West Highlands Checkpoint southern spear phalanx turret

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kurohagane, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Kurohagane

    Did the guy that design that base even test out the thing, or did he just slap on a pre-made gate with the turret like it didn't matter?
  2. Goden

    Lol is that the turret which can't do anything but look at the ground in front of it? There are quiet a few turrets that are like that because someone thought it would be a grand idea to only give those things like 30 degrees of vertical view range.
  3. Kurohagane

    Indeed it is one of those distractions for the enemy tanks. You literally can't do anything with it. Who thought it'd be a good idea to put the turret in that spot considering there is a giant hill in front of it?