What happens to the "mighty" Mattherson VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pat Cleburne, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Pat Cleburne

    When they are down a measly 5% in population instead of having 25% +

    Bow to Ultra!

  2. Fox Reinhold

    Pat, I found this whole demonstration hilarious until you spoke up. I actually managed to fly a scythe up there (surprisingly easy, even managed to land it and hop out) and take pictures down at the WG because I found it hilarious enough (unfortunately the armor line didn't render but I have the pictures on my non-laptop). I thought it was an effective method of showing how pointless attaching importance to "INDAR LOCK LOL" was, especially with the upcoming alert. I thought, "Finally! Maybe we can get over this Indar B.S. and play the game!"

    Then, you spoke up how it was a "SHOW OF MIGHT FOR ULTRA!"

    *le sigh* It would've been so much better if it was for a better reason then "LOL LOOK AT ULTRA!"
  3. Fate

    Who cares?
  4. AtroposZero

    Oh look; a massive coordinated force can overwhelm another faction. This is a stunning revelation, and bears further investigating. I fear the landscape of MMO gaming may be changed forever.
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  5. Pat Cleburne

    It's funny because so many of the Mattherson VS think they are the greatest thing since sliced bread, and many think the TR blows because we can't overcome drastic population disadvantages. It's nice to see the shoe on the other foot for a change.

    Yea, but don't worry. VS managed to stack the biolab with ZOE maxes and hold that. Go figure.
  6. Fate

    Again, who cares? Bragging about, or trying to defend the honor, of a fictional empire in an online video game is just dumb. If you feel too attached to things then maybe it's time to log out and get some fresh air.
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  7. Happypipe

    In Picture : VS holding lock against 2 factions
    Not in Picture : TR losing the Esamir alert by 50+%
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  8. EliteEskimo

    True, but the TR are holding off the NC while getting very close to simultaneously warpgating the VS. That's pretty darn cool:cool:
  9. Haruk

  10. Robes

    Actually, we won that alert, lol.
  11. Pat Cleburne

    And now the server is bugged to hell. Enemies shooting through walls and floors, floating on air. Not hacking, the server just went to ****
  12. Phrygen

    pretty sure that pic is from the Amerish alert... that the TR won cause vs left to defend indar
  13. Fox Reinhold

    Which is the point I was HOPING that was going to be made, the TR pointing out how the Indar lock is pointless and we should all just play the game, participate in alerts, etc.

    Instead we wound up with another ****** wankfest "LOL ULTRA" "NO LOL INDAR LOCK"
  14. MarlboroMan-E

    Generally, talking **** is frowned upon by me ... except that the members of the fine VS outfits that have piped up in this thread are constantly - CONSTANTLY - talking **** in /yell when enjoying their 2-1 pop advantage. Now, I'm not saying that they're a bunch of 12 year olds that needed something to buoy their fragile egos, but ... seriously, if there is a shred of class on the part of the VS zerg, I've not seen it.
  15. Drealgrin

    funny that, Terran Mattherson finally finding their long lost gonads and actually doing something. Then bragging about it profusely on the forums XD

    Warpgating south east indar being Terran's most impressive "achievement" in the past 30 days, LOL

    You poor sad bads of Terran Mattherson need every inch if morale you can get to make up for how poorly you've been performing over the past month.

    Poor Terran and their ultrabad failliance
  16. Eugenitor

    Did they even break the VS lock?
  17. Eugenitor

    By the way, since it got deleted from the other thread (probably for being off-topic), Mattherson VS has an easy way to make TR ragequit. Wait for a holiday weekday (July 4 will be perfect). Get the goonswarm on at 4 PM. Warpgate the TR. Mow down their Galaxies with Scythes and their armor with Lancers, and snipe down everyone else. Run them out of resources (now that resources can actually be run out of). Laugh. Enjoy the fireworks.
  18. VanuSovereignty

    I told them that we are just as bad at the game as TR and NC, and then they got mad and yelled at me.
  19. Phyr

    So double teaming a faction in the worst warpgate is cause for celebration?
  20. Fleischwolf

    Just let the TR have this one....they need all the encouragement they can get.

    Good Job Guys, you ALMOST got us.
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