Whales Against Dailies

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PorkSocks, Oct 2, 2020.

  1. PorkSocks

    I'm one of your worst players but best customers. I've spent lots of money on this game, I'm bad at it but persistent, and I'm not on very often so I don't use much bandwidth.

    I hate daily quests. I've left other games because I don't want to use my free time to do chores. I want to screw around for a couple hours here and there doing what I want. Doing that used to provide plenty of carrot. Now it doesn't.

    If you're like me, make it known.

    Support W.A.D.
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  2. Havnfn

    I agree with not doing chores. I game to have fun which with the frustration dealing with the vehicle physics is hard enough already
  3. Phaze

    Then... don't do the daily quests?

    Can't you still do exactly what you were doing before?

    I take it back. I wasn't accounting for the reward changes. I think I see what you're getting at.

    Now... in order to get the rewards, you can't just play Planetside 2. You've got to go do these daily chores that aren't a ton of fun and many of which aren't compatible with typical gameplay.

    Why exactly am I standing around in the middle of nowhere next to this drill?

    I'll agree on that.
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  4. Trebb

    Concur! Logged on my NSO (why yes I support this game!) and all 5 missions lacked ISO. So did the alert. Leveling from 0 to 120, then ASPing to like 80 and I don't even have enough ISO to craft one rare implant. With these changes I can't imagine how to get enough now without breaking out a wallet (HINT: beyond subbing I'm not)
  5. UltimaRecon

    Yep, it all feels very out of place. These chores do not fit in planetside. Why would I take time to go do some random task away from the combat to get such a tiny little piece of EXP that I could have just gotten much faster by killing some people?
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  6. Degadir

    At first i was like, this could be good you know? Then I started playing.

    i was engaged when the update first hit because the content seemed "new"... but to be honest its copy pasta from other MMOs and is completely antithetical to the gaming experience i want and enjoy in planetside2. The thing that made me want to paly this game was the large strategic battles and continent wide coordination that had rewarding and exciting ground, mechanized and air combat... but no more.

    now im just frustrated, its complete chaos out there, people arent working together the fights are all centered around just the mission, i have yet to a good alert experience since this was released and there are random pockets of enemies that do nothing to improve the gameplay expereince.literally they F**KED the gameplay that made this game so good, just to be like every other forgettable MMO. Planetside 2 news-flash youre not like (or atleast werent like) the other MMOs and thats why I always loved this game, you are the only FPS MMO and your pissing away the FPS part of this. if i wanted a sh*tty MMO id play ruinscape or some other POS.

    DONT MAKE THIS GAME LIKE EVERQUEST! i doubt that the same people that play everquest paly this game, so why are you making this one like that?

    you want to improve things, make alerts worth it again, make the chores actually about typical gameplay, cut the crap with the lead platoon to finish a mission because right now everyone is starting platoons just to do their own pointless chores. This ruined the gaming experience and believe me a bad platoon is enough for new players to never want to paly again especially when they need guidance, In the current state of these platoons the best explanation for "what are we doing?" is "oh completing pointless missions and wasting everyone's time as a group! oh well move out!"

    I have never posted on this forum before because i never felt like this game need that much of my input, nor did i think i would actually be listened to,.. and yet here i am, because if this is the gameplay you guys think is engaging and the new direction you want to take PS2 then you need to wakeup and get community input more than ever.

    -sincerely a concerned player
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  7. Johannes Kaiser

    Some of the missions can be fun, but only very occasionally. They should make stuff like the data transport ultra-rare but give very high rewards. The other missions should be about stuff that happen during normal gameplay, say:
    1) Revive 15 players.
    2) Get 100 ticks of Repair XP.
    3) Destroy 3 vehicles.
    4) Capture 1 base.
    5) Defend 1 base.
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  8. JustGotSuspended

    try twiiter or reddit, devs don't check the official forums
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  9. Twin Suns

    To all those highfalutins saying wait and see or give the update a chance. Bwahahahaha!!!
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