what happened to crowd-control weapons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by snu, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. snu

    so after coming back after a few weeks or so of not playing, i realized...

    sony has nerfed crowd-control weapons into oblivion.

    what happened to the zephyr? why was THAT nerfed when the real problem is the liberator's immense health-bar?

    my rocket pods.... wat

    cant fly longer than 20 seconds out of my warpgate before i get weapon-locked by probably 100+ g2a rockets just barely flying over tawrich.

    pulled flak to fight enemy air, only to have no hit indicators and do no damage while they are clearly showing visual explosions on impact.

    saw sunderers autorepairing while the enemy is still inside them?

    my HE cannon on my vangaurd is now useless as it takes something like 5-6 seconds to reload? (i have +12% reload speed increase). its not like i could one-shot HA in the first place, also with flak armor added for infantry, why was the damage SOURCE changed when there is CLEARLY precautionary measures that you can take when you come face to face with explosive-damage?

    suddenly, i am watching the 40% vanu pop completely over-run indar while 27% tr and 32% nc can do NOTHING to fight the endless hordes of zombies they throw at us. (counted 8 vanu platoons assigned to attacking nc alone, 4 for tr). I also blame the INCREDIBLE influx of vanu players on tobuscus playing on our server. (did SOE even tell them which server to go on? dont think so, seananners and toby on helios, TB on connery, what an organizational nightmare on SOE's part).

    After playing for an hour or so, I turned the game off. balancing is worse than it was on release, or even in beta.

    INB4 "get better noob" : http://www.planetside-universe.com/character.php?stats=420BombSauce

    hopefully in another month or so, the sun wont be blotted out by lock-on rockets (bad idea to have them in game in the first place IMO, althought i know SOE did it as a cash-cow), area of effect weapons wont be so useless, and maybe some population control set in place, those vanu breed like bunnies.

    until then, let the flames commence.
  2. Lucidius134

    Zephr wasn't Crowd Control, it was Crowd Kill. The lethal explosion radius is still the size of a sunderer. Same with HE although the reload speed was a pretty stupid nerf.

    Also iirc flak was glitched.
  3. ChampagneDragon

    Knew before I even got to the third sentence that you were a pilot.

    GG. Learn to play, and not just spam rockets.

    (summed up what everyone will tell you flyboy)
  4. snu

    eh, the zephyr was completely uncalled for, so what if you could kill 3 seperated infantry in one clip? u can kill 2-3 with a clip from your infantry weapon.

    likewise, the zephyr finding a huge group of people to actually kill meant that the group must have had NO AA measures whatsoever. THEIR FAULT

    yet, they decide to listen to the cries," but i dont WANT to spend less than 300 certs for 50% reduction to explosive damage,""but i dont WANT to buy bursters or a2a rockets"

    this is the same caliber as the AT mines nerf, which was quickly reverted due to SOE actually realizing that "minegaurd" actually was already in the game.

    im sure they will change it back, hell i dont even play in a lib, let alone gun for them, but i had absolutely NO problem before with them, nothing a dual burster max with 5/5 flak armor couldnt handle.
  5. snu

    only 8k of my kills are in a reaver.

    nice try though, 32% reaver unlocked
    72% MAX unlocked
    31% vangaurd unlocked

    you really think i have 30k certs, and only fly? **** my thread lmao

    would a reaver have 111 medals? maybe you dont know how to look at stats properly. l2p kiddo
  6. QuantumMechanic

    The only real crowd control weapon is the Lasher. So if you're not VS, no luck for you.

    I would love to see a comeback of the Thumper (nanite systems grenade launcher). But SOE seems pretty terrified of grenade spam.

    It would be nice to see crowd control options for infantry other than VS though.
  7. snu

    hey guys im a pilot and this is a thread where i complain about my precious rocketpods getting nerfed sadfais sadfais

  8. Zer0range

  9. Kristan

    Can't farm infantry anymore, eh? Well sucks to be you. As was saif before - learn to play, not spamming AoE weapons.
  10. snu

    unfortunatly, this is a videogame.

    And shooting HA with HE from vangaurd is non-lethal unless you hit their model (considering they dont have flak armor, killing a single HA can take upwards of 20 seconds with hits within 5 meters).

    Cant kill a MAX with one full zephyr clip.

    also, nothing is lethal about flak when its glitching out.
  11. JWizzle

    Except this isn't the military.
  12. snu

    eh, look at psu stats, look at the picture i posted, if you still think its all from AOE farming, then you might have problems interpreting data from numbers.

    like i said in my first post (if you even read it), is that its annoying the population imbalances are so drastic, and there are literally hordes of vanu exploding out of towers/bases and nothing anyone can do about it because aoe weapons are pretty much pointless.

    how else is one man supposed to defend/attack/do ANYTHING against IMPOSSIBLE odds like that when grenades are really the only hope, and they usually bounce back and kill you at that.

    if you would like, i can provide ingame stats of 100-less than 10 all earned from gunplay on my engy.

    when i said they were zombies, i wasnt kidding, im pretty sure most of them are using keyboard/mouse for the first time,
  13. rumblepit

    is snu your main on miller?
  14. snu

    no sadly, the name was taken.

    i am 420bombsauce on helios
    (only character)
  15. rumblepit

    thats how you spell it?
  16. Sebastien

    We can apply MMO logic, and say there are no weapons to stun/chain/knock out
  17. snu

    these are the impossible odds i am talking about.


    soe needs to revert aoe damage changes, or atleast enact SOME KIND OF POPULATION BALANCING.
  18. snu

  19. rumblepit

    ahhh ok just wanted to see what your most played was. well i hate to inform you but you have a better chance of seeing elvis. the in game data said these changes needed to be made. many pilots are quite butt hurt over the whole ordeal but they are starting to come around. sorry for the bad news.
  20. snu

    i use a reaver with external fuel burners and airhammer (no im not an amazing rocketpodder)

    SOE has a history of either re-balancing multiple variables in a single weapon, resulting in DRASTIC nerf-bombs to various weapons that just so happen to be the hot topic on the forums. so far from the pattern ive seen on these forums about people complaining, SOE gives them what they want.

    Now apply this to the HORRID pop imbalances, and now there is no fighting chance for the "underdog"

    instead all i get is this lousy +1% exp gain....

    the "in-game" data of theirs is really the crying and turmoil and trouble presented on the forums.

    Also, SOE has stated that every month, they will be purposely configuring in-game balance in order to influence sales on specific items.

    this month, its the g2a/a2a

    behold, the g40-a
    suddenly i am forced to ditch all vehicles and fight on foot against impossible population odds. it's not fun.

    hopefully by now, with the data i have presented upon myself, anyone able to do simple math can see that nearly 75% of my kills are from gunplay.

    yet there is still going to be the children saying "no one can be that good" and assume its all from rocketpods (which totally blow btw).