What if MAXes were limited to squads which can only have a limited amount?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Pikachu, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Pikachu

    People compalin that maxes are too easy to get and use. Imagine if getting a max suit required you to be in a squad and that squad could only have a limited number of them like 4. This puts a limit to max spam.

    Two problems with this is that it takes away some freedom from players. Also the situation of a max leaving a squad so another max slot in it gets free and then the old max joins that squad again. A solution to this could be that maxes cant get any support unless in a squad. No ammo refill or repair or re-equiping, or maybe even lock weapons. Losing the max suit might be too much.

  2. starlinvf

    MAX crashes aren't guaranteed success. If we were to follow your train of logic, we'd also need to limit the number of medics, Heavy assaults (because rocket spam), Engineers (because endless ammo), and vehicles.... because vehicles are OP.
  3. Pikachu

    I don't think those things cause as much hate in the game as MAX. Not to need that kind of limitation. People complain on MAXes the most in my opinion and saying they should be removed or cost 750 resources and not be revived.
  4. Scr1nRusher

    So like Terminator Space Marine Armor?
  5. Pikachu

    I don't know the terminator rules. :S
  6. Botji

    Imo the only "fix" needed for MAXes is their infinite revives.

    If they had limited lives like vehicles it wouldnt be so bad, the problem we have as it is right now is that in large battles even if you manage to kill some of them the constant flow of ZERG is usually enough to allow a Medic to revive them.

    The only time this is not the case is when one side has enough ZERG to actually wipe out the entire enemy force and stand on the dead MAXes, denying revives.

    The sort of recent MAX death counter or whatever before their body despawns has helped a bit but the main problem is still that you can spend hundreds of resources to take one down but since you lacked another 10-15 friendlies the dead MAX will just get revived.

    I think a single revive is more than generous, after that the MAX suit is so broken that it cant be used and if its revived again.. out pops the guy as a normal infantry unit, an engineer or something.

    I wouldnt mind large numbers of MAXes if they stayed dead when killed once or twice.
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  7. Scr1nRusher

    well Terminator armor is bigger/stronger then the regular space marine armor

    so rather then a squad of 6 space marines you would have a squad of 4 terminator armor marines.
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  8. Pikachu

    I meant 4 players can be maxes and the remaining 8 can be anything but maxes.
  9. Scr1nRusher

    that would be good.
  10. starlinvf

    Opinions are jaded. And its not about hate, its about consistency of the argument. People are "complaining" about the number of MAXs being fielded, but they aren't even the most abundant, nor the most dangerous thing in an infantry fight.

    I'm trying to get sorting figured out, but going by "users" apparently C4 is the most popular thing ever. By a WIDE margin.

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  11. BobSanders123

    MAXES need a health pool (green). And an armor pool (blue). The more the armor gets shot the less resistance he has against damage.
    1000 health. 1500 armor. At max shield he resists the normal amount of bullets. (80%) at no armor he has a resistance of (50%). If the max has flak armor equipped or kinetic. It will reduce to 50% efficiency once all armor has been depleted. This requires a max to rely on a medic and engineer for maximum efficiency. Once out of health you die, but can be picked up again at 250 health with no armor. This essentially makes it so it is no longer a solo kill everything in sight lol spam unit. You need a good team to keep it working. People will think twice before pulling a MAX knowing that they need a coordinated engineer and medic to aid him if need be.
  12. Matt0193

    Tbh all I see this causing is deliberate TKs on existing MAXes so that people who just join any squad can get a MAX of their own.
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  13. Crayv

    Personally I would like to see a small % of damage become un-repairable (applied to MAXs and vehicles). It would make badly damaging something more meaningful as opposed to just giving your enemies repair points after they duck around a corner for a few seconds.
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  14. acksbox

    Haven't been in a squad in months.

    Do not want.
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  15. DrBash00

    This would help mass outfits... and like GZC a small (only german speaking) outfit maby have trubbles... because we can not spawn a max... so we need to invite publics to our squad, just to spawn a max??

    No thank you ^^.

    I think Maxes are a really nice part of the game and you should not punish max player for playing max.....
  16. Rovertoo

    I would agree with the no-revives thing, if a dead Max gets revived, it's just reviving the guy inside. Out pops a little Engineer!

    Because I honestly think Maxes are in a pretty good place right now, super scary to face (as they should be), feel tough and dish out damage, but are still able to be put down with teamwork (rockets+bullets) or, if you're brave enough, a lone wolf (shotgun+c4). The only issue I have with them is the constant max crashes in large fights, it's kind of annoying to have both sides just pulling maxes every 6 minutes, steamrolling either side over and over again and making it a game of 'who has more maxes'. The no revives I think would make these Max crashes available to all players, as it should be, but not such an unstoppable force. Not to mention increase the need for repair engies.
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  17. DatVanuMan

    But which one is more game-breaking? Far more people consider the MAX to be more OP than vehicles, and yet the devs nerf vehicles. I main infantry, but vehicles aren't as big of a problem as MAXes are.
  18. SevenTwo

    I'd probably go for either an "upkeep" function or something similar to restrict access to MAX units.

    A base would be capable of supporting a certain amount of MAX units pulled and active from it's terminals at any given time. Small outputs could maybe support 5, large outposts 10, Major Faclities 15 and Warpgates support infinite numbers.

    Once a MAX unit dies (the "death" of a MAX would need to be re-defined - maybe it's getting killed three times or something like that), the upkeep slot opens up and another player can pull a MAX, with the outfit currently owning the base having priority rights to pull MAX units (Gives an incentive to defend the bases you've taken as an outfit).

    Additional MAX pulls would have to be supported by deployed Sunderers in the same manner with each Sunderer capable of supporting up to 3 MAX units pulled from it at a time.

    First off, this approach will limit the number of MAXes in a given area to whatever the players themselves are capable of putting together. The bases themselves offer limited amounts of MAX support and the requisite Sunderer deployment means, that only so many MAX'es can be brought quickly to a fight due to the Sunderer deployment bubbles.

    Secondly, it'd tie the number of MAX units in an area to logistics. If your side wants more MAX'es than your bases support, your team will have to pull Sunderers and deploy them or ferry more from the Warpgate, giving Galaxies a regular "job" to do if your side is going for a big MAX push.

    This sort of system of course need some features put in to restrict who can pull MAX'es from owned Facilities/Sunderers and so on (limit to squad, platoon or public), so that players get more control of the process.

    This is just a draft idea, but I think it's better than arbitrarily limit the amount of MAX'es by squad or other means and it makes for a more player involved system, where the players actually can choose to field more MAX'es at the expense of dealing with the logistics of it.
  19. Makora

    The "MAX problem" is only a problem because of the way the game is made. With most bases and cap points being put in places where you either have to cover multiple choke points or stand out/push up over the open to actually get to the capture point.
    To advance through these places you need either numerical superiority (can't kill everyone) or a force multiplier to have any hope of pushing up.
    MAX is that force multiplier where if your numbers are not enough to push up and defeat your enemy, you resort to force multipliers (MAXs) to do so.

    Working as intended.

    The current "problem" lies in people feeling cheated when the enemy actually use their brains. I will not argue that there hasn't been a spike in MAX usage. No one can deny that. But the game itself promotes the deployment of MAXs to have any meaningful impact on a battle. You might be able to eventually push up without them, but up until that point you are basically feeding the enemy certs and no one likes to be farmed.
    For example, I will default to a lockdown pounder MAX when enemy has sunderers around simply because chances are that sunderer has the new shield unlock, meaning even if I make it to that thing, I won't be able to take it out in any other class. And even if I could, there's 4 more lined up to take it's place. So for me to defend a base I NEED the MAX to have any impact on the attacking force.
    "But you're not supposed to take out a sunderer all on your own!" I'd see your point if the sunderer didn't cost 200 resource to pull. And the AMS wasn't only 50 cert points.
    In essence, I am, right now, paying more to destroy that sunderer when I deploy my MAX then the enemy paid for his ride. "What about that 50 certs?" I have my MAX maxed out. EVERY cert line except some weapon variants have been fully certified. Every suit slot, every utility (even ammo canisters) have been fully certed.
    And with the current genius idea to pop up the price for a MAX to 450 (over twice the resource cost of a Sunderer, equal to an MBT) means that a MAX is not worth the resource cost for what you are getting.

    But ok. Since people like to theorycraft about how to tweak MAX's further. Here's my take (I'm only partially sarcastic here).
    A MAX costs 700 resource and 100 certs to pull. Every time.

    But the MAX gets a buff. A large one. The standard resistances of a MAX are pumped up to what they'd be if carrying maxed out KA and FA. Weapon systems are buffed to be, in essence "one of each". So in case of an AI TR MAX, it will carry 2 full powered BRRT MCG's rather then 2 half-powered TRAC-5's.
    FLAK and KA armors will further boost their already massive survival capability where a full flak MAX will be able to survive around 4 C4s but with only a sliver of health left. Full KA makes the MAX almost immune to small arms, meaning you need rockets or HMG weapons to take it out effectively, small arms still can do the job but you'll need a LOT of bullets. Maneuverability remains the same. Simply to give the enemy a chance to run away. Can't be rezed. Melee is a OHK to infantry except shielded heavies.

    I'd say if you pay 700 resources and 100 cert points every time you pull a MAX, you're entitled to a little bit of Godmode. But what I am getting at, is if MAXs are made more and more difficult to not only get, but to sustain. Then they need a look at the capabilities of a MAX to make it worth pulling.
    I love my MAX (if you hadn't figured it out yet). For many reasons I love playing the MAX. I understand why it's limitations are what they are. And it's benefits (however marginal in cluster combat) help me trundle along having fun. But if you make it damn near impossible for me to have my MAX, I demand it damn near impossible for you take it away from me once I have it.
  20. toxs

    I love the 8 ghost cappers that bring 4 MAXes to kill one guy.