What are you doing to VS?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Senpai, Dec 13, 2017.

  1. CMDante

    "What are you doing to the VS?"

    Balancing them~
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  2. Lizare

    The lasher x2 is already OP in a way, when you use it, all the other guns seem OP. That's OP!! :D
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  3. Luicanus

    It's not just rocket-launchers that are hard to get hits with, next to Harassers Mags have to be the hardest ground units to land C4 on, because they're moving in unpredictably ways causing you to miss the drop from an LA or they strafe onto you when you're planting it on their sides.

    FYI I'm not counting a Flash as a real vehicle in this comment.
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