What is the ADS Sensitivity Multiplier?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jp5a9852, Jul 12, 2015.

  1. jp5a9852

    I heard in a video quite a long time ago that it wasn't the same as battlefield's. I think it was a video by lvlcap. Anyway I wan't to find out so I can change my sensitivity to be exactly the same as battlefields. I seem to be able to aim much better in that game. I believe in battlefield it makes your ads sensitivity twice as slow. For example, my sens is 4in for a 360 turn, so in ads it would be 8in, or twice as slow. If anyone knows this stuff thanks for the help. I would use mousesensetivity.com but it's ads calculators require me to pay.
  2. Iridar51

    So adjust your "Mouse Sensitivity" until you make 360 in 4in.
    Then ADS and adjust "Aimed Sensitivity" until you make a 360 in 8in.
    What's the problem? No ruler?
  3. Nalothisal

    Sadly this is a little tricky to do with a trackball.
  4. jp5a9852

    Wrong question I guess. Ok, If my mouse sensitivity, aimed sensitivity, and scoped sensitivity are all .200. What are the percentage differences between mouse sensitivity and the other two sens?

    For example if mouse and aimed sensitivity are both .200. Is the aimed 50% slower? 45%? etc.

    That is what I'm trying to figure out really.
  5. EagleEyeFoley

  6. Iridar51

    I'd have to guess the multiplier is equal to your scope's magnification. 1x scopes and iron sights have 1.35x (or 1.3x) magnification, 2x = 2x, 6x=6x, etc.
  7. jp5a9852

    OK my values for mouse sensitivity, aimed sensitivity and scoped sensitivity are all 0.284806.
    For mouse sensitivity this 4 inches for a 360 turn.
    For aimed sensitivity this is 8.6339 inches for a 360.

    That must be why it felt off, assuming BF's aimed sensitivity has a 2x multiplyer.
    Huh, kinda strange they just wouldn't make it twice as slow, weird.

    Anyway for 8 inches on aimed i need a .3 aimed sensitivity. That should make it like BF I hope.