[What if] You could tailor your membership perks to suit you?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NinjaTurtle, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. NinjaTurtle

    What if people could tailor membership to what they want out of it?

    Would it convince more people to buy membership?

    Would it offer SOE more money in the long run if membership was scaled by what you chose for a cheaper price overall if more people were as a result willing to purchase membership?

    So these are currently all the perks you gain with membership
    • 25-50% increased XP gain
    • 25-50% increased passive cert point gain
    • Priority login
    • Early Access
    • Additional Character Slots
    • Daily Members-Only Sale
    • Monthly Members-Only Double XP Weekends
    A basic example of how it would work

    What is people could choose only what they want, so say I for example only wanted the queue priority and increased xp gain of 50% for a 6 month period that is currently $71.94/£46.14.

    What is these were all scaled and as a result I could get a cheaper more personally worthwhile deal?

    Lets say these 7 perks were divided equally into price brackets, that prices each perk at $10.27/£6.59 in my example that means I could get a 6 month membership for $20.54/£13.18 based on having just the 2 example I mentioned above

    This is just a rough example as some perks are more useful or valuable than others and could be valued accordingly.

    What's good for your customer is good for you

    The point is people will see it as better value because they are getting exactly what they need for a price they can more afford. In the long run the potential for a higher revenue is possible.

    Also while we are at it more perks would be a useful way to get more people to sign up...... let's say while a member you can have access to member only cosmetics (these would obviously have to be incredible to make people want them).... you could add the recruit rewards to the list of rentable membership cosmetics as an example.... recon camo hint hint

    TLDR: A more consumer friendly membership is potentially more profitable for SOE in the long run
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  2. Goretzu

    So do you now get all the benifits if you pay for say 12 months, but then cancel the renew so you don't have an open card on file?

    (before you lost all your SC if you did that)
  3. NinjaTurtle

    My idea is you only get the benefits you opt in for, for the period of membership you choose.

    If you want all perks for 12 months you opt in too all perks for 12 months and pay the current full 12 month price.

    It would work the same as membership does now you just only have certain parts of that membership on your account
  4. Fenrisk

    The 300% Passive cert gain = I don't have time or inclination to log into characters every single day.

    Character slots = Three would be enough for me. 6 is useless.

    double experience weekends = I work weekends SOE. Why not give us 3 days double experience token?

    Early access = Not been updated in months

    All useless stuff i'd trade for a cheaper price or different incentives.
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  5. NinjaTurtle

    This would be a great addition to membership
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  6. FieldMarshall

    This may be trailing off topic slightly, but whats the deal with "Early Access" anyway.
    Doesent early access imply that it would be available to everyone later?
    I mean, the 5 early access items have been there for as long as i can remember...

    Maybe i just misunderstood the whole concept, as english isnt my first/second/third language.
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  7. Hghar

  8. vsae

    Resource boost alone
  9. Kunavi

    Here's a benefit I'd take : Passive Cert Collection. Here's another... Common Cert Pool. And one more, something MORE SIGNIFICANT THAN 3% SELF/SQUAD XP. Good idea, terrible % for Auraxium members. :S One last : Ability to Re-Cert through Station Cash every so often, or once after X Subscription cycles. Something like that. Yeah I'd feel like I'm paying for something then... And if, you know, they fixed Hit Detect and performance... And if they made sure Auraxium members don't have to stay at WG for 10' for max resources under the new system... Yeah all that'd make up something I'd give 10$-15$ a month for.
  10. DK22

    Ah, early access is when a continent is pop'd out. If your a member you get pushed to the front of the line.
    Since the merger I always get #1 only wait about a minute,
    rather than all the others free players running around the warp gate waiting for half an hour.
  11. Regpuppy

    Nope, that is entirely different. That's the priority login/queue priority. Early access is, or was, a cash shop tab that only members could use that would have some cosmetics available before they were released to the masses. The problem is that it has not been cycled out for a long long looooooooong time. Members have been looking at the Dark Digital camo and a few harasser bumpers for months now.

    Granted, I found it an arbitrary perk that wasn't worthwhile to begin with. But if they're going to have it, it should at least work.
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  12. oberchingus

    If they had a harasser fanatic product and service line, I'd continue to give them the 1 yr membership in full. I unsubbed when they nerfed the harasser. If they fix it, I may renew. If not, so be it.
  13. Taemien

    For $14.99 you get Premium Access to Planetside 2, Everquest, Everquest 2, DC Universe Online, and Dragon's Prophet. In the future this will include Landmark, and Everquest Next.

    Most MMOs require a $14.99 to just play. Some others have memberships as well. None of them give you perks on multiple games.

    For those that want 'cheaper' perks, you've got boosts for that.
  14. Niamar

    The only thing I would change is this. The timer for membership and boosts should only countdown while I play. Wouldn't it be great? I would get what I pay for. :)
  15. ShadowyN

    APB did that. And it was great.
    But then they also had a free social district and a way to earn in-game cash to pay for your subscription.
  16. EaglePhoenix

    Actually, from a business perspective, the price of each segment should be higher than the total sum of what it is now.

    So, your price of $10.27 should be something more in the line of e.g.: $11.50.
  17. Axehilt

    I've worked in F2P games several years now, and it's extremely rare (to the point where not a single example springs to mind) that making payment options significantly more complicated results in higher revenue.

    Subscription is simply a dying model for revenue, and should be allowed to die its slow death. It's awkward that subscription is even an option in the first place.

    The real money comes from microtransactions, and releasing new content that gets players excited in the same way that new champions in LoL get players excited to spend on that game: it's balanced content added to a game whose core is PVP.

    From my point of view, the key things that would make PS2 succeed would be:
    • Create a level playing field. New players have it hard enough without the vertical progression in the game. Provide a nicer experience by starting all new players with one max-rank thing in every slot.
    • Improve performance, fix bugs. It was surprising how, in my own games, bug fixes and perf improvements actually moved the needle in terms of game revenue and player retention.
    • Release new content. The more creative, the better. The more aesthetically exciting, the better. And better all around if it interacts in interesting ways with existing content.
    But the people actually working on the game would have a much better perspective of what's succeeding and what isn't. It's entirely possible subscriptions are bringing in good money for them. But it feels like the bigger upside is in releasing more content than in changing the subscription model.
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  18. DK22

    I like it and its well worth it I think.
    One thing, I got mine for the whole 12 months. A single payment, one shot and your done,
    if it was modeled as a month by month payment I would never have gotten it.
    I live on a monthly budget, and a game banging on my CC every month would drive me nuts.
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  19. MorganM

    I would actually be enticed to renew my membership if I could custom tailor the perks which also adjusted the price. What if every perk was $1.50 / mo ? Then if you only wanted a couple it would be cheap... if you want them all... more expensive.

    Main reason I dropped my sub after 9 months was that the benefits didn't outweigh the cost. It's not all their fault either; like members only bonus weekends.... I rarely play on the weekends... it's of no value to me yet I'm paying for it. Early Access stuff... couldn't care less. I'm a patient man; I can wait for it to hit the open market. Priority log in was a joke because the population dropped so far there was never a que for anything. Even now with the merge it's pretty rare I wait longer than a minute or two.

    All I really wanted was the boosts... and I can buy those ad-hoc. I've actually be doing just fine with out them; hardly miss it!
  20. ironeddie

    The membership is already brilliant value for money. Name another membership scheme that gives you perks in more than one game at the same time.

    Which brings me to question how scaling & personalising your membership perks in ps2 would marry up with the wider all access pass. Afterall I didn't pay for just ps2 but membership to all soe games.