What are the incentives to fight? Why do we fight?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeusExMachina, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Ash87

    ..But if we left, they would have TWO warpgates on a desolate windy continent, Woopdy F-ing Do
  2. Ash87

    ...To Party?
  3. MarioO

    ...Well, just because we can, I guess.

    Since everything is built by nanites and things like that we don't have any other jobs and have to earn our money through war.

    Because the others don't agree with your favourite color.

    There are so many reasons to fight.
  4. Riku


    it has to do with the Planetside-Story. Where they discover the planet...and I think it has to do with its unlimited resources/reproducing nanites and other things, causing a conflict because there were 3 different groups of people who wanted to use them for different purposes. But I'd have to watch it again to say for sure - I suggest you watch it on youtube.
  5. Zorro

    You fight to bring glory and honor to your cause.
  6. a Shadow in the Dark

    So, us NC fight because there are goofballs like this out there on both opposing factions that quite simply need deleted...
  7. AlexR

    Are we... Are.. Are we... Are we playing a game? I mean... A game. You still need a motivation to play game? It's and FPS. first person SHOOTER. People just log in and shoot each other. Huh. You know? It's fun. I'd never shoot someone in real life. I even don't thnik i'll ever fly a mosquito with rocketpods onboard. So i just log in and play the game. What do you need? 1000 bucks for capturing a base?
  8. PapaMojo

    TR are red
    NC are blue
    I kill them all
    For the will of Vanu
    • Up x 1
  9. Jadith

    Because the office manager Jerry ****** up majorly. We told him to order 100 boxes of pens, and, four weeks later, we got 100 million crates of bullets. No idea how one guy can screw up something so simple. "I guess I checked the wrong box :p" indeed. I know he drinks at work, so does everybody else. If he wasn't the boss's son-in-law, he would have been fired years ago.

    Turns out, 100 million crates of bullets is non refundable. So now we have to use them all up before anyone finds out we spent all of our budget on munitions instead of selling canned herring.
  10. hotWHYre

    The fight is all about this:

    Vanu Sovereignty

    New Conglomerate

    Terran Republic

    Nanite Systems
    • Up x 2
  11. SpaceHobo

    because they are wearing different colored shirts than we do..
  12. Nyscha

    Ulfrick in Skyrim sort of describes it.
  13. SpecOps Delta

    I fight because of my hard childhood.
    I loved wearing spandex, but all those Terran and NC kids were laughing at me. Now it is time for revenge!

    Everybody who doesn't wear spandex is my enemy and has to die. :p
  14. CaptainYamerica

    I fight to shoot people, make big boom-booms and loud noises. I am easily entertained and the game is fun (minus the hackers)