Welcome To The Bureau - [CSTB] Organization & Adaptability

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Trudeus, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. Trudeus

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the Bureau[IMG]The Bureau is a cohesive and organized teamwork-oriented outfit that specializes in adaptability and coordination. We pride ourselves on effective tactics and strategic strikes, teamwork within our squads, coordinating with fellow NC outfits, high-activity members, and having the primary goal of benefiting the NC.

    [CSTB] often appears where the enemy hopes we don’t, using structures and the terrain to our advantage, conducting unorthodox maneuvers and quick strikes to smash enemy AMS’s, demolish armor from the rear, back-cap an enemy zerg, and cause utter chaos, all with corporate precision.

    The Bureau has established itself as a professional and effective outfit, always striving to reach higher goals and expand our influence and survivability. We have extensive knowledge of the game, including specialists on every class, along with plenty of fantastic tankers and amazing pilots. All of this added up makes us one of the premier NC outfits on Connery.

    To join you need to be 16 or older and have a microphone. To stay you need to stay active, have some thick skin because we do mess around and give each other crap, register on our website, join us in Teamspeak, and never purposefully teamkill. Everything else you can learn out in the field, taking it to the enemy and making a profit.

    If you’re not sold yet, here are some answers to our application question, “Why do you want to join CSTB?” from people who have joined our in-game groups and see how we run:

    “Everyone jokes, every other outfit discourages this”

    “I love the coordination that you guys have. Best teamwork I’ve ever experienced in any videogame.”

    "i like to play with a team of people who know what they’re doing and from playing with members they seem pretty cool”

    “A good outfit who know what they’re doing.”

    “looking for a team oriented outfit rather than a large cluster fk of a zerg :3 It’s more fun with a small group of people you know :D

    “You're not a zerg outfit and your coms were orderly when I played with you guys. Figure a medium sized outfit focused on tactics would be enjoyable.”

    “because im looking for a group thats on often, plays well, and can respect its players”,

    “CSTB seems to be an active outfit that can actually make a difference in combat rather than randomly attacking and hoping for the best. I am happy to see some people paying attention to tactics and would love to add my skill set to the outfit.”

    • Up x 1
  2. 1st LT Wynn

    Kaaaaa BUMP !! :D
  3. Trudeus

    Plan on having a recruiting day tomorrow, start the game up and join us!
  4. 1st LT Wynn

    My journey with CSTB started one day when.I was playing with my brother in amerish. So we got in the gal. And then trudeus started talking in proxy chat about what they're going to do. So I asked him if he needs a medic in his squad. And he throws an.invite. after few hours and tenths of bases capped. He asked everybody in the squad who wants to join his outfit. 4 of us joined. Then we went up the hill in east hills. And they did a firing squad to palo ordered by trudeus and lead by achoo. And that was my first day in cstb.
  5. Trudeus

    ^^^ And there ya go, CSTB is fun to run with, and effective ^^^
  6. JRCoonington

    we have tactical cake, and it is NOT a lie.
  7. Patroclusx

    (Cik) is looking for 12v12 or 24v24 scrims please let me know if yall would be interested in setting something up!
  8. Trudeus

    Always up for a scrim! I'll contact ya soon.
  9. Trudeus

  10. Trudeus

    Setting up an air wing for the outfit, if interested join the outfit and we'll get you set up!
  11. BorialisAurora

    I like fighting them, clean and organised. Bump from us Vanu in the Hospitaller Order of Connery
  12. Trudeus

    And always a pleasure engaging you as well.
  13. Trudeus

    Briggs needs to get fixed already... All these TR are really annoying.
  14. TheOnlytate

    Hey guys, what times are you usually on and playing.
  15. Trudeus

    We have at least a squad a night on, typically from around 4 pm PST to 8 or 9 pm PST. So basically prime time.
  16. Trudeus

  17. 1st LT Wynn

  18. Trudeus

    Air wing is online, if you ever want to run with them hop into our TS server and poke someone in the air wing. They will have a special tag.
  19. Thompson153

    Great group of guys to run with, they get things done but don't take things too seriously. They expect you to get things done, but have a great time doing it, and understand if life gets in the way. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a competitive but small and friendly outfit.
  20. Trudeus

    Little bumoage