What Do YOU Look For In An Outfit/Squad/Platoon??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChampagneDragon, Oct 5, 2014.

  1. vsae

    Kondrin being one of them, huh?
  2. Moz

    Looks like you need a faction change DVM!! :D
  3. crusaderx11

    You have to do it against Emerald VS. They have mastered redeployside better then any faction I have seen and will counter-zerg with at least one if not two platoons just so they don't lose a base they like. I tried leading a public platoon last week during the noon hours and during an indar alert a vs platoon was literally chasing my galaxy drops across the map. They had some hella coordination to pull so many consecutive max crashes against our point holds.
  4. DatVanuMan

    NO! I may hate this faction's most beloved weapon, but spandex is FAR too amazing! Are you aware the chances I have with the females, now? A 1,337% increase over when I was wearing normal scientist clothes!