What did you buy for double xp weekend?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bazmatties, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. Klypto

    I maxed out tomcats with a couple thousand and flew around for 15 minutes before getting bored rekt with my cert decision. Oh well not like I will use it that often.

    I should probably cert out flash smoke.
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  2. Calisai

    You're in the same boat as I am... certing out things to play with for a hour or two and never touch again. ;)

    You should really cert up ammo belt for engineer.... its a nice status symbol. :eek:
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  3. Inex

    Lib gunning. I honestly have no idea why people keep saying "Oh, get your Med tool upgraded - iz gud certz!"

    Get a friend, get a Lib, drown in the tears/certs.

    As for myself, got somewhere in the neighborhood of 3k certs this weekend. Bought a Vortek with a few ranks of ammo capacity. And a red dot sight for my GD-22S.
  4. Robes

    Nothing, game was laggy as **** so i didnt bother playing.
  5. desktop

    I put thermal vision on all my gunners weapons, i spent about a thousand certs on that alone. I would use a double xp week for getting the rest of the attachments, extra ammo reload speed etc. Performance upgrades for secondary weapons seem to be among the most expensive.
  6. P1GG

    A x6 scope for the Gauss Saw, which I immediately regretted(especially since I'm not a member, so I didn't get double XP :( )
  7. z1967

    Made ~1400 certs by using the trac-5 burst and C4. I probably could have made more if I was farming but oh well, gotta get those kills.
  8. Mxiter

    Blockade arrmor Lvl5 (1000 certs)
    Prowler Halberd reload speed Lvl5 (1000 certs)
    Prowler Halberd zoom 2X (500 certs)
    Prowler HE reload speed lvl5 (1000 certs)
    Lightning AP reload speed Lvl5 (1000 certs)
    Lightning HE reload speed Lvl5 (1000 certs)
    Lightning stealth Lvl5 (1000 certs)
    Liberator Zepher reload speed Lvl5 (1000 certs)
    Mosquito rotary mag size lvl4 (1000 certs)
    Mosquito needler mag size lvl4 (1000 certs)
    Infiltrator hunter cloack lvl6 (500 certs)
    Galaxy bulldog right + thermals + extended mag lvl2 (750 certs)

    I didn't even had to farm: i still had a 3 Day +100% XP hyperboost from last WDS. :D
  9. johnway

    compared to most of you guys, i made a pitiful amount of certs playing just 6 hours over the course of the 3 days. Sunday i cut the slaughter short because i needed to answer the call of nature and decided i'll start on a new game.

    So what did i get with my 700+ certs? i bought the emperor and the last upgrade for my engineer kit.

    So yeah, 1 suspect purchase and one hum drum necessity.
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  10. Klypto

  11. ronjahn

    I have no idea how many I actually earned, but I know I upgraded my Sundy Fury mag size, bought a fully decked out Duster(why? Idk, I don't even remember the last time I flew a lib), and put some more ammo capacity in all of my harasser weapons. I still have about 2.5k certs iirc
  12. Auzor

    Ah, a noble warrior, seeking to defend his comrades from evil skyfarme... nvm.
    Ahem.. I bought the skyguard for my vanu char. :p
    Feel my flakky fury!

    May your reaver develop a deep and profound loving of trees!
  13. AkharGriffon

    Got the last of the certs I needed for a pump-action shotgun with slugs and a 4X scope. It's my ghetto CQB sniper rifle, and I love it. but I really dislike real sniper rifles for some reason.
  14. DFDelta

    Full ranks of reload speed for my VLG, also 6 or so ranks of ammo. Some stuff for the Hellion, don't even remember what.
    Maxed prox radar for my Lightning.
    Stealth 4 (was 3 before) for Harasser and Lightning.
    Finally put some certs into the Heavy. I'm BR 86 on that toon and I still had the basic rank 1 shield and no suit slot unlocked.

    Finally got kinetic armor on the max.
    Got some stuff for the Lib, even though I've never even spawned one on that toon (and not planning to either).

    Got my Prowler-Marauder well certed now. Also put some certs into the Basilisk for giggles.
  15. Regpuppy

    All my infantry classes are pretty much maxed out. So I dumped a bunch of certs into the Gal. A vehicle I have almost no plans to actually fly myself. Pretty much the same deal for the decked out battle sundy, the harasser pre-nerf, and the Vanguard.

    Once this is done, I'll truly be at a loss as to what I'm going to start certing... finish certing my flash, I suppose? :p
  16. Leftconsin

    I made 8424 certs. I also went in with something like 3k certs banked. I also leveled up Battle Rank 96 to 99.

    I bought
    Triage I & II
    Utility Pouch III, IV, & V
    T1S Cycler
    Cycler TRV (working on that assault rifle gold directive)
    Finished off ammo resupply for sunderer
    Added some rounds to my sundy's bulldog
    L100 Python AP (maybe this was like a day before double XP)
    Extended mags for Mutilator Left
    And of course attachments for the guns I bought.
    There were probably some small upgrades I just can't remember off the top of my head right now.

    OH, and Full lockdown for MAX and find out that lockdown 5 fires SLOWER than level 4. Customer service wants me to try to recreate the bug, but I can't make video comparing tier 4 and tier 5 by myself since I already bought tier 5. And due to another bug of some kind I can't make TR characters on test center. Why are more people not talking about this? 1k certs wasted!
  17. InoxGecko

    Raked in another 1300 certs in a 2 hour session, enough for a shiny new Comissioner and cert out the Bandit which I got with SC :oops:
  18. OldMaster80

    I'm still saving certs for the Valkyrie. I still keep the secret dream they will eventually buff it and make it viable so I'll max the evasive frame composite armor and buy a different weapon from the Wyvern.

    I also have some SC that I keep for another helmet.
  19. EViLMinD

    I made about 5k certs this weekend.

    With the exception of a few pointless abilities (ex engineer's munitions belt) and optics I don't care for and the final ammo capacity levels (1000 certs), all my classes and vehicles are now maxed. That's all guns, abilities, chassis,... whatever. MAXED. Loyalty to one faction has its benefits (even if that faction has a much higher ratio of dimwits, dingbats and ding-dongs).
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  20. Dualice

    I don't think you'll regret your choice with the Emperor. It has a much better effective range than the Repeater and is more controllable & accurate. Semi-auto but still a decent fire rate, not to mention it's in the very exclusive "TR but 167 damage" club. It also seems quite popular with the cloaky lot (of which I am probably a member).

    On that topic, I unlocked the SABR-13 with the extra certs. At least I think I did... that might've been before the weekend.
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