What do you enjoy about planetside?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FireclawX, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. FireclawX

    To me, it seems that recently the forums (and reddit) have been sucked up with negativity. All people want to do is complain about the current state of the game, and while the discussions have spawned some good suggestions, the sheer amount of pessimism is depressing to me.

    So with that pretense, I would like to start a thread dedicated to describing aspects of the game that you actually like. What things do you enjoy doing? I feel like we need to come out of our negativity for just a bit, and reflect on what we enjoy about the game. What keeps us coming back, still playing the game, and still posting on the forums. Plus, I think that the devs need a bit of motivation too. I've seen some of these silly "Thank you (Insert SOE dev name here)" posts all over recently and that's all good and well, but it's not really motivational. So lets take a moment to put our toxicity as a community aside, and thank the devs for a feature (or features) that we enjoy as a part of this game. Things that they did right, and that we appreciate.

    I'll start off by saying that for one, I appreciate the increased openness about the current state of the game, and the new ES pistols. The spiker could use a little buff, but I've enjoyed the hell out of both the AMP and the Magscatter, their a blast to use, especially with a stalker infiltrator :)
  2. Prudentia

    Outsmarting an entire squad of MCY and teabagging their corpses.
    farming INI can also be quite amusing, but seeing a squad of INI is rarity that ranges above a pink unicorn doing fellatio to a white elephant.

    so i guess i like to screw over skilled players when they expect to pubstomp.
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  3. Aaren

    I enjoy flying, like a lot. Even when I'm not engaging enemies, I just love zooming around the map. I also tend to find tank battles fun.

    I also find it heartwarming when you stumble upon some infiltrator hiding on top of a crate, knife him and he sends you a " : ( " tell a few seconds later. Usually I end up in a conversation that lasts the night, and by the end of it I've got a friend request or sent one myself.

    I want to enjoy the infantry scene - but my problems with hit detection / damage compression are constantly undermining that. Sometimes it's like the abusive relationship I used to have with BF4. I'd anticipate playing all day - and 15 min after hopping on I'll be throwing my earphones off in disgust, as the third Heavy, kills me in 2 bullets from his Gauss SAW, from 500m away.
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  4. ronjahn

    AV tanking is still great and a huge reason I still play regularly.

    Harasser driving is always fun(until I flip over on a pebble or small branch and rage quit)

    I know there has been a lot of criticism about the directives, but I personally love this new feature and think it has been one of the best additions to the game in a long time. I have always been a purple medal ***** and now I can actually be recognized and rewarded for the grind.

    Tricking people into running over my tank mines. I fell for this for the first time that I can remember last night and just thought "touché"
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  5. PraetorGavorn

    It's not a twitchy arena shooter like Call of Duty or Counterstrike. It's a (relatively) slow paced teamwork based shooter. You can do reasonably well on your own, but in the end there is always something that you can't defeat on your own, due to the limits of each role you can spawn as.

    Most games try to create the illusion that you are fighting in an army waging a huge war with thousands of others. Planetside 2 creates that army and its war.
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  6. Nightweaver


    WARNING! May contain strong language!

    (Yes, I am in the video.)
  7. khai

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
  8. Radical Raxuss

    The resource revamp made vehicles much more prevalent and there's nothing I enjoy more than blowing up tanks and aircraft.

    Also, Hossin is pretty cool.
  9. DaMann22

    I enjoy watching my outfit take a base or hold a point against overwhelming odds. The teamwork, strategy, and creativity in this game is second to no other game in the FPS genre. When I see an open-field fight thats what makes me come back again and again.
  10. MetalCotton

    I enjoy how the vehicle/infantry mix sometimes works. It's fun being the lone tank or MAX supporting the rest of your squad, being the heavy hitter that relies on the infantry as much as they rely on your heavy firepower.

    Also charging watchtowers in big open fields on Indar is pretty fun too.
  11. Huxer

    I like the graphics. I'm going to complain a little bit but just to make note of the fact that due to the current state of the game, even though my membership is running for a few more months, I am not really interested in playing farm simulator 2014 anymore.
  12. RobotNinja

    You just answered your own question.
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  13. Dasubur

    The massive brawls that I can get stuck in.

    This is the only game I ever played were I could get into what really did feel like you were fighting in a WAR!

    There is nothing more exciting then rushing into a massive 64+ vs 64+ pop fight and just rushing towards the massive conglomeration of explosions, gunfire, and screams that just makes you want to give a war cry and charge right in. Even if I'm losing, if I am losing in a massive mosh pit of a fight it is still fun and exciting.
  14. void666

    The huge battles. When the sound of gunfire and explosions is all i can hear. It's like a song of chaos and i love it.
    There's no game like planetside 2.

    About the negativity: it's pretty standard for any internet forum. If you visit the BF4 for example you will see the same kind of posts.
    Nerf this, nerf that, vehicles are over/underpowered, devs are clueless, etc.
  15. FireclawX

    Very funny :p I actually got a good laugh out of that lol
    I know that it's the standard. That's why I made this thread, because f*ck the standard.
  16. Whatupwidat

    It's better than Battlefield 4 and didn't cost me 50 ******* bucks?
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  17. NylaJess

    Well some yes they complain just about anything and everything, but in other hand there is alot of players complains as well in with i see some reasoning.
    Specialy those complains regarding Nerfs, lately its eveything getting Nerf after Nerf, this been hapenning for while those nerfs and in some way players are getting frustraded/unhappy/fed up etc bcoz most of this nerfs were not necessary, but SOE have "last Word" against that no1 can do anything about it.
    But yes was 1 or 2 things actualy needed nerf or balance like ZOE, Harrasser and few others but majorityof the nerfs after and even before personaly i did not agree at all.
    Look at Splash damage at least 3rd time they mess with it and this last got nerfed.
    All types of Infantry Rockets yet again nerfed to point almost useless to use any of them.
    Even a freakin knife got nerf hammer.
    To finish even more complains will come for sure as usual when "new Toy " is released such as in this case Valkyrie will be OP im almost 100% sure of it and when hits live servers same as when Harrasser when got release, typical then after SOE again will nerf Valkyrie :)
    IMHO SOE is nerfing way to much and maybe thats the 1 main reason as i said above players are getting fed up, annoyed etc.
    Personaly after all this nerfs after nerfs im not enjoying the game as much as for exemple 6 months ago.
  18. SuperMedicated

    outgunning unskilled high br infiltrators who try to get the jump on you and telling them on whisper "not today, infiltrator" then watching the rage tells? i always find it funny
  19. CipherNine

    Pretty much this. It takes more time to find a good fight in Planetside (there is no team auto-balance as in Battlefield) but it offers more variety than Battlefield battles.
  20. FBVanu

    In the smaller battles, I can actually make a difference.

    Be that as the only Skyguard that fends off and chases away the enemy air.. then our guys take the base

    or as MBT going after the enemy armor and Sundy... either keeping them busy or blowing them up... then our guys take the base

    It feels as if we can actually have an influence on the outcome of a battle, with the occasional "thanks" getting thrown in through 'V', letting me know that the other player truly noticed that I just saved his ESF/tank etc or his character from getting blown to bits. You can't get that in call of doodo
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