Well the VS finally will get a NO Bullet drop Sniper Rifle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DxAdder, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. DxAdder

    Live on the test server, the new VS Sniper Rifle is a 1HK headshot NO bullet drop sniper rifle.

    It's still in testing but does anyone else think this could dramatically change the balance of power in the Long range
    shooting game ?
  2. Paperlamp

    VS can have all the long range snipers, enjoy!
  3. AFK1

    Compensating for bullet drop is not difficult with the sniper rifles already in the game, so I doubt it will change anything except maybe an influx of Vanu players that think they are going to be the next big sniper... but vanu typically don't leave the spawn shield, and when they do, it's in a MAX suit, so I wouldn't really consider vanu snipers to be a big issue in this game
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  4. DashRendar

    Don't be misleading. It's actually got a pretty neat mechanic to it, but in order to get the one shot head kill, you need to charge the shot for a few seconds, and then wait for the weapon to cool for like 10-15. Uncharged, it's a semi-auto sniper with seemingly identical semi-auto performance as all the rest, but without drop and has a higher shot capacity that's limited by heat as opposed to magazine/reserve. It's essentially got an infinite ammo cheat built in.
  5. Hatesphere

    that one shot causes your sniper to go on cool down doesn't it? I am more worried about the NC getting a sniper that can damage armor as well as turn into a shot gun for CQC.
  6. Moisture

    I just hate the infuriating amount of snipers you deal with when fighting Vanu, and a new toy like this the simple will simply call OP and flock to it magnifying this.

    Luckily Vanu operations will be sabotaged for weeks because every attack or defense will be crippled with 20-40% of their players playing as snipers contributing nothing.
    Live free in the NC
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  7. treeHamster

    If you have a hard time accounting for drop with a BASR, you shouldn't be playing the Infiltrator class. I rarely miss on the first shot even when I just get there. You just get used to knowing how much drop to account for based on how big the head is (since apparent size is relative to distance from target and therefore how much drop your weapon experiences).
  8. Kwyjibo

    I think I die less to snipers than anything in this game. Seriously, the amount of bad snipers out there is just ridiculous. Usually when I do get sniped I'm standing still in the open, and then I just feel stupid for doing that when I know someone is probably sniping in the area.
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  9. SpruceMoose

    +No drop
    +can shoot semi-auto or like a bolt- action
    +looks sexy
    +no ammo

    -charged shot overheats the gun
    -10 second cool down on over heat
    -cannot hold a charge
    -velocity is lower than most snipers
    -slow fire rate shooting semi-auto

    max OHK range of supposedly 287m

    I see no reason to grab this over the parallax atm especially once the straight pull bolt comes out
    shoots farther, faster and with more velocity
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  10. LibertyRevolution

    Everyone knows VS infiltrators all carry Sirius SMGs not sniper riffles. :rolleyes:
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  11. HadesR

    And then switch to a crossbow with explosive bolts :p

    • Explosive Bolt: shoots a small exploding projectile that does increased damage against MAXs
  12. Hatesphere

    AFK1 just has a heavy bias against VS, he likes to say silly things, best to leave him stew in his own silliness.
  13. Hatesphere

    that i could care less about, I am more miffed that they are giving the NC sniper the ability to damage tanks, and not at the same time at least releasing an NS anti-material rifle or something so that the other factions have the option. I have a feeling we are going to see a lot more infiltrator only squads in the NC, running around focus firing tanks from 500m.
  14. HadesR

    The point I was trying to make was ..

    Dmg for Tanks
    CQC Shotgun


    MAX hurting explosive bolts

    All within the same load out

    Kinda iffy about the crossbow being a secondary considering ..
  15. Hatesphere

    yeah it could get a little bit silly combined with the stalker cloak, we just won't know until it all hits live.
  16. HadesR

    Yeah it needs tweaking before Live .. Atm from info posted it's 7 Crossbow Explosives Bolts to the rear of a Prowler to destroy .. Predict squads of stalker cloaked Infi's just gimping armour left , right and center :p
  17. kirinohana

    Am I the only one who hates the charge mechanics in this game?

    It takes time to charge, giving your target time to move out of sights then it does not hold a charge so you better zero in on that target in that window of 3-4.5 seconds (since the 1-3 seconds are charging), and if you miss, you give away your location. Now with lancer, at least tanks are large, head shots not an issue, but other guns its just kind of dumb. Bullet drop is easier to compensate then the time window. I don't know about you but I take my time when snipping lining up the perfect shots, setting a timer there kind of ruins that unless the target is standing still for 5 seconds or more which is not tons common even among the non experienced.
  18. Canaan

    That's a "bug". The original alt-fire was going to be a armor damaging shot, and they didn't take it out before sending it to Test.

    Also, the shotgun isn't that good. It's a two-hit kill unless you basically shove it in the enemy's face.
  19. RogueVindicare

    Excellent job failing to mention the fact that firing the gun in "Bolt Action Damage Mode", aka charging it up, causes it to overheat for A 10 SECOND COOLDOWN during which you cannot fire the gun AT ALL.

    Unbiased reporting at it's finest, ladies and gentlemen.
  20. Get2dachoppa

    Thread title is false. Vanu already have no bullet drop sniper rifles. *points at the Spectre and Phantom*