What gun is this?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alexkruchev, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. Alexkruchev


    What guns are these? They don't look familliar to me.
  2. FieldMarshall

    I think its the alpha model of the Cycler
  3. Armcross

    Resembles M1 Carbine
  4. Alexkruchev

    Why is it in the art if it's not in the game?! It looks -awesome-!
  5. Pikachu


    The guns are not in game.
    The helmets are not in game.
    The costumes are not in game.
    The dead tree prop is not in game.
    The building prop looks unfamiliar.
    Those clouds look unfamiliar.

    More alpha/beta stuff. These guns are not in game. The redish muzzle flash is not in game.

    That laser beam effect is not in game. That skyfile is not in game. Maybe that vanu armor is not in game.

    This armor is not in game. This helmet is still not in game.

    The pistol to the left is not in game. The fruits hanging from the trees are not in game.

    This minigun model is not in game.

    This NC gun is not in game. The apparent laser beam is not in game.

    This awesome looking version of the alpha camo is not in game.
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  6. Armcross

    Maybe it's the sign of Planetside2 2.0, maybe.
  7. Pikachu

    It's sign of stuff that were cut out.
  8. FieldMarshall

    I agree. Looks really cool.

    They did something similar in PS1. Pictures from the game before it was released had some really cool models that werent used.
  9. H4YW1R3

    Probably dropped to meet a deadline, then abandoned when they realized the game was making money without it.
  10. Korban

    THAT my VS brothers and sisters is what we SHOULD have HAD, our ACTUAL and INTENDED VS faction trait!
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  11. FateJH

    You could easily ask, what kind of structure is that in the background? what skins are those models using? where did those trees go?
  12. Pikachu

    The TR to the left is carrying an NC gun. Indicating looting was meant to be a thing.
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  13. Turekson

    I've been pondering on the guns since I saw them few days ago. Are we having new weapons? If not why would they put the picture in game? So many questions.
  14. Stormsinger

    My guess would be essentially this: They came up with a large number of designs, and due to lag / latency / general lag issues, they used some of the simpler ones in order to reduce load times / memory use. The OMFG effort of a year or so ago removed quite a few random terrian features (Including the derelict BFR in a remote region) and a large number of random infantry terminals in various bases.

    If they are removing terminals to improve performance... well, my hopes for a huge pile of new, highly detailed models are not all that high. They probably used old art assets that were generated for alpha, or concept art for which models were never actually generated.
  15. Mythologicus

    That became an NS-11A. The model is almost identical.

    Still, I find it almost...horrifying that they decided to use a screenshot of content that isn't and never will be in the game for a promotion.
  16. FocusLight

    Turned into the NS Assault Rifle. I can only assume that NS gear was not originally a thing in PS2.
  17. Alexkruchev

    I'd love it if they'd add whatever gun (and skins) those are into the game in some form. I think that model would look great as a replacement for the ugly as Buh-caaaawwww(k) AMR-66 model.
  18. Turekson

    You're probably right. Which lead us to the next question - why would they ever put old concept art in game?
  19. Stormsinger

    Probably because the folks putting together advertising aren't consulting the software devs - They most likely have a directory of art assets, from which they pick random shiny things. Things are probably selected on the basis of, "That looks cool!" rather then, "This is an accurate thing that is in the game!"

    it would probably save Daybreak's forum / reddit mods a lot of grief if the advertising dept would consult the devs on the best assets to use for adverts, to avoid the inevitable spam of, "That isn't in the game! Why isnt this in the game?! Gimme!" Although personally, I agree with this sentiment, so many awesome things didn't make it into the final version :p
  20. SamReye

    I just want more art content now o_o