What directive do the new SMG fall under?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Exitus Acta Probat, Dec 8, 2017.

  1. Exitus Acta Probat

    Its in the title
  2. Prudentia

    well, duh...
  3. Exitus Acta Probat

    They are not list under the SMG Directive.

    So you tell me where
  4. Campagne

    Probably just haven't been added to the directives yet, calm down.
  5. Cirena

    All three are listed in their respective factions' smg directive. At least for me :)
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  6. BartasRS

    Fisu has it listed in SMG Direcive tree since yesterday or so hence the confusion.
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  7. Exitus Acta Probat

    They are listed under smg but not under the smg DIRECTIVE

    Just like the LC2 LYNX AE is listed under carbines but is instead listed under the Mayhem DIRECTIVE and not the carbine DIRECTIVE

    Hence my question: What DIRECTIVE do the new smg's fall under?
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  8. Cirena

    They are all in the SMG DIREEEEECTIVE!!!!!!!

  9. Exitus Acta Probat

    Must be new, because it sure as **** wasn't there last night
  10. Prudentia

    it literally was there the night the weapons released
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  11. Prudentia

    i still find it hilarious that the NS SMG special variants count as normal SMGs, while my poor gold eridani does not.well i guess i wanted to use the erektani again anyway. time to enjoy the headshot fest again, just with less swag
  12. Kdog559

    Open your eyes O_O
  13. CaptCran

    That directive is old news.;)
  14. Exitus Acta Probat

    I just checked and they do not show up on the SMG directive for me.

    Could it be because I already auruximed all the others and completed the directive that the new ones were not added?

    Very odd...