What does First Shot Recoil Multiplier represent?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ladiesop, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. ladiesop

    I'm wondering why this mechanic is in the game; is it present in some other games?

    Why does the first shot cause a larger kick? Does it represent the soldier shooting, and the first shot he can't pull down as well until there's a steady stream of them?

    Are there any other hidden factors to it? The Anchor has a high 1st shot multiplier than the GD-22S, with the same normal recoil pattern afterwards, but it does seem to have much more of a crazy kick to it? (or should I try the Anchor with a grip attachment?)
  2. Smilliam

    It's present in nearly every single ADS shooter. I can't tell you definitively why it exists, all I can do is provide you conjecture and speculation. It might exist to offset the advantage of burst firing, because without a recoil penalty like this, it would be very simple to just single tap at extreme distances with crazy accuracy. Or it could be to simulate the "unpreparedness" of a soldier of beginning fire like you said.
  3. Purg