[Vehicle] What ground vehicle should I try to main?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by King Feraligatr, Oct 24, 2015.

  1. King Feraligatr

    Speaking that I like driving vehicles in PS1 and can't fly due to my ****** laptop, I'd like some suggestions on what ground vehicle I should cert more into and maybe try to main. Note that I'm NC, am most certed into the bus (though the Lightning is a close second), mostly play Medic and Engi, have awful aim, etc. My laptop prevents me from being good at combat no matter how hard I try. It'd be nice to have a vehicle to combat my terribleness (and speaking that I hate being a mainline grunt). Too bad the vehicles in PS2 are made of paper.....

    Anyways, I'm open to suggestions. And no drama please!
  2. ColonelChingles

    The Sunderer if a very inexpensive yet powerful unit, and really the only vehicle that matters in the current infantry-side meta. If you've never driven a Sunderer up where no Sunderer ought to be with a pair of thermal Furies, then you haven't truly discovered the level of cheese that is the Sunderer. It can go toe-to-toe with MBTs, survive Liberator strafing runs, and shrug off C4.

    The Lightning is versatile because it's available for all factions and at all terminals. Not cheap enough to be "throw away", but has two advantages over the Sunderer (in addition to plenty of disadvantages). First, it only takes one person to operate. Second, it has greater effective range. That's about it.

    The Harasser is a fair alternative to the Lightning. Significantly less expensive and has higher DPS weaponry. Really it's not even that much more fragile than a Lightning, and single person Harassers are common enough.
  3. _itg

    Unless you have a reliable source of gunners, your only combat options are the lightning, vanguard, or wraith flash. Wraith flash requires several thousand certs to be even slightly useful, so wait on that one for a while. Between the other two, it's probably better to cert out your lightning first, since you can pull one from every base, and it's the better solo AI platform.
  4. Vurvu

    You shouldn't play games with what I just read.

    It's like listening to a Painter complain about colour sporting an eye patch that causes blisters.
  5. CorporationUSA

    He could play games, but not Planetside 2. CSGO and LoL run like butter on most toasters.
  6. Jake the Dog

    I play this game at 20fps on a good day, it can be done.
    If you can get good with the Titan AP, you'll be golden. Max your shield, put racer on it, max reload. You figure out how to tank well, there won't be a shortage of gunners. Trust me, when you get to the point that you and your gunner finally die and they end up racking up 30000+ xp, they'll come back.

    Lightnings are a solid choice as well. However the devs took away its ability for the AP to ohk aircraft soo... yeah... Fun though if you need armor in a pinch.

    Personally sunderer combat is lackluster to me... Too much sitting around not enough action.