What is the best way to take a tech plant?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dornez, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Dornez

    Do you go through the Observatory or the Shrine of the Silver Monkey? Honestly I get confused. I mean even these guys didn't make it.
  2. Rothnang

    Drive a Sunderer with Shield Diffuser through the big shield on the back side of it, send a squad of people up the gravity shafts on the side to the SCU shield generator, set it to blow and then hold that area, while the enemies scramble to clear you out the rest of your faction will overrun the doors and take the base.

  3. Paulus

    Get it drunk and tell it you've never seen such beautiful bay shields.

    failing that, the above method works like a charm.
  4. Xizwhoa

    Come in through the back doors so I can farm you for 50 kills and play the shield game for another 30-50 before redeploying and taking it back 30 minutes later.
  5. Uben Qui

    Gate Crasher Battle Bus loaded with a full squad. Drive it straight into the bay, have ten jump out to push up, leave two inside to work the turrets on the infantry. My favorite is carrying two .50 cal Kobalts to mow down everything inside of the place. They will hit you with rockets but as long as you have full armor it is going to take them like 10 of them, and they have to hang their heads out to loose them.
  6. MarlboroMan-E

    Get there before the zerg is in place to defend. It's gonna be a meat grinder if they have a platoon there, so you have to seize the operational initiative. Gate crashing sundy is effective once the zerg is in place.
  7. water fowl

    They're nearly impossible if the defenders are competent. Even more so if the attackers are not. A few nights ago I had a ******* park a sundy between the shields... For two hours, I **** you not, the clueless newbs kept shooting at the shields and dying over and over. I kept screaming for them to go to the southern entrances, and to move the sundy, and was promptly told to ****. My platoon leader got fed up and pulled us out after that, thank god...
  8. Xizwhoa

    I like the mindless numbnuts that just hide outside the southern doors so I can get in a good spot and camp my machine gun with an engies ammo pack on me. Even better is when they get all the way in I play the grenade game. It's disappointing when one doesn't kill at least 3 ppl... It's pretty sad that it's such a viable way to kill... It's the only time I ever even use grenades because they are pretty cheese, but that's on you shield campers.