Weird fps on gaming computer

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Jacob0174, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. HiFiWiFi

    Also I have the same GPU in my laptop and it's apparently not supported. I run on all low and off, then turn textures up to ultra and models to high and get max 60 fps min about 20 in massive battles, and it still looks fine.
  2. Primarkka

    AMD is much faster than nVidia in bitcoin mining. Think about that for a while.
  3. BlackDove

    Ok and I don't care about that. I'm not buying a GPU for that at all.
  4. Alexlightning7

    Has anyone else noticed how far off topic this thread has gone? technically the OP already solved his problem, this is turning into a hardware discussion thread.
  5. BlackDove

    Wait, I'm very confused. Is that you typing in the red text too?

    To the red text guy: yes, it has alternating frame times with Crossfire(one long and one short) because Crossfire doesn't do frame metering properly, and it's smoother with a single card, because it has consistent frame times, less runt frames, and less dropped frames. You pay double for worse performance.

    I'm not the only one who said it. Look at all the extensive data collected by Ryan Shrout of PC Perspective or read Scott Wasson's articles over at Tech Report that go back like two years. Multi-GPU has always had issues. The difference is, AMD hasn't fixed them, while Nvidia has.

    I don't know if Radeon Pro fixes it, but that's not made by AMD either. The ONLY drivers that fix it are the new prototype drivers that are a derivative of an older driver.

    It's an Asus laptop. They're typically pretty good, but i have no idea why anyone would put a 610M in a computer with an HD4000.
  6. Jacob0174

    Thank you Alex. This forum is about the issue with hitching, not 670 vs 7950, for anyone looking on the internet having the same issues, Gammit's post is the answer. I can now use my 2 year old laptop to play on medium settings, which is good enough for me, NyanR, if you're phone can do that, that's one hell of a phone.

    Now that I have my Deathadder, kabuto, and upgraded scythe the games been awesome to me, thanks everyone!