What is the best way to get certification points?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DestructoidZ, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Ronin Oni

    Yah, it's the one I always run.

    It can kill anything.

    BUT, if you have the air support (#1 reason to run dalton is self-defense vs ESF :p ) and you know there isn't much enemy armor, a Zephyr will get a lot more kills a lot faster and help your ground troops more than a dalton would.
  2. Ronin Oni

    You know spawn kills are only worth a bare fraction of the points right?

    Unless of course they spent too long building the courage to run out :p Then you get full points lol
  3. Talurok

    Find a zerg. If your zerg is losing, go medic. If your zerg is winning, go engie.

    Support classes are the fastest & easiest way to get certs until you can cert-up vehicles and gear. But really, the best advice is to just play what you like and the certs will happen.
  4. Vixxing

    Nr 1 reason to run Dalton isnt ESF defence, its damage-output and the fact u can fly much higher and still be effective imo :p (zephyr with thermals is fun but obsolete)
  5. Zar

    lol think this guy or post is outdated want certs roll light assault with c4 or engi with ammo packs and get nano weave 5 /easy certs flying is now a crap shoot if the enemy team is dumb and you can aim you can get certs but if they have a single brain cell you will die pretty quick. i do better on the ground.
  6. TheBlindFreak

    Honestly, playing anti-vehicle gives you good payout per kill. But that's a bit situational. Medics seem to roll in good score for revives, but that's mainly only in heavy combat.

    Personally, I like focusing on air and armor. That seems to get me a nice chunk of points. Considering that you get far more score per kill/assist for taking out vehicles than you do for taking out infantry.
  7. The King

    Very old thread..

    What gives me the most certs is killing air/vehicles.... Or at least, getting the assists.
    • Up x 1
  8. BlackbookPS

    Find a good fight.

    Zerg versus spawn shield warriors and ghost capping tank your score per hour.

    Never be a zergling you will never get a share of the kills.

    If you can't find a decent fight then fly.
  9. IonCannons

    Some good methods posted, will give a few a shot and see if it increases my daily take too.
  10. ViXeN

    I just rush with HA in large battles and rack up a ton of kills. Its easy to get certs that way.
  11. Posse

    Even with 20 minutes of afking, 20k certs in 70 minutes with 80% exp boost is a bit low

    The fastest way to get certs is being engi and dropping ammo boxes, or medic reviving, I don't see it as a fun way to get them though.
  12. Sen7rygun

    I hear just playing the game and having fun works... But I have been wrong before.

    It doesn't matter what aspect of the game you are playing or what your chosen role is at any moment in time, as long as you play your role well you'll be reaping the certs in no time.

    Watch a few basic guides on how each class works and what their strengths are, how to make the best use of vehicles etc and then get to work. I've found that playing one particular role almost exclusively is not the best way to cash in. Playing a variety of roles in different situations (even uncerted basics) will keep the game fun and fresh for you while teaching you about when and where certain roles are best used.

    In a large infantry skirmish and find yourself and team mates constantly calling for ammo? Pull an engineer, fulfil the need and reap the ammo points.

    Your tank rush is getting hammered by a well positioned enemy rocket nest? Pull a sniper and go on a quick heads hot kill streak.

    Enemy tanks shelling a friendly position? Pull a tank or a heavy assault, flank them with a couple of mates and blow them away with well placed rockets or shells.
  13. Goodkat

    Best way for noobs to get XP is ANT runs!! ... Oh, not anymore :(
  14. MrMurdok

    Kill them.
    Kill them all.
  15. exLupo

    It's a post from December so, yea, things are a bit different. :) According to May data, the score/hr breaks down like this:

    MAX (17k)
    Med/Engi (13k)
    HA (10k)
    Dalton bomber (10k)
    LA (9k)
    Infil (8k)
    MBT, Lightning, ESF, Zephyr (6-7k)

    Not a lot has changed since then so it should still be about like that. Infil chages in the pipe may increase that score a touch but, by the looks of things, not by much. LA may get a boost if they ever get a pass (Bump from a support/passive? Dunno.) The Locust cannon, if not changed, will bolster ESFs a little but I wouldn't say more than 7k/hr on average. Though, the reverse nerf may give lower end pilots more of a fighting chance so the bottom end of the average curve will increase and may bump the rest a little on top of that. Still, Infil > ESF for Score/HR which is kinda sad. Quantity > Quality I guess.
  16. Johanarmstrong99

    Get a few good friend AA pilots in a squad. Then you can all get AG ESF's and pilots will be scared if you cause of your large numbers and the AH is also really good for AA. Then you rocket pod vechicles and AH infantry. Works best with thermals. The certs will roll in naturally
  17. NC_agent00kevin

    Blowin up tanks n stuff.
  18. lawn gnome

    find a large fight (at least 25-48) and go engineer, hit 'F' every once in a while near infantry to poop out an ammo kit for free certs and then run around repairing vehicles or MAX units. if enemies get too close you can shoot them, but otherwise you should just spray repairs and ammo packs everywhere. if there is a heavy concentration of enemy troops in an easy to hit area spawn a turret and hose em down.
  19. Msixty

    Farm. That's all this game is about; everything that matters in this game is related to farming your opponent. Anything that's loathsome and cheap, this game revolves around it. So grab a tank or MAX or ESF or huddle behind the safety of a zerg and toss grenades into rooms, or camp a sundy and just mow down the less fortunate, like the most underpopulated faction (typically TR on most nights, most servers). Some will attempt to disprove me, but, they know this game does not reward "tactical" play or smart play (that's why you don't do the smart thing and kill a sundy, you farm it, duh). You're playing a game that actually rewards you for spawn killing...got the hint yet? So, farm these cert pinatas till your eyes bleed and watch the certs roll in! Have fun.
  20. bl33ping

    grab an ammo/repair sundy and roll with a zerg. find a good spot in the middle of a bunch of vehicles and deploy (make sure you have cover obviously). drop ammo packs, repair max's, spot everything, kill some stuff, cap points, etc. repairing squads and also giving them ammo/heals is even more beneficial :)