What is faster: Drifter or Sprinting?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by AntiDemocide, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. AntiDemocide

    In terms of forward speed.
  2. Achmed20

    Drifters are faster then default runspeed. but im not sure if they are faster then with adrenaline pump. if so, its just 5% faster maybe so barely noticable. but they are at least as fast as adrenaline pump.
  3. AntiDemocide

    assuming one is using adrenaline pump and has drifters, he could switch out the perk for like flak armor and have the same theoretical speed (assuming high ground)
  4. Achmed20

    jup because they dont stack. i went for extra ammo for example.

    you can also use you drifters for like 10m on flat ground. once you hit the ground you can just start drifting again. it is noticeable faster (then default running) but probably looks like bunny hopping.
  5. Cyridius

    The way Drifters work is that they add to your forward momentum. If you're say, sprinting, and after 5 secs or so you activate drifters, you'll go faster than sprint speed.
    If you're just walking or standing still, you'll go quite slow.
  6. Lakora

    So basically from what I gather is that with Adrenaline Pump increasing your sprint speed in theory your drifter speed would increase proportional to this new added momentum right?
  7. Cyridius

    Think of it like this.

    You are running at 10kmph.
    You use your drifter jets. The drifter jets alone are 5kmph. But seeing as you were running already at 10kmph, you are now moving at 15kmph.
    Drifter Jets just add on to your speed, no matter what you are using. Adrenaline or not, doesn't matter.

    Disclaimer: Numbers are made up
  8. Lakora

    You're kinda contradicting yourself. :p If it only adds speed than there is a difference with Adrenaline or not.

    Cause if your run at 10 and adrenaline makes run at 15 that 5kmph from Drifter will change that to 15 without n 20 with adrenaline. :D Now if it didn't matter you'd still only be going 15 even with Adrenaline but since you said it "adds" to your speed well than there is a difference but thanks for clearing it up. :D
  9. Silver Pepper

    Naw, I think he means that the base speed increase is the same either way.
  10. ArcMinuteLight

    Drifters will be able to strafe at the speed of a regular sprint, allowing you to sprint sideways while shooting heh.
    As for sprinting forward, I'm not sure if its much faster, certainly feels like descending upon mortals though.
  11. AntiDemocide

    then, drifting out of an esf...OH GOD
  12. Achmed20

    i dont think this is right at all.
    initial speed while jumping out of a ESF may be higher yes, because you will carry on the momentum you had at starting drifters, but you will slow down to the max speed of drifters pretty fast. also, speed wont add up. so if you run for 10 km/h and drifters speed is 15km/h, you wont end up in having 25. thats also why using adrenaline with drifters wont give you much.

    easiest way to test this is enganging drifters right after you took a jump pad, there you can clearly see that you are slowing down.
  13. Cyridius

    That's just how I believe it works. I could easily be wrong. I've had quite a lot of people who use drifers telling me what I said was right, but meh.
  14. Achmed20

    never believe numbers unless you faked them yourself ;)
  15. LupeFiasco

    From a comprehensive post on Drifter Jets I made back in Beta:

    I don't think the speed changes with different levels. I can post the rest if people want to see it.
  16. Wolfwood82

    Do you save all your posts you make from beta? ;)

    That's what is called introspection. It "feels" right therefore it must be right... right? Wrong. Aristotle said that "the seat of human emotion is in the heart". While metaphorically, he is arguably right. Modern medicine tells us that he's full of it. And chances are the only reason we have that metaphorical comparison, is because of his statement.

    So yeah in reality it's more like what Achmed said. Drifters has a set speed and you will speed up or slow down to match that speed as the situation requires. But unless you actually test it by dropping out of an ESF's *** at moch 3 with full after burners, you won't really notice enough change to actually see the "slowing down" part.

    Lupe, it would be awesome if you tested more of the movement speeds post beta though :D I'm curious to see how adrenaline pump stacks up against drifters, and what strafing speeds are with drifters as well. I know that if you drift forward in the direction you want to strafe, then turn in mid drift to face your intended target, your momentum will carry you in a sort of semi circle around your target rather then having a strait change of direction.
  17. LupeFiasco

    I posted it first on my outfit forums so I was able to look it up. Drifter Jets haven't changed since beta, as far as i know. Strafing speed is VERY slow on its own, with forward momentum you move quicker. Also, you will notice how much you slow down, since you can see your mini-map.

    Here's some more. All of this was tested, and I just tried a proof of concept again really quickly, it all holds true. Which would mean adrenaline pump does nothing to affect your drifter speeds.