What is the point of friendly fire?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Murderin, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Teeman

    You’re wasting your time as this game will never ever have ff turned off and amen to that

    I shudder to think how bad the spam would be if there were no consequences it would completely ruin the game

    If people keep TK you then you’re standing in the wrong spot adapt your game style and learn to embrace death

    You need to break that solo player mind set this is a team game and if someone throws a grenade under your feet but kills more tr/vs then it’s all good

    a respawn is only a few seconds away
  2. Murderin

    I see no good reasons in this thread, just delusional kids who haven't encountered cross faction griefing.
  3. NDroid

    People creating alts in the enemy faction just for griefing it is annoying and is probably a bannable offense. Report them and move along because ultimately it's a pretty rare occurrence. A suggestion I've seen is to disable FF for BR1 characters (keeping the weapon lock however, just so they can't damage friendlies) to prevent people from using this "tactic".

    This does not change the fact that FF is a necessary part of the game. The reasons were already pointed out to you- no FF would lead to mindless explosive spam and people spraying bullets all over the place. It would make the game much worse.
    Also, referring to people replying to you as "delusional kids" isn't helping your argument.
  4. IshanDeston

    And to prevent people from perma Shelling Cap points with Liberators and Tanks while their own forces cap them.
  5. steelslinga

    yes and no on FF being removed. first off since launch i have noticed alot of people have stopped using proximity... i am constantly using it for " friendly coming into the room & friendly on the point so don't nade me please!" this has cut down on me being shot to hell when i enter a room of guys on a point trying to flip it.. its free.. use proximity voice and let people know what's going on ..

    on the gunship and nade spamming mentioned uptop... the word "prevents" shouldn't even be in this thread... the rambo issue mentioned is the way of the day... we've all seen some fool nade the teleport room when the shield goes down.. and we all know that 9 guys are going to rush in for that 1 straggler kill... my rule for confined spaces like that is **** stand back and watch scrubs get nuked by their own faction. as a medic.. i sponge up xp/certs like mad thanks to the guys that toss the nades.

    now for my favorites!

    36 tanks rolling down a hill, infil on a flash decided to jump off in the middle of all of us... being a nice guy i swerve and nearly ran our full sundy off a cliff .... to those people, just a heads up.. i will grind your bones with my vanguard from now on...

    to the infantry that think they should start off to the next facility by running down the road infront of or in the middle of a 36 tank/vehicle column .. i do get on proximity and give a heads up to get off the road and run on the sides.... you stop 1 tank and everything behind that tanks jams up and we've all seen how that goes.... /insert the benny hill theme song here

    so i'm crouched down in my MAX holding down a door with 2 engys on me and the rest of my outfit behind me capping a point... i leave plenty of room between the door and myself and plenty of other angles for you to use as a shooting lane.. BUT you run infront of me , crouch down because you want the kills? sorry princess... i will try and hold my fire.. i will even try and work around you for the 1st few seconds while you strafe back and forth knowing you just walked infront of a max covering the door.. i will even get on proximity before we see anyone coming and let you know that "when s**t goes down i will shoot through you to hold the door"
    i am guessing many engys on their turretts will tell you the same .walk around behind them, pick another lane to cover..

    ******boil all this down and you get
    1. use proximity to give a heads up
    2. pay attention to whats going on, watch for the cute triangles over a name before you toss a nade in a room.
    3. leap frogging infront of people that are already set up to shoot out a door is bad for your health. true story
    4. infantry, use your map and look both ways before running down/crossing a road... it's sad this even has to be mentioned...

    hope people read this.. understand it .
  6. Bearcat

    Here's why we need friendly fire:

    (fast forward to 1:48)

  7. ChipMHazard

    Not in the same way and certainly not without repercussions.

    Or perhaps you're just biased towards your own agenda?
    • Up x 1
  8. Steppa

    lol no. No they don't. Or at least not on the two servers I play on, they don't. FF is a fairly rare occurrence even with the mechanic currently active in the game. This means that people are paying attention to not shooting their factionmates. Does it still happen? Sure. Is it willy-nilly during every firefight? No.
  9. IshanDeston

    Maybe you should actually play the game, then you'd know that Medics don't get exp for reviving or healing teamkills and team damage.

    If a granade goes off and you get revive exp, it wasn't your own guys granade.
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  10. omega4

    The purpose of FF?

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
    • Up x 2
  11. maxkeiser

    This (and the spam firing post) is the reason. FF has to be in the game for a number of reasons that have already been covered in other threads.

    It's a good thing for the game. FF is something that games like BF3 lack - and as a consequence in BF3 you get silly grenade spam, friendlys shooting anyone/anything regardless of which team because it doesn't matter.

    PS2 requires a bit more intelligence than that.
  12. maxkeiser

    Basically FF on is one of the really, really good things about the game. It's a huge positive and huge differentiator between PS2 and the dross that is BF3 etc.
  13. Weyoun

    Couldn't agree more. FF might have certain disadvantages if your teammates have only 2 braincells, but it also ups the challenge in this game. FF should be on by default in any shooter :p
  14. Kakarot

    friend fire is stupid, please take it out!
    Enemy faction switch accounts to TK our sunderer last night!
  15. Sowahka

    I think FF is great, but it seriously needs to be disabled or reduced for some things. For instance, why does C4 do FF damage to allied vehicles? At least reduce it so that we don't have the blatant griefing we see now. Why does ramming deal full damage to allies? Reducing it to non-lethal levels will still have the same effect, but will be at least a little less frustrating for friendlies when they're run over by taking out their shields instead of outright killing them instantly.
  16. HerpTheDerp

    Must've been TR.
  17. Aggh

    So just make it so hitting a friendly blocks the shot instead of dealing damage.

    Man you have to link me to a download to Magical Christmas-side 2 where none of that happens.

    All you have to do to run into that is push the back doors on a tech plant.
  18. Dankshasta

    If they got rid of friendly fire I would definitely leave for a real shooter.
  19. Rothnang

    Friendly fire is good, without it powerful explosive weapons would be insanely overpowered.
  20. Ratsle

    Laugh Exactly