What does each faction taste like?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bill Hicks, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. Mootar

    VS - Cheese
    TR - Chicken Vindaloo
    NC - Dry crackers. Bland, uninteresting and hard to swallow.
  2. Liquid23

    last time I licked a VS female infiltrator I started hallucinating... woke up with a restraining order too
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  3. Black Humor

    VS: Skittles

    TR: Processed Cheese

    NC: Tears
  4. Makora

    TR: 24 hour Military Rations (this things ROCK! cans of chilly and fried potatoes WITH ground beef patties... mmmm)
    NC: Hastily made microwave dinner with a side of gummybears. The dinner's edible and the gummybears are a nice snack but you know none of this is good.
    VS: That something you scrape off the bottom of a bowl that's been in the fridge when you got the fridge. Not quite sure what it is, or ever was but you have nothing else to eat.
  5. Zombekas

    VS and NC taste like certs.
    TR tastes like glory.
  6. RasFW

    TR: Fireball cinnamon candies.
    NC: Icy Blue Razz pre-workout.
    VS: Jack and coke in a bar full of lasers.
  7. Edenwolf

    NC: blueberry-lemon curd pie
    TR: cheerios and water
    VS: sweet tarts candy swirled into a plum jelly
  8. Corporate Thug

    The NC tastes like a pizza you would eat after a long day of work.
    The TR tastes like meatloaf, just something you can eat at any time and with lots of ketchup.
    The VS tastes like a gourmet burger you would get because you want something that tastes good and can eat on the run.
  9. Zombo

    Vanu surely tastes like an Appletini - you know, because of the green colour, not because of the spandex aerobics

    NC of course taste like Smurf ice, no question about that
  10. Bill Hicks

    Long ago my step father made me eat cereal with water.
  11. velleity

    TR - Government Lunch Program
    NC - Gerber Baby Food
    VS -
  12. Hatesphere

    I want that camo!
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  13. Roll Fizzlebeef

    TR - Strawberry shortcake
    NC - Apple pie with melted cheddar cheese on top (It's a real thing and surprisingly delicious)
    VS - [IMG]
  14. velleity

    one of my outfit mates made rainbow vehicle/player camos for vs, but they weren't accepted.
    Probably afraid of causing seizures. :(
  15. Liquid23

    makes the times I had to eat mine with beer because it was all that was in the fridge seem somehow brighter
  16. Epic High Five

    NC: bald eagle and truck nutz with a liberal dose of FREEDOM
    VS: impure euro-discotheque sourced E
    TR: that gruel they eat on the Matrix
  17. Hatesphere

    Trust me, beery-os are not much better, in fact I would call them worse.
  18. Liquid23

    meh but at least if I had eaten it with water instead I wouldn't have gotten all those awkward lectures in middle school
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  19. MajiinBuu

    NC: [IMG]


    VS: [IMG]
  20. FocusLight

    TR::mad: Angry Raspberry cream.
    VS::rolleyes: Enlightened and aloof Wild-berry cream.
    NC::eek: Freaked-out Blueberry cream.

    Best I could think off.