What do you think about the current CQC gameplay

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by hwdge, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. Antivide

    NC weapons suck at close range.

    I had to buy weapons in order to not get roflstomped by TR default weapons in close quarters fights.

  2. FlayvorOfEvil

    If I recall, the old underslung grenade launcher would explode within 10 meters but would not do any damage. At least that's how it was for me. IMO the current grenade launchers are even worse. I have had many instances where I would shoot my grenade launcher from 30m away and it would hit a sunderer and bounce off doing no explosion damage.
  3. Hosp

    My 2 cents;
    CQC = Between Flinch, Buggy Hit Detection and weapons occasionally breaking (not doing damage), I've swapped to a shotgun for most CQC.
    Used to be LMG HA, but Shotgun LA is much more viable now.