What ideas from other games would you like to see in PS2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PlatoonLeaderG, Jun 11, 2014.

  1. RHINO_Mk.II

    I'm a huge fan of the blue+gold armor from Tribes Ascend and wish that PS2 armor didn't look so cartoonish in comparison. I want my NC LA/HA/MAX to look something like this:
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  2. Halcyon

    From PS1:

    - doors
    - combat engineering
    - deployables tracker on UI
    - cloaking AMS
    - 3 man tanks
    - lodestar
    - cargo bay in galaxy
    - base energy mechanics (ANT + warpgate energy)
    - destructible spawn tubes (keep pain field)
    - more distance between bases
    - implants you can toggle on/off
    - ability to imprint spawn point at a major base
    - character animations when mounting vehicles
    - weather
    - more continents
    - continent pop locking
    - cert respec service
    - better base benefits (turret cooldown? who cares)

    What I would like to see removed from PS2:

    - tank special abilities (lockdown, shield, boost)...they're not balanced so just remove all of them
    - the mission system or let us turn the damn thing off
    - ability to shoot vehicle weapons at spawn room shields
    - ability for rocketpods to one shot a tank from the rear (hopefully planned with upcoming rocketpod changes)
    - ability for cloakers to use an SMG

    There's more but I have to stop typing and go to work.
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  3. RHINO_Mk.II

    Also, Indar needs these:
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  4. K2k4

    Tldr most responses, but I would like grappling hooks like in Landmark for light assaults as an alternative to jetpacks.

    Also picking up slain enemy ammo or weapons may be fun.
  5. Whatupwidat

    Wildlife that makes the terrain seem more alive rather than the desolate wasteland we have now
    Dynamic weather like the Metro series
    More verity and "events"
    More empire variation
    Elimination of "cone of fire" as a mechanic
  6. Mekeji

    Yeah these people learned the hard way not to fight titans.
  7. Axehilt

    We already have MAXes that come in and crush infantry.

    Plus ask any PS1 veteran how well BFRs were received (they're essentially the same trump-card-that-beats-everything as MAXes, except with vehicles.)
  8. FateJH

    Devs already said "no doors."
    Resource revamp.
    You'd have to get rid of some small bases. Alternately, I like the idea of taking some small bases from their currently continents (most from Indar) and using them in a slightly modified form on a new continent. It's the easiest way to appease people who actually like those bases.
    Just unequip the darned things at a Terminal.
    No third person Infantry view, outside of the Terminal paper dolls.
    Sure, when they restrict the number of certs you can earn severely.

    They -- don't? I know I've never be one-shot by rocket pods since their resistances were modified the first time. Now, I know that many tanks can be destroyed if all of the rockets in one magazine hit the rear of the tank, but that requires an ESF flying below "top" angle and usually the tank not moving after the first two shots.
    If you remember, the PS1 Medium Assault pistols had an alternate fire mode that performed a SMG-like dump of the whole magazine.
  9. Paragon Exile

    Weather effects, gore, persistent debris.

    RIP FPS, but they would be cool additions.
  10. asmodraxus

    Loot what you can from PS

    But for the love of Vanu leave the mechs behind

    How they would end up in PS 2

    More armour then a Vanguard
    Better shield then a Vanguard as its always on
    More fire power than a Vanguard
    Fire rate of a Prowler

    Good bye everything else for 6 - 12 months and or player base

    Oh and they would have jump jets because...
  11. HadesR

    A direction ...
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  12. Maelthra

    @ about 54 seconds.
  13. ColonelChingles

    I want...

    The air combat of War Thunder, complete with its flight systems and modular damage:

    The tank combat of World of Tanks, with feel of tankiness and more advanced combat systems:

    The infantry combat of ARMA, with an emphasis on real tactics, cover, concealment:

    And a command system like Wargame, where you can order your soldiers around:

    That's not too much to ask for, is it? :p
  14. Vikarius

    excuse me if these were already said:

    1. Climbing / grappling hook ability for Infiltrator

    2. Suppression from BF3 (and weaker killing power LMGs but highest suppression)

    3. PS1 Flail

    4. PS1 AMS system

    5. PS1 Router and Switchblade
    except the Switchblade should function like this

    6. Dedicated gunner and driver for the MBTs

    7. PS1 lasher

    8. NO BFRs .... HOWEVER you can't say no to this

    @ 4:25

    Very balanced too because the pilot is mad exposed and can be shot (and sniped) right out of the starhawk
  15. -Synapse-

    A better HUD:
  16. Maelthra

    I find this suggestion a little funny, mainly because I know a lot of Battlefield players have complained about suppression over the years. I've already seen some people express their happiness that Battlefield Hardline doesn't seem to have suppression, at least not in the way that BF3 or 4 have it.

    This I totally agree with. Give the Lasher its' lash back! :D
  17. Peebuddy

    I want drop ship centers with one of these puppies landed inside.


    They had Heart drop ships in the sanctuary in PS1 which are basically titans, while I think having them actually act like titans in 2142 controlled by actual players would be sticky. Them being on the ground for aesthetic purposes (even a few working turrets) would work wonders for game immersion.
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  18. Keldrath

    I just want the Coyote Sight from Battlefield 4.

    All the sights in this game are pretty ugly.
  19. SpcFarlen

    And far too large.
  20. Maelthra

    And not properly aligned.
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