What have you done?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Naaahhhhh, Aug 14, 2016.

  1. Naaahhhhh

    Team killing is a big problem but what you have implemented at the last patch is ********.
    I was driving my prowler and got shot by a frindly lightning. And he didnt stoped. He was firering around 8 times with his viper on me. Then I finialy shot back to stop him. I just shot him to 20 % health so he would stop and therefore I was weapon locked. I even didnt kill him! WTF! Now I get punished for defending myself against team killers?
    5 Minutes later the weapon lock was removed. 10 minutes later I exedently destroyed an emty burning frindly harasser by shoting at him once!
    So I got weapons locked a second time. I was getting twiced weapon locked without killing anyone.
  2. breeje

    i will get weapon locked every 10 minutes:(
    every time i get weapon locked i will jump before my friends there guns so they can feel my grief :D
  3. blackboemmel

    what? was there anything implemented in the last patch that locks your weapons?
  4. DrPapaPenguin

    Didn't notice anything different when I played.
  5. RainbowDash9

    idk sometimes the weapons lock is finicky. one day ill get the use caution warning like 50 times without ever getting locked, other days itll say final warning on the first warning.
  6. orangejedi829

    Not sure if there have been recent changes, but the weapon lock system is rather broken regardless. In my experience, once you get weapons lock, it's best to just find a different game to play. Otherwise, once lock is removed, you'll inevitably accidentally hit a teammate with one bullet, and you'll get locked again, this time for 3x as long. Rinse and repeat.
    I rarely get weapons lock these days, but when I do, I just quit the game.
  7. wolf113

    Weapon lock. you do not have to kill anybody, if you make a sufficient amount of damage to your team, then you'll get the weapon lock. Today I killed 5 times LV.1 NC. VS player who has made only character that would destroy my Sunderer and prevent the capture of the base. I have not got a weapon lock. But using the rocket launch, and not killing anyone got weapon lock. Because of splash damage.