What class has best k/d?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mambakiller, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Mambakiller

    I am curious, what weapon and class can achieve the best k/d in this game, playing alone, not with squads that all they do is defending.
    Mt best k/d session was 116-8 , using rmas.50 AT THE CROWN (sniping at ti alloys spawn ---lolol), but i am suer that others have better, so pls share ur class and weapon.
    I am looking FOR BEST K/D CLASS WHILE SOLO !!!!

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  2. Laraso

    This is extremely subjective and has everything to do with what you feel comfortable with at a personal level.

    There is no answer to your question.
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  3. Mambakiller

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  4. Revel

    Infiltrator with sniper rifle who keeps a long distance and moves constantly, or ESF are the easiest to maintain high KDR
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  5. WalrusJones

    The best SPM I have seen is being a hacker/infiltration unit.

    Even If the base I instant actioned to is totally abandoned, I still get 20+ certs in the 7 minutes it takes to raid it.
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  6. Mambakiller

    Destroy turets and repair after , or...? What is your strategy?
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  7. WalrusJones

    Hack a AV turret, destroy abandoned vehicles (You would be surprised at how often someone leaves a sundy or three abandoned at a base,) shoot the other turrets, attack the objectives in the main building, hack the land vehicle spawn room, use wraith cloak flash to sneak around base doing objectives, fury to kill stragglers, take out all generators, return to main base, hack remaining terminals, fly out on a plane to an actual battle as a class I want to play.
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  8. ChaosRender

    For SPM I would say the Medic then Engineer

    For K/D ratio I would say Sniper then LA
    (Other may get spike but those are the reliable ones, HA may make the list but only after heavy cert investment and only then in very limit play.)
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  9. MuNrOe

    Best K/D long range sniper.

    There are a few snipers out there using the cloaked flash with a weapon on the front. That seems to get some pretty good kills but its a hit and run method.
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  10. GSZenith

    ignoring useless snipers i would say HAs and "good" LA's (unlock 2xc4 is hard)
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  11. jjruh

    I found that I get my best K/D when using a Infiltrator with a SMG. Ive gotten close to 500 kills with the two SMGs in the game combined. I only use the SMGs with the infiltrator, and I dont pull the infiltrator class that often. Its impossible to tell for sure due to all past deaths with infiltrator without the SMG, but I think I have close to a 3 K/D with the Infiltrator SMG combo.
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  12. Devrailis

    Best KD doesn't come from infils.

    It comes from playing engie and grabbing a vehicle.

    Followed by HAXMAXes. Followed by the other MAXes.

    Then maybe infils. Maybe.

    Before I started playing dedicated MAX , I played infil and had a KD of just over 3 by the time I switched. There are LAs and HAs that probably have better KD's than that.
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  13. jjruh

    He said no vehicals, and I would assume that maxes are included in that.
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  14. Devrailis

    Derp, for some reason, I read everything BUT the big shiny yellow text. :oops:

    EDIT: Personally, I'd still consider MAX's infantry given that we have infantry movement patterns and can go down via small arms fire fairly quickly.
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  15. jjruh

    XD but you are right, I cant remember a time where I got a max and didn't get at least one kill with it. making the maxes have the best KD. But sadly I can recall alot of times where I get a vehicle and dont get kills, so I'm not sure exactly how high my vehicle KD is, especially since I refuse to cert farm with them.
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  16. Anubis77

    I'd be willing to bet light assault is highly ranked. There are lots of us who know what we're doing, and I frequently have high kill streaks as this class and can easily duck back into cover to avoid being killed and retrieve more ammo.

    Heavy Assault: Spends too much time outdoors and in cqc fights where you die frequently
    Medics: Many medics I see are too busy trying to revive people into gunfire rather than shooting back (which is stupid and annoying)
    Engineers: The grenade launcher probably skews this, as well as the fact that 99% of experienced Ps2 players play engi while operating a vehicle, and all vehicles have a higher k/d than on foot pretty much. Pure infantry combat? probably not that great as the weapons aren't amazing and don't have the advantages of LA.
    Infiltrator: lots of time outdoors and lower shields... SMG users probably killed relatively frequently but then again cautious snipers probably have pretty high k/d, but I also hear lots of noobs complaining about how they are always shot even while cloaked running around so the average is hurt by those users.
    Light Assault: Lots of these hide up in crevices and such, and now with pump action instant kill garbage and C4 means these guys probably average pretty high up there. Easy to escape being shot.

    Obviously MAXes have ridiculously high K/D but those aren't really infantry classes, they are more like vehicles.

    Those are my opinions, no idea if that's accurate.
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  17. Devrailis

    This is actually what I was thinking. I bet there are highly skilled HAs (I'm not one of them) who can pull high KDs on their own, but by and large, the class that I see face-rolling more than any other is the Pump-action LA. I frequently see them drop into a group of infantry and kill at lest 3 or 4 before getting taken down.

    Sniper infils can get a high KD, but unless you're really really good, your SPM is not going to be high. Most sniper infils earn certs sloooooowly.
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  18. ViXeN

    Probably an INF or HA, if you mean on foot.
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  19. Zaik

    the sniper rifle class probably.
  20. Phrygen

    I use a tank. I bail when i know it is going to be destroyed, hit redeploy, fight if i must but try to avoid getting hit so the deploy goes through, return to warp gate (or prowler spot) and start again.