Well if I had issues seeing the enemy before I don't now...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chinchy, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. Chinchy

    Uh.... I don't remember seeing this change in the test server :p

    not angry at it just not really needed, also if we are going to go this rout later on can you have it glow the colour of the empire I am looking at instead? So if I have vanu set to yellow have it glow yellow and so on?
  2. Stromberg

    they should better turn red when you aim at an ally as a warning not to shoot.
  3. gigastar

    What about that illusive colour i understand is referred to as "green"?
  4. Regpuppy

    I imagine having red for enemy is easiest since it pops out more than green on Amerish. Though, anything's better than having the light blue UI for my Reaver way back when. Confusing as hell that was.
  5. Tommyp2006

    It's only within 8 meters. If you are taking the time to watch your reticule turn red in that kind of range, you're already dead.
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  6. ent|ty

    Its for nubs who can't tell from friend or foe in the middle of a firefight...
  7. Zenanii

    It's in preparation for the new NS armor sets they will be releasing (wild guess), they are preemptively adding this to avoid massive FF
  8. KAHR-Alpha

    It was there at least one week ago, I remember wondering what it was for exactly.
  9. Stromberg

    well, different games do it differentrly. it could be sth like a traffic light system where green is "go ahead shoot" and red "stop, don't shoot". or it could be the opposite where red is "danger, shoot" and green is "ally". tbh I don't rly care, it think it's gonna be just a minor feature hardly noticeble or useful.
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  10. chrisbeebops

    They wanted to make it easier to script an aimbot, now you don't have to do any calculations just see if the reticule change color. They limited it to 8m so your aimbot won't try to pump shotty enemies too far away.

    IFF recognition is a l2p problem, and changes like this just further dumb down the game.