[Weapon/vehicle of preference][opinions][assumptions][overreactions]!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gustavo M, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Gustavo M

    [Weapon/vehicle of preference]
    [Threatening SOE and the playerbase]
    [Current faction][opinion]
    [Random statement about the game]
    [Typical "I quit, cya" one liner]
    [Flame shield on meme]
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  2. Klondik3

    A blueprint for whining?
  3. Shinniok

    I love it.

    Forumside just gone CRAZY... seriously, like 90 % of the changes made were for the better... so much whine.
    Some ppl saying that this balance will make the game lose 50 % of it's poppulation... MY GOD.
  4. Flapatax

    [DA elitism]
    [valid point to avoid getting mod'd]
  5. deggy

    Hi, I used to drive a Harasser a lot. I'm almost BR80 and I can tell you that the Harasser was BALANCED. It only worked on bad players.

    I don't know why SOE nerfed it. I spend more of my time running from fights than I spend getting kills, and that's just not right. I'm assuming that the Composite Armor changes are a bug, and that they'll be returned to the old values, or even buffed to the 15/30/45/60 values that the Harasser REALLY needs. It's simply too squishy now. When SOE made a vehicle that has to stop to shoot, they had to keep in mind that it has to be able to take the damage that its opponent is going to land on it while I switch into seat 2 and kill the enemy.

    I paid SC for my Vulcan, Harasser Lumifiber, a gold Windshield, and several camo patters, and I want a refund on all that in addition to my Composite Armor certs back. If nobody announces a refund I'm going to push legal action.

    PS2 is a combined-arms game.

    So until the Harasser is returned to its rightful place at the top of the food chain, I'm done. No more cash from me.

    *flame shield up*
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  6. Gustavo M

    It's a typical "I used to take targets with one shot, now I have to perform two shots to kill one target!TWO SHOTS! THAT IS RIDICULOUS!" scenario.
    "Adapt, or perish" is only for a chosen few, I guess.

    Your whine needs more "oomph". And a bit more of indignation.
    Just imagine that the harasser is the only thing that you can play with ingame. Like you depend on it. Like your life depends on it.
    Let. The. Anger. Flow.
  7. IamDH

    [insert money spent]
    [claim that everyone is quitting]
    [ruin the English language in a few words]
    [claim that you'll never play planetside ever again]
    [cry about planetside next patch]
  8. Prodigal

    :eek: Harasser on top of the foodchain? What?:eek:
  9. deggy

    It's obviously meant to be the best vehicle in the game. Why else would it have been released that way?

    We need to stop with the nerfs and roll back all of them. The Harasser was fine. The skills needed to operate it were so niche that I can't do well in anything else in the game anymore, and I was an MLG-level Harasser user.

    The problem here is obviously the game, not me.
  10. deggy

    But it's more convincing if I stay calm and sound like I'm making good points.

    Have you even BEEN in a Harasser? Do you know how much teamwork it takes to drive one, telling your gunner where his free certs are?

    Nobody should comment on Harasser balance until they've abused one for long enough to want it to stay the same. Case closed.
  11. Prodigal

    To be fair bro, I believe you're assuming too much. The top of the foodchain is the MBT, period. The Harasser is a support and harassment vehicle, not a main attack vehicle.
  12. deggy

    I'm a tanker :p

    I was following the layout above for the vehicle I hate :D
  13. Gustavo M

    Raising strong points and overreactions is the way to do it. If you simply go like "Buff Harasser, please" nobody will even bother replying to your thread. You need to put a reason (read; bait) for someone to reply to your thread.
    Using your Harasser whine as an example. Add something like "Even HA can now outgun my Harasser face to face, like my Harasser is made of nothing! It's pointless, and is bad for the longevity of the game".