping these two binds just to bring the Eject option closer to my movement keys
    Tactile pad attached to the W key to make it faster when I put my hand back into movement position.
    NAGA mouse 1 through 4 bound to keys 1 through 4 for weapon slot selection
    Mouse wheel bound to map zoom, right wheel tap bound to Grenade, left tap bound to Q.
    Mouse 9 = Thanks, Mouse 10 = Request Ammo, Mouse 11 = Request Repair, Mouse 12 = Need Ride.
    Have not bound 5, 6, 7 and 8 yet.

    This Naga mouse is not quite perfect for me, but it is better than many I have tried in the past months. For the most part I can activate everything I need and never take my fingers off my movement keys.
  10. Zombekas

    I just bound pitch up/down to my mouse's extra buttons, changed redeploy back to DEL like good old times, and changed exit vehicle to U. Jumped out of a schythe when trying to reload too many times...

    • Up x 2
  11. DrPapaPenguin

    Standard, except the Knife is on F and special ability on T.
  12. NinjaTurtle

    CAPS LOCK = Spot
    Q = Melee
    Middle Mouse = Throw grenade
    Mouse Thumb buttons = up and down for flying
    U = for getting out of aircraft
    3 = Change view in aircraft
  13. cruczi


    M1 - fire
    M2 - jump
    thumb - melee
    scroll wheel - minimap zoom

    Also, CTRL + R - redeploy
  14. Axehilt

    Non-default stuff:
    • Crouch: V
    • Crouch toggle: C
    • Map: ~ (because it's important to look at all the damn time, and why would you want to hit M for it?)
    ...and these might be default, I forget...
    • Spot: Q
    • Toggle Attachment/Flares: X
    • Squad Voice: CTRL
    Random gear stuff:
    • In the past I've used a sensitivity toggle on my mouse, but still have to set it up on my current mouse.
      • Very helpful for AV Turret and occasionally some other things (AV MAX, certain turrets)
      • This should be fixed, because it's dumb for hardware to provide any sort of advantage (if you have the min spec machine your game should look like trash, but you should have competitively viable framerate at least, and suffer no gameplay disadvantages compared to someone with the highest end system.)
        • A specific, actionable solution would be to give AV Turrets a built-in 2x optic (which will reduce sensitivity just like a typical 2x optic) which would remove 99% of the advantage of sensitivity toggling. There isn't a similar solution to AV MAXes, so solving that would involve a little more creativity (maybe the "Toggle Attachment" key toggles some built-in 2x optic? Clunky, but it would make the playing field level.)
  15. inyourmind

    custom keys:
    z= platoon chat
    x= squad chat
    caps lock= local chat
    i= get out of vehicles (i fell too many times haha)
    mouse center button= melee
  16. EaglePhoenix


    Seriously though. Do you have any idea how hard it sux to reset the standard keybindings in EVERY SINGLE game.

    It gets even funnier when you have those games that drop you immediately into the tutorial where you can't change keybindings before getting out of it, or for some reason keybinding won't work. It's wicked!

    Hence, even up to date, there are games that won't let you reset a keybind when a key is already used and you first have to reasign the other one.. it's friggin tedious.

  17. SharpeShooter

    These are mine.



    A lot of the N/A are "push to talks" now. its some what of mess lol and having my jump key on my mouse I know it well weird, but it works for me :)
  18. Iridar51

    Standard with few modifications:
    Scroll forward is melee attack.
    Caps Lock is team speak push-to-talk. We rarely even use in-game voice, so I bind platoon chat to "," and ".".
    Proximity chat is "~".
    "Delete" is redeploy, I'm oldschool :cool:
  19. JP_Russell

    I'm a weird freak of keybinding - I'm right-handed, but I use arrow keys with the mouse on the right. Naturally, my keybindings are tailored to that. I've developed a rough system over time of what keys generally correspond to what actions. Having a G700 mouse helps a lot, too, since I have plenty of buttons there to put things on.

    Anyway, leaving out the arrow key binds since those are obvious:

    Right Control: Sprint
    Right Shift: Melee
    Enter: Grenade
    Numpad 0: Jump
    Numpad 1: Crouch
    Numpad 4: Deploy Vehicle
    Numpad 2: Proximity Chat
    Delete: Spot
    End: Use Ability
    Page Down: Change Firemode
    Page Up: Squad Chat
    (1, 2, and 3 are emulated on mouse buttons)
    Home: (what would normally be 4)
    Insert: (what would normally be 5)
    LMB/RMB: (standard config)
    MB4: Use
    MB5: Reload
    Wheel Up/Down are for the minimap zoom
    Z: Redeploy

    I have other keys bound to other things, but I rarely use them and can't actually think of all of them right now. :p I left some things on their default, too, like tab for the scoreboard or V for the vehicle menu (I rarely use vehicles anyway), since they don't need to be close to my hand.

    And in case anybody asks, I grew up in the shareware days where arrow keys were the movement keys for basically everything I played, from Wolfenstein 3D to all the platformers and side-scrolling shmups and puzzle games and everything else. When I played my first game where the WASD config was the default, my 12 year-old self saw this as silly and didn't understand why you wouldn't just use the keys that literally have the directions painted on them like we'd been doing for years before. So I just grew accustomed to changing the keybindings in every WASD game to suit my tastes.

    What I'm used to aside, I'm not very good with letter keys for movement because there are too many keys too close together and in a disorderly (non-grid-based) fashion for my muscle memory to fully come to grips with, and I tend to push the wrong keys too often for it to be effective for me.
  20. RHINO_Mk.II

    Cool. I use the arrow keys plus numpad for a lot of fighting games, and I use the numpad for movement in 3-axis space sims.