What are TR strengths?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ShayeUK, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. ShayeUK

    Serious question here I want to know. Now our main rifles have been nerfed what exactly are TR strengths? Close, medium, long range or vehicles is not one of them. So what is?
  2. Compass

    Our Tank's Vulcan is the strongest magazine-fed weapon in the game.

    And we also have the most suicidal tank special ever.
  3. Mojo_man

    Their Heavy Assaults Chain-gun thing can eat up enemy infantry at an absurd rate.
  4. Esxraptor

    Same as always.... skilled team play

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  5. failbot

    The weapons are still fine.

    "Omgomg the equip time is slightly higher, THE END IS NEAR!"
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  6. failbot

    It's basically an LMG without the ability to ads.

    Yeah, it's great!
  7. Maphreal

    The T9 Carv is still a beast.
  8. daskleineviech

    We still have ****** tanks and nice infantry weapons. We kill NC in mid-range fights and VS and CQC, while NC mops the floor with us in CQC situations and VS in mid-range shootouts.
  9. Canaris

    MY teamwork :D

    No but seriously I've seen all these threads about the nerf to our guns, it's not as bad as everyone is crying about and to be honest I've not really noticed that big a difference
  10. Hodo

    Here is all of the factions strengths and weaknesses.

    -Magazine capacity
    -Jacks-of-All trades weapons, can do everything OK but nothing is great at any one thing.
    -Vehicle speed, Mosquito and Prowler are some of the fastest faction vehicles in game.

    -Power, NC weapons hit hard, hardest of all three factions but sacrifice accuracy to do it.
    -Masters of CQB
    -Toughest Faction vehicles.

    -Range, VS have some of the longest ranged weapons
    -Rate of fire, VS have some of the fastest shooting weapons and reloads but sacrifice ammunition capacity.
    -Mobility, Magrider and Scythe are the two most nimble vehicles in the game.

    In a nutshell this is the three factions. There are some more details to each but thats the basics.
  11. Locke

    TR infantry weapons are still very good. 25% extra ammo per clip on most guns and high RPM. Factions shouldn't have "strengths" or "advantages" just differences to make them interesting. Toning down the differences between high RPM and high bullet damage infantry guns was a step in the right direction.

    The one thing I do feel slightly sorry for TR in is the heavy tank special ability which isn't well suited to tank battles and I believe it was a design mistake. That said if you can sit in a static position it is excellent.
  12. ShayeUK

    moving accuracy was nerfed too

    try to compare to NC guns, they have high damage to compensate for never hitting the target. Now TR has accuracy on par with NC but nothing to compensate. I'd rather take slightly higher recoil and equip a forward grip instead of having to stand still and be sitting ducks to the high accuracy of VC and high damage of NC while compensating for the inaccuracy of moving.

    Am I wrong?

    VC have high accuracy, NC have high damage. What do TR have?
  13. ShayeUK

    that just means we have 10 more bullets to miss with though, and sitting static is an easier target
  14. Punchdrunk

    use the carv-s myself with compensator and front grip. still a great weapon. equiptime is a wierd nerf tho....only time i unequip it is if i need to finish someone off with my pistol....and i'm dead reloading anyways.....must be the windowslickers that felt we could spam rockets and switch back to gun too fast :)
  15. daskleineviech

    We have more bullets. Sounds stupid, but it's actually important for the balance. NC hit less but with more force, VS hits more but with less force (especially long range). We are in the middle, we hit and miss and don't do magical smurf damage but we can keep firing because we have more bullets.
  16. Toshogu

    On Connery our advantage is we are better Teamplayers
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  17. failbot

    Our accuracy overall is still much, much better than NC(Recoil, standing still cof, cof bloom). Our ads cof while moving is now in par with the NC. Making it 0,05 more than the VS. If you think this seriously harms your playing experience maybe you should l2p, my KDR has gone up since the patch.
  18. Littleman

    The nerf hit equip times and ADS accuracy while moving. Anyone that couldn't hit someone strafing while ADS was slated to die horribly anyway.

    TR strengths lie more in those 10 extra rounds than they do RoF. The NC have access to carbines, rifles, and LMG's that essentially copy TR weaponry in RoF and DPR, but often have fewer rounds in light of a faster reload time. So our +10 rounds isn't that big of an advantage except in the initial encounter of a magazine-emptying firefight as we take forever and a half to reload our weapons in comparison, and I thought the TR were supposed to be professionals with their weapons.

    VS have essentially the same DPR, slightly lower RoF, but are far more consistently accurate, and let's be honest, accuracy > RoF or power. The latter two don't mean jack if you can't hit the target. They also have ridiculously fast reloads.

    (Nerf the pulsar carbines.)
  19. ShayeUK

    Dunno how this can be right, my crosshair is always on the enemy but the bullets spray around them even with 5-8 bursts. What weapon are you using?
  20. failbot

    Carv with a forward grip. It has the worst recoil and worst accuracy out of all the TR starter weapon. It even has worse moving cof and I can still shoot it while moving without any problems.